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4,143 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 451 - 480

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  • Levels of literary text analysis

    Levels of literary text analysis

    LEVELS OF LITERARY TEXT ANALYSIS 1. General characteristics of a text: the author (biography, peculiarities of style, genre & type of works, place in world literature); theme (stated or implied); main idea; setting (place and time of action); characters (main and minor, dynamic and static); type of narration; the prevailing

    Слов: 628  •  Страниц: 3
  • Lexicology


    1. Lexicology as a branch of linguistics: Lexicology is a branch of linguistics that focuses on the study of words, their structure, meaning, usage, and the vocabulary of a language. 2. Various aspects of Lexicology: Divided into General Lexicology, which explores universal principles of word formation and meaning, and Special

    Слов: 475  •  Страниц: 2
  • Lexicology, its aims and significance

    Lexicology, its aims and significance

    1. Lexicology, its aims and significance Lexicology is the study of the vocabulary of a language and its structure. The main aim of Lexicology is to analyze and describe the meaning, usage, origin, and development of words in a language. It is significant because it helps us understand the structure

    Слов: 8,320  •  Страниц: 34
  • Lexicology. Word meaning

    Lexicology. Word meaning

    Lecture (December, the 4th) WORD MEANING Introduction There exist various theories of word meaning - in philosophy, linguistics, psychology, neuroscience and artificial intelligence, since research on word meaning is highly interdisciplinary. There have been too many attempts to define lexical meaning, we’ll consider the shortest one: lexica meaning is the

    Слов: 589  •  Страниц: 3
  • Lezgins belong

    Lezgins belong

    The Lezgins belong to the indigenous peoples of the Caucasus. The nationality belongs to the Caucasoid race and is the second people of the Republic of Dagestan in terms of numbers. The nationality lives in the Russian Federation in the south of Dagestan and in the north of Azerbaijan. For

    Слов: 854  •  Страниц: 4
  • Life at school

    Life at school

    Do you miss your life at school ? Yes I do. I think, everyone miss themselv life at school. My life at school passed great. I like my clasmates and techers I remember exciting happen. For example we ran away at lesson with friends then our techer panished us. Who

    Слов: 477  •  Страниц: 2
  • Life cycle of software systems

    Life cycle of software systems

    КАФ-11.Боқанова Зауреш MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN E.A.BUKETOVA KARAGANDA STATE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES KAZAKH ENGLISH FILOLOGY DEPARTMENT ABSTRACT Life cycle of software systems. Prepared by: KAF-11 Bokanova.Z.B Received: Orazgalieva.M.A Karaganda-2017 The Plan 1. Introduction 2. Main part 1. The concept of the software

    Слов: 2,788  •  Страниц: 12
  • Life in a Big City: The Pros and Cons

    Life in a Big City: The Pros and Cons

    Life in a Big City: The Pros and Cons Living in a big city has always held a unique allure for people around the world. The hustle and bustle, the opportunities, and the diverse culture are just a few aspects that draw individuals to urban centers. However, life in a

    Слов: 621  •  Страниц: 3
  • Life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating

    Life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating

    - « Life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating.» O. Henry The noise of arriving and departing trains, the hum of human voices, sometimes growing louder, sometimes fading away—it creates an atmosphere of bustle. That's how it always is at railroad stations. Often, they become

    Слов: 500  •  Страниц: 2
  • Line Graph description

    Line Graph description

    This line graph illustrates the percentage of tourists to England who visited four different attractions(Art Gallery, Pavilion, Pier, Festival) in Brighton over 30 years from 1980 to 2010. Overall, the percentage of tourists in Brighton was fluctuating over a given period. During this period, Pavilion was the most popular attraction

    Слов: 303  •  Страниц: 2
  • Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Contemporary China

    Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Contemporary China

    ANT 380/HST 380/TUR 380/EAS 512/TUR 775 Spring 2024 Course Syllabus Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Contemporary China: From Beijing to Xinjiang Instructor: Ujin Kim ( General Description This seminar is an overview of the sociolinguistic and anthropological study of contemporary China, with a special focus on the speakers of Turkic

    Слов: 2,334  •  Страниц: 10
  • Linguistic competence vs linguistic performance

    Linguistic competence vs linguistic performance

    LINGUISTIC COMPETENCE vs LINGUISTIC PERFORMANCE Linguistic competence and linguistic performance are two key concepts in the field of linguistics that play crucial roles in understanding language. Coined by Noam Chomsky, these terms help delineate the intricate relationship between the inherent knowledge of a language and its actual use in real-world

    Слов: 370  •  Страниц: 2
  • Linguistic features of comic texts translation (based on the works of M. Twain and O. Henry )

    Linguistic features of comic texts translation (based on the works of M. Twain and O. Henry )

    Linguistic features of comic texts translation (based on the works of M. Twain and O. Henry ) 1 Theoretical overview of linguistic features of comic texts translation 1.1 The notion of translation in linguistics Translation is a complex and multifaceted kind of human activity. Although they usually talk about translating

    Слов: 9,540  •  Страниц: 39
  • Linux OS xavfsizligi

    Linux OS xavfsizligi

    “Amaliy matematika va dasturlash texnologiyalari ” kаfedrаsi mudiri О.I. Jаlоlоvgа 5330100 – Axborot tizimlarining matematik va dasturiy ta`minoti ta`lim yo`nаlishi 3-kurs ________ guruhi tаlаbаsi________________ ________________________ tomonidan АRIZА Sizdаn mengа “__________________________________________________ (fаnning nоmi) __________________________________________________________________” fаnidаn “_______________________________________________________ (mаvzuning nоmi) ____________________________________________________________________ mаvzusidаgi kurs ishini biriktirishgа ruхsаt berishingizni so`rаymаn. Kurs ishi ______________________________________________________ (kоrхоnа nоmi)

    Слов: 8,050  •  Страниц: 33
  • Literary stylistic analysis of a text

    Literary stylistic analysis of a text

    The aim of my report is to make an attempt of literary stylistic analysis of a text. The text belongs to the pen of the famous American writer Budd Schulberg who is well-known as screenwriter, television producer, novelist and sports writer. The writing refers to the Literary Artistic Method of

    Слов: 422  •  Страниц: 2
  • Literature Review "Trade Secret Protection"

    Literature Review "Trade Secret Protection"

    Literature Review Trade Secret Protection The topic of the work, namely "Trade secret: essence, methods of protection", is significant in the modern world. Considering the significantly increased "price" of damage caused to organizations in connection with the misuse and disclosure of trade secrets, the reduction in the number of violations

    Слов: 1,200  •  Страниц: 5
  • Living in city or countryside: pros and cons in Kazakhstan

    Living in city or countryside: pros and cons in Kazakhstan

    Moving to a new home can be exciting, especially if you move somewhere that is very different from where you currently live. It also can be stressful because of another environment and people must be ready for any changes. This essay will consider pros and cons of living in city

    Слов: 392  •  Страниц: 2
  • Locust Swarms in the Horn of Africa

    Locust Swarms in the Horn of Africa

    Locust Swarms in the Horn of Africa Sofia M. Khazova Temple University POLS 1301: International Politics Dr. Farmer April 26, 2022 East Africa is a region of the world constantly plagued by climate change and conflict related disasters. Millions of people living there have been suffering from severe food insecurity

    Слов: 2,301  •  Страниц: 10
  • Lomu noteikšana

    Lomu noteikšana

    1.1. Jēdziens "lomu noteikšana" un tā sastāvdaļas. Loma ir “cilvēka sociālā funkcija, kas atbilst . pieņemtas normas, kas veicina cilvēku pāreju uz ierakstiem no viņu statusa vai amata līdzpadomdevēju sistēmā no personīgās tiešsaistes” [3]. Ģimenes lomas jēdziens kā vīra, sievas, mātes, tēva, bērnu utt. sociālo lomu konkrēta definīcija ir fundamentāli

    Слов: 504  •  Страниц: 3
  • London. Sights of London

    London. Sights of London

    Министерство образования, науки и молодежной политики Краснодарского края Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Краснодарского края «Приморско-Ахтарский техникум индустрии и сервиса» (ГБПОУ КК ПАТИС) РЕФЕРАТ по общеобразовательной дисциплине: Английский язык ТЕМА: London. Sights of London Выполнила обучающаяся 1 курса, группы 12 Стекольщикова Ангелина Альбертовна Дата сдачи «____»_________2023 Руководитель: Бондарева Елена Андреевна

    Слов: 4,402  •  Страниц: 18
  • Lorem ipsum

    Lorem ipsum

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus consectetur eros ut velit fermentum, nec condimentum eros egestas. In eleifend arcu dictum gravida tempus. Fusce venenatis velit a lacus ultrices commodo. Aliquam at laoreet mauris. Vestibulum dapibus augue erat, non vulputate velit imperdiet et. Sed nec sem et magna

    Слов: 298  •  Страниц: 2
  • Lorem ipsum

    Lorem ipsum

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas dolor mauris, aliquet a elementum blandit, porttitor sed ante. Aenean viverra vehicula finibus. In scelerisque egestas mi, eget tempus magna sodales ut. Nunc id lectus in erat consectetur venenatis et eu lectus. Curabitur ut augue at mauris interdum fermentum. Nullam

    Слов: 495  •  Страниц: 2
  • Lorem Ipsum

    Lorem Ipsum

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ullamcorper laoreet magna, sed facilisis arcu pretium nec. Donec vitae ante ut urna feugiat suscipit. Aenean sit amet viverra mauris, ut ornare odio. Fusce laoreet lacus vitae neque varius convallis. Sed dictum purus ante, ac placerat velit tempor at. Phasellus ac

    Слов: 2,692  •  Страниц: 11
  • L’écologie


    Écologie (экология) L’écologie est la science qui conserve la Terre, ses plantes et ses animaux. L’écologie étudie également l’environnement et la relation entre les activités humaines et la nature. Jusqu’à récemment, ce ratio était équilibré. Cependant, à l’heure actuelle, nous devons faire face à des problèmes environnementaux comme les pluies

    Слов: 5,200  •  Страниц: 21
  • Ma famille

    Ma famille

    Unité 2. La famille. Texte La famille. I Une visite. Les Vincent habite Paris, au 22 rue de la Paix. Aujourd' hui Monsieur Durant va chez eux. Il arrive de Lyon. Il a avec lui sa petite fille. Monsieur Durant frappe à la porte. Le fils de ses amis Paul

    Слов: 2,588  •  Страниц: 11
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    What is MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a widely used medical imaging technique that allows doctors to view the internal structure of the body without using ionizing radiation. MRI scanners use a strong magnetic field and radio waves to generate detailed images of soft tissues and organs. Superconductivity is

    Слов: 308  •  Страниц: 2
  • Mahlzeiten in Deutschland

    Mahlzeiten in Deutschland

    Тема «Mahlzeiten in Deutschland» 5 класс Тип урока - урок обобщения и систематизации полученных ранее знании. Цель: обеспечить в ходе урока углубление и повторение ранее полученных знаний в рамках пройденной темы «Das Essen», закрепление ранее сформированных монологических и диалогических навыков. Задачи: Образовательные: 1. Систематизация лексического и грамматического материала по теме

    Слов: 507  •  Страниц: 3
  • Maintenance and repair of components of a grain seeder

    Maintenance and repair of components of a grain seeder

    УДК 631.331 Maintenance and repair of components of a grain seeder Guryanova A. A. Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov, Saratov Abstract: The article is devoted to a brief overview of the correctness of the setting of the seeder and its technical condition when

    Слов: 957  •  Страниц: 4
  • Management


    Management is more and more confidently entering the industrial and social life of the countries of the world. On the one hand, it is a science based on objective laws and regularities, clear rules and technologies that help people understand the realities of the production process. On the other hand,

    Слов: 334  •  Страниц: 2
  • Management or leadership

    Management or leadership

    1. Management or leadership? It is important to separate these two concepts. In order to manage people, i.e. successfully set tasks and control their implementation, requiring a survey, industry knowledge, i.e. expertise, as well as management skills such as identifying control points, understanding the functionality and business processes, the right

    Слов: 802  •  Страниц: 4

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