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Шетел тілін оқыту әдістемесі пәні туралы түсінік

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«Шетел тілін оқыту әдістемесі пәні туралы түсінік»

Ерлан Атина

Пәні: «Шетел тілін оқыту әдістемесі»

Мамандығы: 01140100 Бастауыш білім беру педагогикасы мен әдістемесі

Біліктілік: 4S01140102 Шетел тілінен бастауыш білім беру мұғалімі

Тобы: ҚБА-402

Жетекші: Жумабаева Э.А

Қорғау күні: «___»__________2023 ж.                         Баға: «___»__________

Алматы, 2023ж.




  1. Definition of the subject of foreign language teaching methods………….……4

1.2 Historical overview of the development of methods of teaching foreign languages……………………………………………………………………….......7

1.3 Connection of the methodology with other sciences……………………………………………………………………………..9


2.1 The concept of traditional and modern teaching methods………………….....14

2.2 Effective way of teaching: Traditional teaching or modern teaching technology



The relevance of research. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is becoming a necessity, and the methodology of their teaching plays a decisive role in the success of this process.

Educational institutions are faced with the challenges of integrating new technologies into the classroom. So, the study of foreign language teaching methods includes analysis of current trends.

This research allows us to better understand which techniques are effective in different educational scenarios. The emphasis on psychological and cultural aspects also enriches the teaching approach, making it more adaptive and motivating for learners.

Thus, research on understanding the methodology of teaching a foreign language has a direct impact on improving the quality of education and training of specialists in modern society.

Theoretical importance of research. The analysis of various methodologies of teaching foreign languages contributes to the development of theoretical approaches to the formation of language competence among learners.

Practical importance of research. Methodological approaches can be directly applied by teachers and curriculum developers, contributing to improving the quality of language learning.

Form of research. Understanding the subject of foreign language teaching methodology.

Research subject. Analysis of methods of teaching a foreign language, consideration of their effectiveness.

Aim of the work. Analyze and comprehend modern methods of teaching a foreign language.

Based on the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. To analyze methods of teaching foreign languages.

2. To evaluate their effectiveness and impact of modern technologies.

3. Consider methodical adaptation to individual needs of learners.

4. Analyze psychological and cultural aspects.

5. Formulate practical recommendations for optimization of training.


1.1 Definition of the subject of foreign language teaching methods

The subject of teaching foreign languages is about looking at the different ways teachers help people learn a new language. It includes checking out methods and strategies that teachers use, both old and new.

Teaching methods for foreign languages are all about finding good ways to help people learn a new language. This means looking at different ways of teaching, like traditional methods or more modern ways that focus on communication.

When we study foreign language teaching methods, we're not just looking at one way of teaching. We're looking at all the different ideas and figuring out what works best. We want to understand why teachers use certain methods and how they help learners learn.

Studying foreign language teaching methods is like putting together puzzle pieces. We're trying to understand how language learning works by looking at the different parts, like grammar, words, and how people talk. It's also about understanding how people from different places and cultures learn languages. As well as, it’s like exploring a big box of tools that teachers use to help people learn a new language. It’s not just about one way of teaching; it’s about checking out all the different tools in the toolbox and figuring out which ones work best for different situations.

Imagine language teaching as a journey where we look back at how teachers used to teach (like focusing a lot on grammar and translating) and compare it with how teachers do it now, where they try to make learning more like real-life conversations. We’re like language detectives, trying to solve the mystery of the best ways to teach and learn languages.

When we dive into foreign language teaching methods, we also explore why some people find learning languages easy, while others find it challenging. We look at how our brains work when we’re learning words and sentences, and why some methods might be more effective than others.

It’s not just about the teacher; it’s also about the learners and their different needs and styles of learning. We’re like scientists in a language lab, experimenting with different teaching methods to see what helps learners remember words, understand grammar, and, most importantly, enjoy the journey of learning a new language.

Exploring the World of Foreign Language Teaching Methods

Learning a new language is like embarking on a fascinating journey, and the subject of foreign language teaching methods is like a map guiding both teachers and learners through this exciting terrain. In simpler terms, it's about figuring out the best ways to help you understand and use a language that's not your native one.


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