Иностранные языки
4,266 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 241 - 270
A drought is a period of below-average precipitation in a given region, resulting in prolonged shortages in its waters supply, whether atmospheric, surface or ground water. A drought can last for months or years, or may be declared after as few as 15 days. It can have a substantial impact
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Easy Lessons
Õppetunnid Film “Easy Lessons” jutustab põgenikust Kafiast, kes põgenes Somaaliast Ungarisse 2 aastat tagasi, kui ta oli 15-aastane. Filmis näidatakse meile kuidas ta sai uues riigis, uues keskkonnas, uue religiooni ja usunditega, ja uue keelega hakkama. Ta elas lastekodus, tema vanemad jäid elama Somaalias. Nüüd kui ta põgenes Ungari, hakkab
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Eco-products industry in Ukraine or Eco Life
Eco-products industry in Ukraine or Eco Life We are what we eat Change of diet can change the DNA 1)In Ukraine, in the early 2000s, there were farms that grew up organic crops without GMOs and growth hormones. 2)At the same time, manufacturers of finished food products appeared, which sold
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Ecology in the hands of global warming, pollution
1.The environment is in the hands of global warming because a lot depends on it. Due to global warming, the world's climate is changing and it is becoming unfavorable for some species of animals and plants, as well as for humans. Also because of climate change it will be more
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Economic crises
СЛАЙД № 2 Over the entire history of modern mankind, global economic crises have occurred on the planet more than 2 dozen times – negative phenomena in the political, financial, banking, and social spheres, leading to СЛАЙД № 3 In particular, this turned out to be the global economic crisis
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Economic Feasibility
Assignment 1 Economic Feasibility You are asked to conduct a five-year (Year 0 to Year 4) economic feasibility study. Based on project schedule, you conclude that the system will not be in operation during the current year (Year 0). Once the system is operational in the following year (i.e. Year
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Education at Glance 2023
Education at Glance 2023 OECD Analysis Ayagan Ayazhan 20-10-2 02.10.2023 Analysis of the OECD Report: The OECD report casts a revealing spotlight on the landscape of compulsory education within its member nations. The focus is directed toward crucial aspects, including instructional hours, curriculum distribution, and the adaptability of educational systems.
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Education in USA and UK
Education in USA and UK I want to tell you about the education of USA and UK. US Education Structure There is no single educational system in the USA. Each state defines it independently. In the USA there is no hierarchical system with different types of schools. The US education
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Education system
Aftor:Belikova.K 1601-82 In order to be successful not only at school, but also outside it, the child must combine different qualities. This is a myth that is still partly supported by parents and the education system. Parents determine that their children are humanities or techies according to the principle “draws
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Effect of Technology on Family time
Effect of Technology on Family time The advancements in technology have made a strong impact on almost all areas of our society. It is making a serious difference in the way kids and parents perceive the world and each other. Технический прогресс оказал сильное влияние практически на все сферы жизни
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Effective grammar instruction
Effective grammar instruction involves more than just memorizing rules and structures. It requires teachers to create engaging activities and materials that encourage learners to apply what they've learned in real-world situations. This may involve using authentic texts, multimedia resources, or technology to enhance instruction and make the learning experience more
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Effects and pitfalls of social networking
Effects and pitfalls of social networking Slide 1 Hello! My name is Polina Marchuk, I study on Faculty of management and economics at Tomas Bata University. Today I am going to tell you about effects and pitfalls of social networking. Slide 2 At the beginning I will tell you about
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Effects of computer games on human health
«Astana medical university» «Information and communication technologies» department REPORT Prepared by: Qamaradin Nurbol Accepted: Muhamedzhanovna A.U. Astana 2023 Plans I Introdution II Main part Effects of computer games on human health What are the harms of the computer to the body III Conclusion IV Used Literature Main part There has
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Efficitncy of using information technologies in teaching the zero form in the Kazakh language
EFFICIENCY OF USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING THE ZERO FORM IN THE KAZAKH LANGUAGE Abstract. In modern Kazakh language teaching, it is important to take into account the grammatical features of the language. One of the specific grammatical features of the Kazakh language is the presence of a zero form.
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Ein guter Film – ein schlechter Film
ПЛАН-КОНСПЕКТ УРОКА ПО НЕМЕЦКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ. Дата: 02.03.2021 Класс: 8 «А» Тема: Ein guter Film – ein schlechter Film Цели: Практическая: развивать умения восприятия речи на слух образовательная: содействовать развитию коммуникативной компетенции учащихся посредством совершенствования навыков говорения и лексических навыков. развивающая: способствовать развитию памяти, внимания, воображения. воспитательная: содействовать развитию познавательного интереса
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Electricity and magnetism
Lecture 13 1. Induced EMF. 2. Faraday’s law of induction. Lenz’s law. 3. EMF induced in a moving conductor 4. A changing magnetic flux produces an electric field Induced EMF. Scientists in 1820-1821 began to wonder: if electric currents produce a magnetic field, is it possible that a magnetic field
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Elektr zanjirlar nazariyasiga oid tushuncha va qonuniyatlar
Elektr zanjirlar nazariyasiga oid tushuncha va qonuniyatlar Reja: 1. Elektr zanjir va uning tarkibidagi elementlar 2. Elektr zanjirlarning parametrlari va ularning tavsiflari 3. Mujassam (yig’iq) va tarqoq parametrli zanjirlar to’g’risida tushunchalar 4. Elektr zanjiridagi elementlarning tok va kuchlanishlari 5. Elektr yurituvchi kuch va tok manbalari 6. Elektr zanjir sxemalari (shakllari)
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Elektrotechnika Tabulka str7-8 Význam a úlohy elektrotechniky Elektrotechnika je veda, ktorá skúma energiu, elektrické javy a vlastnosti. Celý svet je založený na neustálych premenách energie. Energia môže existovať v rôznych formách a má pre človeka obrovské využitie. Vedný odbor elektrotechnika sa zaoberá konkrétne elektrickou energiou. Elektrická energia má oproti iným
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Elektrprofillash dalillarini talqin qilish
Amaliy mashg‘ulot №2. Elektrprofillash dalillarini talqin qilish. Topshiriq: Cho‘kindi bo‘shoq yotqiziqlardagi mahalliy yer osti suv oqimini ajratish uchun tuyuluvchi qarshiliklar va undalgan qutblanish usullari bilan elektr profillash o‘tkazilgan. Profillar soni 6 ta bo’lib, tog‘ yon bag‘rida taxminan perpendikulyar joylashgan va ularning orasidagi masofa 50 m ni tashkil etadi. Kuzatuv nuqtalari
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Elithebethian literature
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Employee Rights
1 Employee Rights 1.1 The employee has the right to plan his work and the work 1. of his subordinates in accordance with the instructions of the management, with the Company's internal regulations and within its competence; Работник имеет право планировать свою работу и работу своих подчиненных в соответствии с
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Encoding of numerical, symbolic and graphical information in a computer
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Karaganda Technical University Department of construction of mining enterprises Laboratory work 1 Discipline: Information and communication technologies Topic : Encoding of numerical, symbolic and graphical information in a computer. Prepared by: Student group SGP-23-2 Sonov A.S Approved by : Associate
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Encyclopedia about “Genocide”
Encyclopedia about “Genocide” Genocide, as a theoretical concept in the field of international relations (IR), encompasses a range of interdisciplinary perspectives, including political science, sociology, history, and law.At its core, the theory of genocide seeks to understand the causes, dynamics, and implications of systematic and deliberate acts aimed at the
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Endocrine system
Endocrine system 1. The cortex of the adrenal glands secrete: A.proteins B.amines C.steroids D.none of them 2. Name the hormone, which induces powerful uterine contrations during the delivery of offspring A.somatotropin B.oxytocin C.prolactin D.calcitonin 3.A group of cells that gives off or secretes chemicals. A. Artery B. Vein C. Gland
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Endüstriyel elektronik
Kazakistan Cumhuriyeti Eğitim ve Bilim Bakanlığı Hoca Ahmet Yesevi'nin adını taşıyan Uluslararası Kazak-Türk Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Elektrik Mühendisliği Bölümü PROJE Endüstriyel elektronik Konu: Aşağıda verilen nominal değerlere sahip üç fazlı tam dalga diyotlu doğrultucu (ac-dc) devresi tasarlayınız ve giriy-çıkış akım-gerilim grafiklerini bir simülasyon programinda (örn. matlab simulink) çiziniz. Van= 310sin(wt)
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Engagements gegen Tierversuche: Notwendigkeit oder Mode (Общественные движения против опытов на животных: необходимость или мода?)
Государственное учреждение образования «Средняя школа № 73 г. Минска», 220012 г. Минск, ул.Калинина, 17, (8017) 280-45-74, (8017) 280-71-20 Engagements gegen Tierversuche: Notwendigkeit oder Mode? (Общественные движения против опытов на животных: необходимость или мода?) Секция: „Немецкий язык“ Автор: Лепешко Наталия Дмитриевна Государственное учреждение образования „Средняя школа № 73 г. Минска“, 11
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Engineering economics and its subjects of study
First of all engineering economics is a branch of economics that deals with the application of economic principles to engineering projects and decision-making. It includes the analysis of costing, benefits, and risks associated with engineering projects, along with the evaluation of various options and alternatives to find out the most
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English abbreviations in social media
Community educational institution “Ukrainian-American School” Dnipro City Council Research work “English abbreviations in social media” Performed by 9-3 grade student Sofia Yarova- Zhyvolup Supervised by English teacher N.A. Kozynets Dnipro 2023 1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………..3 2. ENGLISH ABBREVIATIONS IN SOCIAL MEDIA 1. ORIGIN OF ABBREVIATION IN ENGLISH 1.1. History of abbreviation appearance……………………………………..4
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English for Economists and Businessmen
READING REPORT Student Yuliia Lutsak Date of report 04.05.2022 Number of pages you’ve read 40 General information Title of the text ‘English for Economists and Businessmen’ Author (if known) Shpak.V Where did you find it? my English teacher recommended it to me Information from text Main ideas (brief summary) Due
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English Grammar
Present tenses Simple (Простое) Progressive (Длительное) Perfect (Завершенное) Perfect Progressive (Завершенно-длительное) Usually(Әдетте) Often(Жиі) Always(Әрқашан) Now(Қазір) Alredy (Әлдеқашан) Today(Бүгін) This month(Осы айда) For 2 hours(2 сағат) Since 3 o’clock(3 сағат) Она обычно сажает розы. Sheusuallyplantsroses. Сейчас она сажает розу. She is planting a rose now. Она посадила розу. She has planted
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