Иностранные языки
4,277 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 301 - 330
Factorii generali de constituire a formei muzicale
TEMA 2. Factorii generali de constituire a formei muzicale Funcția uneia sau a altei construcții în forma muzicală este legată deseori de particularitățile caracteristice ale melodiei, armoniei, iar uneori a facturii. Anume aceste particularități caracteristice formează tipul de expunere a materialului muzical. În practica muzicală s-au afirmat următoarele tipuri de
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Factors of ethnotourism
Factors of ethnotourism Ethnographic tourism is based on the curiosity of tourists to the real life of peoples, to get acquainted with the traditions of the people, rituals, their culture and creativity. Our modern unified world is characterized by the fact that a person tries to identify himself, find and
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Faculté de Philologie
1)Je suis étudiante de deuxième année. J'étudie à la Faculté de Philologie. Comme langue étrangère, j'apprends le français. Mon emploi du temps est bien organisé. 2,3 cours en 1 journée, parfois 5. Nous avons 6 matières en un semestre. Nous apprenons les langues, la pédagogie, et les bases de la
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Family Family is an environment of respect and harmony, a small homeland. It is not for nothing that they say that the motherland begins with the family. When we think of the golden nest of every human being, the first thing that comes to mind is the family. In the
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Family in modern society
Қожа Ахмет Яссауи атындағы халықаралық қазақ-түрік университеті Әлеуметтік-гуманитарлық ғылымдар факультеті «Ағылшын тілі» пәні бойынша Халықаралық қазақ-түрік университеті — Уикипедия БӨЖ Мамандығы: «Журналистика» Орындаған: Әкбар Айдын ӘЖК-111 тобы студенті Қабылдаған: Essay Topic: Family in modern society Suppose that in a family your loved ones do not share your hobby. Talk to
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Family relations
«ҰЛТТЫҚ МЕДИЦИНА УНИВЕРСИТЕТІ» АКЦИОНЕРЛІК ҚОҒАМЫ АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО «НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» Кафедра языковых дисциплин МР для практических заданий Редакция: 1 Страница из Theme: “Family relations .” Lexics: Words and word combinations of the theme Grammar: “Present, Past Indefinite Tense” Aims: Didactic aim: to form the following components of competence in students:
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Family relations
«ҰЛТТЫҚ МЕДИЦИНА УНИВЕРСИТЕТІ» АКЦИОНЕРЛІК ҚОҒАМЫ АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО «НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» Кафедра языковых дисциплин МР для практических заданий Редакция: 1 Страница из Theme: “Family relations .” Lexics: Words and word combinations of the theme Grammar: “Present, Past Indefinite Tense” Aims: Didactic aim: to form the following components of competence in students:
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Family, Best friend, My city, My hobby
Family Family is the most precious thing a person can have, the main attraction of any person. The key to family happiness is the creation and use of harmony, warm relationships based on trust, respect and love. My name is Asiya, I am twenty years old and I love my
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Famous Intellectual
I tell you about Famous Intellectual (интелекчуал) Property Dispute between Mattel, that created Barbie and MGA Entertainment, the maker of Bratz doll. Barbie was created in 1959, and the doll Bratz was created 40 years later. Then in 2004 Mattel sued the lawsuit (лосут) to MGA claiming [ kleɪmin ]
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Famous People of our University
ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ЖЕЛЕЗНОДОРОЖНОГО ТРАНСПОРТА Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «ПЕТЕРБУРГСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ПУТЕЙ СООБЩЕНИЯ Императора Александра I» Кафедра «РУССКИЙ И ИНОСТРАННЫЕ ЯЗЫКИ» Дисциплина «ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК» СООБЩЕНИЕ «FAMOUS PEOPLE OF OUR UNIVERSITY» Выполнил студент С. Ф. Смирнов Группа: ПТМ-314-З Номер зачетной книжки: 07-314-21-ПТМз Проверил доц. Ю. В. Одинцова Санкт-Петербург
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Fantasy World
Fantasy World One day, while browsing the Internet, I came across an amazing website that immediately attracted my attention with its unusual and original design. This site was called "Fantasy World" and offered visitors to immerse themselves in the world of magic, fantasy and mysticism. From the first minutes of
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Fascioliasis is caused by Fasciola vulgaris (Fasciola hepatica) and Fasciola gigantica (F. gigantica) from the family. Fasciolidae. Sheep, goats and cattle suffer most often from fascioliasis, pigs, horses, camels, donkeys, reindeer and rabbits are somewhat less common. Wild animals are susceptible to fascioliasis - wild boars, roe deer, deer and
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Fashion and style
3) A designer is not a job but a vocation. It is very hard to become popular in these sphere if you don’t have money to buy advertisement or if you don’t have any friends among fashion critics, other designers, businessmans, ect. You have to build your own success by
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Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil
Aufgabe 1 Veröffentlichung 1808 Gattung (Form) Drama (Tragödie) Der vollständige Titel „Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil“ Literarische Epochen, die das Werk beeinflusst haben Weimarer Klassik , Sturm und Drang , Romantik , Aufklärung Aufbau (Struktur) Das Drama wird durch 3 vorgezogene Texte eingeleitet 1. Die Hauptfiguren. Die Charakteristik. Was erfahren
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Features of contractual relations with the participation of the state
The first variant of the legislative consolidation of the possibility of the Russian Federation's participation in contractual legal relations is its direct direct consolidation in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation – by allocating the appropriate type (subspecies) of the contract (for example, §4 Chapter 30 "Supply of goods
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Features of ecotourism
gEcotourism, or ecological tourism - a type of tourism that consists of travel to natural virgin and protected areas. Ecotourists try not to have a significant impact on the territory. Ecotourism promotes the education of tourists and allows you to raise funds for environmental activities, promotes the development of isolated
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Features of irony translation
FEATURES OF IRONY TRANSLATION Abdulkhamidov Askhad Student of the Ala-Too International University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Linguistics (Translation and Translation Studies) Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek E-mail: askhad.abdulkhamidov@alatoo.edu.kg Akimkanova Kunduz Senior lecturer of the Ala-Too International University Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek ABSTRACT This article shows the peculiarities of the transfer of irony in
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Features of the formation of neologisms in english
FEATURES OF THE FORMATION OF NEOLOGISMS IN ENGLISH ФИО автора: КАФ-23-21 тобының студенті Аманкелді Зәуре Жанболатқызы Karaganda Buketov University (Караганда, Казахстан), mendaliev70@gmail.com Annotation. The purpose of the study was to find out the features of the formation of neologisms in English. The scientific work considers the reasons why some lexical
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Features of the psychological image of characters in the novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby
Introduction............................................................................................................. 2 Chapter One. 1.1 Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald: The Great American dreamer and one of the best writers in the world .......................................................................................... 9 1.2 A novel in criticism. The study of the novel.………………. 14 Chapter Two 2.1 The main and secondary characters of The Great Gatsby. The Jazz Age
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Female entrepreneurship in Ukraine: features and prospects
FEMALE ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN UKRAINE: FEATURES AND PROSPECTS UDC 343.359.2(477) Nadya Krivosheya 3d year student of Finansial Faculty of S. Kuznets KhNUE Annotation. The article analyzes the characteristics of women's entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine. It is studied the types and forms of female entrepreneurship. The article defined the main reasons for
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Fenol va farmaldegid monomerlarini kislotali muhitda polikondensatlab Novalak tipidagi fenol formaldegid oligomerlarini olinishi
Labaratoriya №1 1-(Qism) Fenol va farmaldegid monomerlarini kislotali muhitda polikondensatlab Novalak tipidagi fenol formaldegid oligomerlarini olinishi. Reaktivlar: fenol, formalin (texn) , 1n lik xlorid kislotasi eritmasi ,urotropine. Kerakli asboblar: 100 sm3 sig'imli dumaloq tubli kolba, Libix muzlatgichi , 100 °C lik termometr, Vyurts kolbasi, chinni idish, shpatel, oyna. 100 sm3li
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Fermentlarning spetsifik ta’siri. Fermentlarning spetsifik ta’sirini o’rganish
O'ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI OLIY TA'LIM, FAN VA INNOVATSIYALAR VAZIRLIGI CHIRCHIQ DAVLAT PEDAGOGIKA UNIVERSITETI TABIIY FANLAR FAKULTETI MUSTAQIL ISH Fan: Enzimologiya Mavzu: Fermentlarning spetsifik ta’siri. Fermentlarning spetsifik ta’sirini o’rganish Bajardi: Y.B.Pirnazarov Tekshirdi: P.Mirxamidova CHIRCHIQ-2023 Reja: Kirish 1. Fermentlarning spetsifik ta’siri 2. O’rganish tarixi 3. Fermentlarning spetsifik ta’sirini o’rganish 4. Spetsifiklikning o’ziga xos
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Filmo tėvas refleksija
Iš pradžių filmas primena trilerį ir atrodo, kad viskas, kas vyksta, tėra tik dalis klastingo dukters plano - išsiųsti tėvą į senelių namus, susitvarkyti gyvenimą ir persikelti į Paryžių. Bet vėliau paaiškėja, kad viskas nėra taip paprasta. Tai ant tiek sudėtinga, kad net filmo kūrime dalyvavę žmonės nebuvo visiškai tikri,
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Financial and economic processes: problems of theory and practice
Tungyshbai Akerke Omirtaikyzy Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov Scientific instructor Kernebaev A. S. Doctor of PhD., Shohabaeva A.S. Master's degree FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROCESSES: PROBLEMS OF THEORY AND PRACTICE The Abstract: The article rendered concrete interrelation between the modern crisis processes and current problems of the theory and
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Financial Companies
Week 1 1. Types of Financial Companies Commercial Banks- highly regulated, accept deposits and make loans. Investment Banks- help to issue securities in Primary Market. Large Investment Banks facilitate mergers and acquisition. Insurance companies- accept premiums and underwrite insurance policies. 2. Regulatory Arbitrage As commercial banks are the most regulated,
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Financial security through savings and investments in cryptocurrency
ÐаÑÑинки по запÑоÑÑ uib logo RESEARCH PROJECT Financial security through savings and investments in cryptocurrency Keshubayeva Samira, marketing Rakhimbayeva Alina, marketing Gladkikh Yana, marketing Kudasbek Zere, marketing Ryskalieva Madina, marketing University of International Business Almaty, 2023 Financial security through savings and investments in cryptocurrency INTRODUCTION Financial well-being is an important
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Finding My Place: Navigating the Challenges of Immigration
There is an old and famous joke anecdote among Russian immigrants: One kind man died and went to Heaven. He lived there without any worries. Suddenly, devils come, racing through Heaven in a chariot, and shout, "Come with us! We have drinks, girls, and everything you ever wanted! Let's go!!!"
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First impression
First impression There is no doubt that most of our relationships, job interviews, presentations depend on first impression we make on different people. From this opinion that you made on person, he will decide to cooperate with you further or not. Thus, it is very important to create positive first
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Flowchart Kaspersky Antivirus
IWST #7 Flowchart Kaspersky Antivirus Prepared by: YerkuatD. Course:1st course Specialty: General medicine Groupe: 103 A Submitted to:Zhubankyzova I., ICT department Almaty, 2022 Kaspersky Antivirus (English Kaspersky Antivirus, KAV) is an antivirus software developed by Kaspersky Lab. Provides the user with protection against viruses, Trojans, spyware, as well as unknown
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Flowers for Algernon
Название книги: Flowers for Algernon Автор: Daniel Keyes 1. Слова Значение Перевод Слова Значение Перевод perplex be a mystery or bewildering to запутывать patronizing characteristic of those who treat others with arrogance покровительственный feebleminded deficient in intellectual development слабоумный vacuous devoid of matter пустой cynical believing the worst of human
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