Иностранные языки
4,285 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 271 - 300
English Grammar
Present tenses Simple (Простое) Progressive (Длительное) Perfect (Завершенное) Perfect Progressive (Завершенно-длительное) Usually(Әдетте) Often(Жиі) Always(Әрқашан) Now(Қазір) Alredy (Әлдеқашан) Today(Бүгін) This month(Осы айда) For 2 hours(2 сағат) Since 3 o’clock(3 сағат) Она обычно сажает розы. Sheusuallyplantsroses. Сейчас она сажает розу. She is planting a rose now. Она посадила розу. She has planted
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English grammar: the Noun
Частное учреждение образовательная организация высшего образования «Омская гуманитарная академия» (ЧУОО ВО «ОмГА») Реферат по дисциплине «Английский язык» Тема:-« English grammar: the Noun» The content of the work Introduction 1. Noun (the Noun) as part of speech 1.1) General information 1.2) The category of the number of nouns 1.3) Gender category
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English in the world today
«English in the world today» English is one of the most popular spoken languages in the world today, and its use is only growing. According to Ethnologue, as of 2021, English is the official language in 67 countries, and the total number of English speakers is about 1.5 billion people.
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English neologisms in social media
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University C:\Users\Байбек\Downloads\Без названия.png Topic of project: English neologisms in social media Author’s name: Alpamys Moldir Instructor’s name: Tanybergenova Saule Course: 1 Subject: English МРНТИ 16.01.33 English neologisms in social media Abstract The Internet and social networks
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English Philology and Translation and Two Western European Languages
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology Department of English Philology and Intercultural Communication English in Figure Skating Broadcast Bachelor’s thesis written by the 4th year student 3rd English group of Bachelor’s programme “English Philology and Translation and
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English test
English test Grade 2 1 variant 1. What’s the weather like? A) It’s sunny https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/002/831/810/original/children-using-umbrella-under-the-rain-vector.jpg B) It’s snowing C) It’s windy D) It’s hot E) It’s raining 2. I’m wearing a ______________. A) coat https://cdn1.vectorstock.com/i/1000x1000/67/55/adorable-smiling-blonde-little-girl-in-red-dress-vector-25996755.jpg B) boots C) dress D) shirt E) jeans 3. She is ____________. A) sad https://images.genius.com/a4ca1551e0beae41cc554553e23e7bdd.680x1000x1.jpg
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English translation
CONTENTS INTRODUCTION............................................................................................ CHAPTER I. CLASSIFICATIONS OF TYPES OF THE TRANSLATION................................. CHAPTER II. TYPES OF INTERPRETATION.................................................... 2.1 Consecutive interpretation........................................................................ 2.2 Simultaneous interpretation................................................................................... 2.3 Cinema and video translation.................................................................................. CONCLUSION................................................................................................. LIST OF REFERENCES................................................................................ INTRODUCTION "Creation of the general translation theory demands perhaps full accounting of the different types of the translation existing presently...
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Enhancing Clothing: Smart Innovations for the Future
Title: Enhancing Clothing: Smart Innovations for the Future Introduction: Smart clothing represents an exciting frontier in the world of fashion and technology. By integrating various features and chemicals, we can enhance the functionality, comfort, and aesthetics of garments. In this report, we combine the discussions from exercise 7 and the
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Enhancing student motivation in the classroom: strategies for educators
ENHANCING STUDENT MOTIVATION IN THE CLASSROOM: STRATEGIES FOR EDUCATORS Assem Sazanbayeva Alikhan Bokeikhan BINOM school-lyceum Student motivation is a key factor in academic success, and as educators, it is essential to create an environment that fosters enthusiasm for learning. Motivated students are more likely to actively engage in lessons, participate
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Entrepreneurs and Tycoons (Business Angels)
Entrepreneurs and Tycoons (Business Angels) 1. Sculptures This project is interesting to me. But I risk with my resources (with my money: I own a company). I won’t want to own sculptures after the exhibition, because I live in an apartment with my family. So, the project is very interesting
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Environmental ethics
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine NTU "KPI" Report On the topic: “Environmental ethics” Performed: student BEM 35b Ruchka Katia Checked: Malikov Vasyl Kharkiv 2019 ________________ Contents Introduction………………………………………………………………………3 1. The emergence of environmental ethics……………………………………..4 2. The concept and basic principles of environmental ethics………………….5 3. Problems of environmental ethics……………………………………………7 Conclusions………………………………………………………………………9
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Environmental habits in the office
1 Слайд. Вступление 1 Dear colleagues and guests of our presentation! Today we would like to talk about an important topic: environmental habits in the office. Environmental problems are becoming more and more urgent every year, but our company does not adhere to a policy of indifference to this issue.
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Environmental Life Cycle Analysis of various Pumping Scenarios for Mine Water Management in the Abandoned Coal Mines of the German Ruhr Area
CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1. WATER RESOURCES AND MANAGEMENT IN COAL MINES 6 1.1 Status of water resources in abandoned coal mines 6 1.2 Water management technologies in mining 10 1.3 Role of life cycle analysis in water management 13 CHAPTER 2. ANALYSIS OF WATER MANAGEMENT SCENARIOS IN ABANDONED COAL
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Errors made by Great Power between 1918 and 1945 that resemble errors being made by NATO and by Russia nowadays
Essay Errors made by Great Power between 1918 and 1945 that resemble errors being made by NATO and by Russia nowadays History changes each century but during all of them we can notice some similar events so we can think that history gives us the possibility not to make the
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Ethical issues of business
Ethical issues of business Now I would like to give a talk about ethical issues of business. Nowadays ethical guidelines are crucial in making business decisions. Business professionals have responsibilities to make decisions based upon ethical principles and people expect ethical attitude from business functioning. Therefore, most companies have a
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Ethics in Business world
Satbayev University Institute of Project Management Department of Foreign Languages LNG 210 Academic English for Professional purposes 2023-2024 Academic Year Autumn Semester TSIS-3 TSIS-3 “Ethics in Business world” The third TSIS assignment focuses on speaking. The main aim is to increase the students’ awareness about ethics in business world. Introduction:
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Etiology, diagnosis and treatment of canine cholangiohepatitis
Etiology, diagnosis and treatment of canine cholangiohepatitis The biliary system in dogs is made of ducts that collect and direct bile from the liver and the gall bladder which stores bile. Just like any other tissue in the body, the ducts, gall bladder, and the liver can become inflamed. Inflammation
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Ev otomasyonu ve akıllı cihazlar, akıllı evler ve IoT
Hoca Ahmet Yesevi'nin adını taşıyan Uluslararası Kazak-Türk Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi". "Bilgisayar mühendisliği" bölümü БЖЖ Konu: Ev otomasyonu ve akıllı cihazlar, akıllı evler ve IoT Seslendiren: Tulenov Aibol Konu öğretmeni: Anuarbek NURSEYIT Kentau 2023 İÇİNDEKİLER GİRİİŞ 1 Kazakistan Cumhuriyeti'nde Nesnelerin İnternetinin Gelişimi 4 1.1 Kazakistan Cumhuriyeti'nde IoT'nin gelişim durumuna genel b
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Evaluation of accuracy of direct measurements
Laboratory work 1. Evaluation of accuracy of direct measurements Objective: to learn how to make measurements with ruler, micrometer and caliper; assess the accuracy of direct measurements. Devices and materials: ruler, caliper, micrometer, bodies to be measured. Questions students should know before they are allowed to work: 1. What are
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Event planning model for tourism development
In the structure of socio-economic relations, the tourism complex plays a significant role. This value is explained by the fact that for most people, tourism, regardless of the form of implementation, is associated with new impressions, new acquaintances, and obtaining additional information about the world around. The desire to expand
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Events in the history of Kazakhstan on my birthday
обычный бланк "Events in the history of Kazakhstan on my birthday" Nurbolova Dilnaz Nurbolovna Department of International Relations, Narxoz University IK 111153-1-Ch History of Kazakhstan Dr. Zhamilya Malik-Aidarovna Assylbekova December 2nd , 2023 "Events in the history of Kazakhstan on my birthday" July 3rd, 2006, holds a special significance in
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Every country thinks that their cuisine is the best in the world
Every country thinks that their cuisine is the best in the world. It is absolutely right I think. As I am Kazakh girl, I like Kazakh cuisine very much. Kazakh people are very hospitable and when guests come they put on the table the best meal. It is our ancient
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Excellence in Hospitality: The Fusion of Art and Science in Management
Excellence in Hospitality: The Fusion of Art and Science in Management I. Introduction Hospitality management epitomizes the delicate balance between artistry and scientific precision, where meticulous planning converges with the finesse of generating indelible experiences. In a landscape defined by discerning visitors and dynamic market forces, the mastery of hospitality
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Exciting experience you have ever had while traveling to Turkey
Essay "Exciting experience you have ever had while traveling to Turkey": Traveling is an opportunity to discover new cultures, plunge into history and experience moments that leave a mark for life. One of the most exciting trips in my life was a trip to Turkey. This country, rich in history
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Exclusionary clauses
Exclusionary clauses are provisions in contracts that limit or exclude the liability of one party for certain types of damage or loss. In commercial contracts, these provisions are often used to distribute risks and protect parties from potentially costly lawsuits. However, when exclusion clauses are too broad or unreasonable, they
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Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions
Lecture Notes: Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions ________________ 1. Introduction to Chemical Reactions * Chemical Reaction: A process where substances (reactants) change to form new substances (products). * Energy in Reactions: Every chemical reaction involves a change in energy, often in the form of heat. * This energy change is key
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Expenses of the population of Belarus
By the end of 2020, cash expenditures per household amounted to 1391.2 rubles per month, which is 7.8% more than a year ago. This size varies quite a lot depending on the place of residence, the number of children, the level of security. For example, the monetary expenses of Belarusians
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Expertiza psihojudiciară, obiective, aspect legale
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Extreme sports
Nowadays, there are many activities that can meet needs of risk-seekers. In my presentation today I am going to talk about extreme sports and explain how it can influence people’s lives. I have chosen top-5 hazardous sports that can tickle your nerves even if I only describe and show what
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Facilius est morbos evitāre, quam eos curare
ВАРИАНТ XV МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЙ ИНТЕРНЕТ-ОЛИМПИАДЫ 2021 ДЛЯ СТУДЕНТОВ СПЕЦИАЛЬНОСТИ «ПЕДИАТРИЯ» РАЗДЕЛ 4. ТВОРЧЕСКОЕ ЗАДАНИЕ Работа студентки 1 курса группы 2.1.08 (А) педиатрического факультета, специальности «Педиатрия» ФГАОУ ВО РНИМУ им. Н.И. Пирогова Минздрава России, города Москвы, Россия, Марковой Марии Александровны. ФИО преподавателя: Архипова Ольга Андреевна Эссе Facilius est morbos evitāre, quam eos
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