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Translation transformations and techniques in literary texts

Автор:   •  Сентябрь 7, 2023  •  Реферат  •  5,649 Слов (23 Страниц)  •  145 Просмотры

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Translation of fiction, or as it is commonly called literary translation, is a special type of translation. Literary translation is undoubtedly more complicated than other types of translation, for example, technical translation, where information is usually conveyed in special terms. In literary translation, precise formulations fade into the background, and in the first place there is an opportunity to present the text in a fascinating perspective. The translator's goal is to convey to the reader the meaning of the work without losing the expressiveness used in the original text. An artistic text is defined as a communicative-directed verbal work and has aesthetic value. It should also be noted that literary texts cover all the genre diversity of fiction, literary criticism and journalism.

This work is devoted to the study of translation transformations: their classifications, causes and cases of use in fiction. There are a sufficient number of scientific articles and publications on the theory of translation in the field of translation transformations.

The relevance of the topic of the work is due to some lack of study of certain aspects and the uncertainty of the allocation of certain types of translation transformations..

Literary translation, its features and problems of translation

1. The concept of literary translation and its features

Before considering the concept of literary translation, we should turn to history, since translation is an ancient type of human activity.

In the history of mankind, groups of people whose languages were different gradually appeared. At the same time, there were people who speak foreign languages, namely bilinguals, who helped to establish communication between multilingual groups. Humanity was developing, new knowledge, skills, and needs appeared. One of them was the need to consolidate the acquired knowledge and pass it on to other generations. Writing appeared. There was a need for translators who worked with texts of an official and religious nature. It can be said that since ancient times, translation has performed a social function, as it helps and makes it possible for people speaking different languages to communicate.

In the future, thanks to written translations, people got a unique opportunity to touch the culture of other peoples.

In fact, translation is an exact reproduction of the original by means of another language while preserving the unity of content and style. The unity of the content and style of the source language is transmitted during translation on a different linguistic basis and represents a new unity inherent in the translation language. [Retsker 1974: 6].

So, let's try to give a generalized definition of the concept of "translation". Understanding and scientific definition of this concept is impossible without taking into account its social nature. Translation cannot function outside of society.

The concept of "translation" covers a wide range of human activities. Prose, poetry, scientific and popular science literature, documents, newspapers, magazines and much more are subject to translation [Popovich 1980: 13].

Translation is a special part of the spiritual culture of each country and its people. When considering and scientifically substantiating the concept of "translation", it is necessary to start from its linguistic essence and linguistic foundations. Translation is, first of all, a language activity. The translation is based on the language, the translator works with the language. Language is the foundation and the main means of translation. Translation is a mirror of the original text. The translation recreates the original. The truer the meaning of the text that has passed through the translation, the higher the quality of the translator's work.

"The translation should not only reflect, but also recreate the original, not "copy" its content and form, but recreate them by means of another language for another reader who is in a different culture, era, society" [Popovich 1980: 15].

Having studied the works of famous authors, we will give a few, in our opinion, the most common definitions.

So, A.V. Fedorov wrote: "To translate means to express correctly and fully by means of one language what has already been expressed earlier by means of another language. <...> The purpose of the translation is to introduce the reader (or listener), who does not know the original language, to this text (or the content of oral speech) as closely as possible" [Fedorov 1986: 147].

According to E.V. Breus, "translation is an act of interlanguage communication. When translating, there is not only the contact of two languages, but also the contact of two cultures" [Breus 2002: 27].

But V.N. Komissarov expounds four linguistic theories and, accordingly, gives four definitions of translation:

1. denotative theory: translation is "the process of describing denotations described in the original language using the translation language";

2. transformational theory: "translation is nothing but the transformation of units and structures of the original language into units and structures of the target language";

3. semantic theory: translation "consists in revealing the essence of the equivalent relationship between the content of the original and the translation";

4. The theory of equivalence levels offers "a model of translation activity based on the proposition that equivalence relations are established between similar levels of content of the original and translated texts" [Komissarov 2007: 34-53].

In our opinion, the concept of "translation" is more fully and in detail disclosed by V.N. Komissarov.

Since a translator, one way or another, works with text, it is necessary to define the concept of "text". In his works, I.R.Galperin gives several definitions of the text, thereby noting the versatility of this concept, and on the basis of highlighting what is the main and leading, gives the following definition: "Text - this is a work of the speech-making process that has completeness, objectified in the form of a written document, literarily processed in accordance with the type of this document, a work consisting of a title (title) and a number of special units (super-phrasal units) united by different types of lexical, grammatical, logical, stylistic connection, having a certain purposefulness and pragmatic attitude" [Halperin 2007: 18].

The text is the result of speech activity with a specific purpose conceived by the author. Based on this, T. V. Matveeva gives another definition: "A text is a complex speech whole in which all units are interconnected by a common thought and mood. Taken separately, the essential features of this whole form a communicative system in which some categories play the main role, others are conditioned by them and complement the overall picture" [Matveeva 2003: 352].

Basically, the dominant role in the texts is occupied by the theme that runs through the entire text and ensures its integrity. The author develops the theme in the text using the category of composition, i.e. the construction of the text. Theme and composition are the dominant categories of the text, because they make up its skeleton. In addition to these categories, T. V. Matveeva identifies the categories of subject (author), text time, text space, which are combined into a more complex category of location, and the category of tonality, or subjective modality [Ibid., p. 353].


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