Контрольная работа по "Иностранному языку"
Автор: Katiu • Ноябрь 13, 2023 • Контрольная работа • 1,020 Слов (5 Страниц) • 115 Просмотры
Psychology is one of the fastest growing university subjects. A psychology de gree opens up a wide range of career opportunities, and new areas such as sports psychology and environmental psychology are being developed all the time. A third of graduates enter public services such as the health service, education, the Civil Service and the Armed Forces, and a third go into industry or commerce. Others teach and research in schools, colleges and universities. Here are just a few areas where psychology graduates are to be found:
- Research and teaching in institutions of higher education.
- Clinical psychology, working in health sphere.
- Educational psychology in local education authorities, schools and special schools.
- Occupational psychologists in management, personnel, training, and career services.
- Forensic (or criminological and legal) psychologists working in penal estab lishments, special hospitals and with young offenders.
- Counseling psychology in private practice and commercial sphere.
- Health psychology.
- Sports psychology.
Психология - одна из наиболее быстро развивающихся университетских дисциплин. Получение диплома по психологии открывает широкие возможности для карьерного роста, постоянно развиваются новые направления, такие как спортивная психология и психология окружающей среды. Треть выпускников поступает на государственные службы, такие как здравоохранение, образование, государственная служба и вооруженные силы, а треть - в промышленность или торговлю. Другие преподают и занимаются научными исследованиями в школах, колледжах и университетах. Вот лишь некоторые области, в которых можно встретить выпускников психологических факультетов:
- Исследования и преподавание в высших учебных заведениях.
- Клиническая психология, работа в сфере здравоохранения.
- Педагогическая психология в местных органах управления образованием, школах и специальных учебных заведениях.
- Профессиональные психологи в сфере управления, персонала, обучения и карьеры.
- Судебные (или криминологические и юридические) психологи, работающие в учреждениях уголовно-исполнительной системы, специальных больницах и с несовершеннолетними правонарушителями.
- Консультативная психология в частной практике и коммерческой сфере.
- Психология здоровья.
- Спортивная психология.
The British Psychological Society (BPS) is the scientific society and professional body, for psychologists, incorporated by Royal Charter. Since 1987 the Society has maintained a Register of Chartered Psychologists, which has strict entry requirements. It also has a professional code of conduct for all members. Only those on the Register are allowed to use the title Chartered Psychologist or the abbreviation C. Psychol. The Society has around 25,000 members in the U.K. and overseas, and a staff of more than 70 at its office in Leicester. The Society has seven branches, six divisions, five special groups, 11 scientific sections and publishes a monthly bulletin “The Psychologist”, as well as journals, reports, information leaflets and books.
What is Psychology?
Psychology is the study of people: how they think, how they act, react and interact. Psychology is concerned with all aspects of behaviour and the thoughts, feelings and motivation underlying such behaviour. People often ask the difference between psychology and psychiatry. Psychiatry draws on knowledge of psychology, but it is a branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of psychological problems and mental illness using drugs and psychotherapeutic techniques.
Mrs. Peters learned to play the piano when she was at school, but when she begun to work, she lived in a very small flat, and there was no room for a piano. She was sad about this, but there was nothing she could do about it, however much she tried.
Then, when she was twenty-three, she married, and she and her husband went to live in a bigger flat. "I'm going to buy myself a nice little piano now," Mrs. Peters said to her husband, "and I'm going to begin to practice again."
Her husband was happy, because he liked listening to the piano.