The Kyoto Protocol
Автор: Turgynbek1Ainur • Декабрь 14, 2023 • Реферат • 783 Слов (4 Страниц) • 116 Просмотры
Karaganda Buketov University
Faculty of Foreign Languages
The Kyoto Protocol
Made by: student of KA-22-7
Koshzhan Ainur
Checked by: Abdikerova Dana
Karaganda 2022
The Kyoto Protocol
The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement concluded to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the Earth's atmosphere to counteract global warming.
- This warming is associated with the results of human activity – with the increase in emissions of so-called greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane into the atmosphere of the planet. These gases absorb infrared (thermal) rays emitted by the heated surface of the planet, and thereby prevent its cooling, which leads to an increase in air temperature.
The fact that anthropogenic atmospheric change leads to global warming was officially recognized in the late 1980s and early 1990s in the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), operating under the auspices of the United Nations.
- The Kyoto Protocol is based on the ideas of the economic theory of property rights, developed by the Anglo-American economist Ronald Coase.In his article The Problem of Social Costs, published in 1960, Coase analyzed conflicts between "polluters" and those who suffer from their activities. He pointed out the fallacy of the notion that the state should necessarily punish the producer of pollution while protecting the interests of those who suffer from it. J. Stigler later called this statement the Coase Theorem. It is often called the most remarkable achievement of economic science in the second half of the 20th century.Later J. Stigler called this statement the Coase theorem. It is often called the most outstanding achievement of economic science in the second half of the 20th century.The issue of the need to develop a system of measures to achieve the goals of the FCCC in the form of a protocol to it was again raised in 1995 at a conference in Berlin. For another two years, an international agreement was developed, which was adopted in December 1997 in Kyoto, Japan, and was called the Kyoto Protocol. Gradually more countries joined this agreement. The Russian Federation signed the Kyoto Protocol on February 11, 1999.Under the protocol, the leading industrialized countries have pledged to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions in 2008-2012 by an average of 5 percent from 1990 levels.
- Most importantly, the Kyoto Protocol has become an arena of confrontation between the United States and its geo-economic rivals. The EU countries and Japan, which were the main initiators of this agreement, see in it a mechanism of global control not only over the use of "dirty" technologies, but also over technological development in general. By doing so, they create a mechanism for global economic regulation that contradicts the U.S. claims to be the "world manager.Since different countries have different degrees of interest in the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, its ratification has encountered serious obstacles.
- The value and relevance of the Kyoto Protocol lies in the fact that it combines social and economic mechanisms to solve global environmental problems. This international legal document may well become the basis for the formation of a new international policy in the field of environmental protection. Mechanisms for regulating greenhouse gas emissions can be used as models for similar mechanisms in other environmental agreements.
Russia, China, India, Brazil, Japan and the European Union are active participants in the Kyoto Protocol. To date, more than four thousand projects have already been prepared and implemented around the world, aimed at a total reduction of about 9.2 billion tonnes of carbon equivalent.Since 2000, in accordance with international recommendations, Kazakhstan has been carrying out a national inventory of greenhouse gases. In 1992, the total greenhouse gas emissions were 340 million tonnes, and now they are 247 million tonnes CO2-equivalent.