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Why are the manhole covers round?

Автор:   •  Сентябрь 29, 2023  •  Сочинение  •  267 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  153 Просмотры

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-Why are the manhole covers round?

In the Triassic period, when planet Earth was the realization to living things inhabiting it that the earth was not covered with secrets, Allosaurus, Styracosaurus, Ankylosaurus and Brontosaurus decided to start creating a mystery. The secret that they thought humanity would rack its brains over and come up with its own answers, which would remain full of questions. One step of the dinosaur - a paw mark - was a hole in the ground; a trail that went deeper and deeper into the ground, leaving an imprint. Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction has come, and the dinosaur left the planet, leaving behind a secret. They were sure that another generation that would follow them would notice the bright mark on the ground, touch it and change it.

In the Pliocene period, when planet Earth was inhabited by mammoths, the crash left behind by the great dinosaurs left the patterns on earth untouched. The pit, which did not look flat, turned out to be interested in mammoths. They stepped on a step of the past and created a layer of imprint, which, due to the overlap, turned into a full-fledged circle.

The appearance of people, their transformation into a new period was the extreme final point of mystery. Admiration was caused by the pit, which had passed through so many generations, which longed to be touched by the new period, wanted change. The man touched the pit and created a hatch. He decided not to change the story, but to add his mark.

"Let's create a mystery." "Let's touch the mystery." "The mystery must remain a conundrum."


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