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  • IPv4 hám IPv6 protokolları

    IPv4 hám IPv6 protokolları

    15-MA'RUZA IPv4 hám IPv6 protokolları. • IPv4 hám IPv6 protokolları hám olardıń paket strukturaları. • IPv4 hám IPv6 protokollarınıń múmkinshiliklerin salıstırıwlaw analiz qılıw. Protokol - bul qaǵıyda hám ámeller kompleksi bolıp, baylanıs aparıw rejimin basqaradi. Tabiyki, informaciya almasinuvida qatnasıp atırǵan hámme kompyuterler bir hil protokol menen islewi kerek, sebebi informaciya

    Слов: 6,455  •  Страниц: 26
  • Is social media aiding cyberbullying?

    Is social media aiding cyberbullying?

    Social media has become an integral part of modern people’s life. Every person, teenagers or children use social different types of social media. They can communicate, share information or ideas. There are a lot of problems in social media. One of them is cyberbylling. Cyberbullying includes actions to manipulate, harass

    Слов: 454  •  Страниц: 2
  • Is the Foreign Service for me? Pros and cons of the profession

    Is the Foreign Service for me? Pros and cons of the profession

    Essay «Is the Foreign Service for me? Pros and cons of the profession» It goes without saying that the profession of a diplomat is as respectful as it is complicated. The growing number of international organizations and complexity of the modern world demand from a diplomat a strong command of

    Слов: 277  •  Страниц: 2
  • Isolation of cyanobacteria-extremophiles and study of their physiological and morphological properties prospective for biodiesel production

    Isolation of cyanobacteria-extremophiles and study of their physiological and morphological properties prospective for biodiesel production


    Слов: 16,073  •  Страниц: 65
  • Italian medical education

    Italian medical education

    Italian medical education is based on a careful combination of theoretical training and practical experience. During their studies, students master a wide range of disciplines, including natural and biomedical sciences, clinical medicine. Training as a doctor in Italy is a long process that lasts at least six years. Students decide

    Слов: 552  •  Страниц: 3
  • Iнтенсивнi методи навчання нiмецькоi мови в Украiнi та за кордоном

    Iнтенсивнi методи навчання нiмецькоi мови в Украiнi та за кордоном

    Міністерство освіти і науки України Кіровоградський державний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Винниченка Кафедра германської філології (секція німецької філології) РЕФЕРАТ З КУРСУ «СУЧАСНІ ОСВІТНІ ТЕХНОЛОГІЇ» на тему: ІНТЕНСИВНІ МЕТОДИ НАВЧАННЯ НІМЕЦЬКОЇ МОВИ В УКРАЇНІ ТА ЗА КОРДОНОМ Виконав: студент VI курсу 104М групи факультету іноземних мов Напрям підготовки: 6.020303 Філологія*. Мова

    Слов: 4,813  •  Страниц: 20
  • Iншомовнi запозичення у текстах Новогрецьких змi

    Iншомовнi запозичення у текстах Новогрецьких змi

    Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка Інститут філології Кафедра загального мовознавства, класичної філології та неоелліністики ІНШОМОВНІ ЗАПОЗИЧЕННЯ У ТЕКСТАХ НОВОГРЕЦЬКИХ ЗМІ (НА МАТЕРІАЛІ КУЛЬТУРОЛОГІЧНИХ ТЕКСТІВ) Курсова робота студентки ІІ курсу, спеціальності «Новогрецька філологія та переклад і англійська мова», Гайсиної Дар’ї Шафкатівни науковий керівник: к. філол. н., доц. Кощій О. М.

    Слов: 7,664  •  Страниц: 31
  • Japan


    As one of the major economies in the world, Japan has made various strides towards improving the lives of its population. The nation consists of four major islands, as well as thousands of other smaller ones. Despite the immense growth in its economy, various environmental issues in Japan still give

    Слов: 630  •  Страниц: 3
  • JavaScript


    ALMATY UNIVERSITY OF POWER ENGINEERING AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS THE FACULTY OF THE AEROSPACE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE STUDIES Semester work № 1 JavaScript Done by: Amantaykyzy D Checked: Imramzieva S.D. Almaty-2017 Content: I. Text. II. Translate the text from English into Russian. III. Vocabulary. IV. Questions. V. Lexical-grammatical tasks.

    Слов: 3,664  •  Страниц: 15
  • Jismoniy tarbiya

    Jismoniy tarbiya

    Tarkib KIRISH 1. Shaxsiy fazilatlarni aniqlash va tushunish. zamonaviy jismoniy tarbiya o'qituvchisida 2. Jismoniy tarbiya o'qituvchisi: ego xususiyatlari 3. Jismoniy tarbiya o`qituvchisining malakasi. 4. Jismoniy tarbiya o`qituvchisining faoliyat uslubi. 5. Jismoniy tarbiya o`qituvchisining vakolatlari. Xulosa ADABIYOTLAR Kirish O‘qituvchilik kasblari bo‘yicha kadrlar tayyorlash to‘xtatilmagan, ammo maktablarimizda hali ham kam yosh mutaxassislar

    Слов: 2,960  •  Страниц: 12
  • Job Hunting after University

    Job Hunting after University

    MODULE 4. JOB HUNTING 1) It's time to applying for a job, where should you start? To begin with, you should find out what companies are in your city, choose the most attractive ones, in which you can, in theory, be hired. It is best if they are actively looking

    Слов: 483  •  Страниц: 2
  • John Cheever “The Sutton Place Story” Active Vocabulary

    John Cheever “The Sutton Place Story” Active Vocabulary

    John Cheever “The Sutton Place Story” Active Vocabulary 1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following: 1. выпить очень много – good deal to ddrink 2. вытягивать шею, чтобы разглядеть что-либо -crank the neck to look 3. спать с похмелья, после выпитого вчера sleeping off last night's liquor

    Слов: 419  •  Страниц: 2
  • Joseph Eugene Stiglitz

    Joseph Eugene Stiglitz

    Биография * Joseph Eugene Stiglitz (born in 1943) - American economist, neoclassic, Nobel laureate. Stiglitz was born into a Jewish family in Gary, Indiana, USA. In 1960 - 1963, Stiglitz studied at Amherst College, but he never received a bachelor's degree there. After winning a grant, he continued his studies

    Слов: 280  •  Страниц: 2
  • Junk Food Versus Homemade Delights

    Junk Food Versus Homemade Delights

    Tatevik Petrosyan 3rd year, Linguistics , 3rd group Compare / Contrast Approach Avetisyan Anna April 16 , 2024 749 words Junk Food Versus Homemade Delights In a world where comfort frequently clashes with well-being, the battleground of our day by day choices lies between junk food and homemade delights.Food choices

    Слов: 800  •  Страниц: 4
  • Jurisprudence and Correspondence

    Jurisprudence and Correspondence

    Тема № 3: «Jurisprudence and Correspondence» 1 задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите. 1. Impeachment is notion of common law. 2. It is a criminal proceeding. 3. This instituted against a public official. 4. It instituted by a legislative body. 5. In Great Britain the House of Commons can start an

    Слов: 2,475  •  Страниц: 10
  • Katharinas Einwanderungspolitik und die deutsche Minderheit bis 1991

    Katharinas Einwanderungspolitik und die deutsche Minderheit bis 1991

    PS Landeskunde Russlands I Katharinas Einwanderungspolitik und die deutsche Minderheit bis 1991 „В истории России было три народа, которые особенно массово и ярко приходили в русскую жизнь, в русский язык, в русскую культуру и в русскую карьеру: это немцы, грузины и евреи…“ Л. Парфёнов Katharina II. * Lebensjahre: 1729 –

    Слов: 513  •  Страниц: 3
  • Kazakhstan


    “Kazakhstan” Read the text “Kazakhstan” and translate it. In 1991 great political and economic changes took place in the USSR. В 1991 году в СССР произошли большие политические и экономические изменения. After the Union had disintegrated some Republics separated from it. После распада Союза от него отделилось несколько республик. The

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  • Kazakhstan (Казахстан)

    Kazakhstan (Казахстан)

    Kazakhstan. My Kazakhstan- is the most expensive, important, dear, beloved country. Kazakhstan is home to fifteen million people , more than a hundred nationalities. Kazakhstan ranked ninth in the world in terms of territory. There are eighty-five thousand large rivers on the territory of Kazakhstan. Of these, seven rivers (Ertis,Tobyl,

    Слов: 1,452  •  Страниц: 6
  • Kazimir Malevich

    Kazimir Malevich

    * As you probably know, my name is Dmitry and I would like to tell you today about the work of the artist Kazimir Malevich. With my presentation, I would like to briefly walk through the work of Kazimir Malevich and look at his paintings with you from the perspective

    Слов: 805  •  Страниц: 4
  • Klassik marketing, SMM va brending bo’yicha

    Klassik marketing, SMM va brending bo’yicha

    Klassik marketing, SMM va brending bo’yicha Strategiya “Melagrana” distribyutorlik kompaniyasi uchun tayyorlandi Urganch sh, sentabr, 2023 Eshchanov Inoyat. Loyihaning maqsadi: * Brendni tanitish * Marketingni to’liq yo’lga qo’yish, SMM orqali Foydalaniladigan metodikalar: * Marketing analiz * Targeting Loyiha bo’yicha samarali ish olib borish uchun zaruriy shart-sharoitlar: * Rahbarning loyihaga bo’lgan

    Слов: 506  •  Страниц: 3
  • Kleine Schritte, die wir tun können, um die Ökologie zu verbessern

    Kleine Schritte, die wir tun können, um die Ökologie zu verbessern

    УО «Витебский государственный индустриально-технологический колледж» Projekt «Kleine Schritte, die wir tun können, um die Ökologie zu verbessern» Выполнила: Студентка 209о груупы Кононова Я.В. Витебск 2023 Thema: Kleine Schritte, die wir tun können, um die Ökologie zu verbessern. Ziele: Wege zur Verbesserung der Ökologie in der Gesellschaft zu lernen. Aufgaben: In

    Слов: 1,111  •  Страниц: 5
  • Korolev - o'rta osiyo o'rgangan yetuk tadqiqotchi

    Korolev - o'rta osiyo o'rgangan yetuk tadqiqotchi

    1. V. KOROLEV - O'RTA OSIYO O`RGANGAN YETUK TADQIQOTCHI Aleksey Vasilyevich Korolev 1897 yil 15 mayda Ryazan shahrida ishchi oilasida tug'ilgan. 1917 yilda Korolev Ryazan erkaklar gimnaziyasini tugatdi va 1917 yilda Ryazan-Ural temir yo'liga mashinist yordamchisi sifatida o'qishga kirdi. 1918-1920 yillarda Qizil Armiya safida boʻlgan: bir muddat Ryazan viloyati harbiy

    Слов: 9,034  •  Страниц: 37
  • Kovrov is a city in Russia

    Kovrov is a city in Russia

    Kovrov is a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Kovrovsky district of the Vladimir region. A major railway junction on the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod line. Population - 140,000 people. It is located mainly on the banks of the Klyazma River. A large railway junction of the transport system of

    Слов: 274  •  Страниц: 2
  • Krakow


    Essay Krakow Kanatbekova Diana (CLD7JV) Освенцим: 75 лет после его освобождения 1. Geography Location: Krakow is situated in the Lesser Poland region, on the Vistula River, in the southern part of Poland. It's approximately 300 kilometers (186 miles) south of Warsaw, the capital city of Poland. Poland 1933, Krakow Indicated

    Слов: 3,519  •  Страниц: 15
  • Kreking


    Kimyoviy usul 2 xil yo‘nalishdan iborat: 1) Kreking (Parchalash); 2) Reforming(Sifatini yaxshilash). Kreking – neftning yirik molekulali uglevodorodlarini oson qaynaydigan maydaroq molekulali uglevodorodlarga parchalashdan iboratdir. Uglevodorodlarning 2–7 MPa bosim ostida va yuqori haroratda (470°C÷540°C) parchalashga termik kreking deyiladi. Uglevodorodlarning yuqori haroratda (450°C ÷ 500°C) va past bosim (0,06÷0,14 MPa) ostida

    Слов: 870  •  Страниц: 4
  • Kung Fu Panda 4

    Kung Fu Panda 4

    Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University Faculty of Natural Sciences The Chair of Chemistry Synopsis Made by a student:Myrzabekova A.N. (gr. 210) The English supervisor: Makhmadisan Aizhan Bauyrzhanovna Title: Kung Fu Panda 4 Introduction Kung Fu Panda 4 continues the journey of Po, now the Dragon Warrior, who faces a

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  • Kurt Tucholsky und seine Frauen

    Kurt Tucholsky und seine Frauen

    ~ ~ „Er war kein Mann für dieses Wesen. Sie war ein Buch. Er konnte es nicht lesen.“ Kurt Tucholsky und die Frauen 3. Oktober 2019, Nizhny Novgorod, Kreml Einleitung „Hat einen Goldklumpen in der Hand gehabt und sich nach Rechenpfennigen gebückt; hat nicht verstanden und hat Dummheiten gemacht, hat

    Слов: 7,211  •  Страниц: 29
  • La métallurgie. Les métaux

    La métallurgie. Les métaux

    La métallurgie. Les métaux La métallurgie est avant tout une science : celle qui s’intéresse aux métaux et à ses alliages. Un métal est défini physiquement comme un matériau possédant des liaisons atomiques métalliques, c’est-à-dire que les différents atomes échangent plus d’un électron pour rester soudés. Au total, le tableau

    Слов: 459  •  Страниц: 2
  • La problématique de l'immigration en France

    La problématique de l'immigration en France

    Картинки по запросу cuef Dossier d'un aspect de la civilisation française La problématique de l'immigration en France Похожее изображение Bakeyeva Zarina professeur R.Bastrios Groupe B2 Décembre 2017 Le sommaire Introduction.............................................................................................................3 1. Les flux migratoires actuels..........................................................................4 1.1. Les raisons de l’immigration en France...........................................................6 1.2. La lutte contre l'immigration illégale...............................................................8 1. Les

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  • Language learning

    Language learning

    ICT LAB №1 Question – 1. a) I would recommend my friend to use speech recognition and language learning apps, which can be valuable tools to help her students improve their pronunciation in French. One of such applications, which relates to the professional field of language education "EWA". The application

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