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What do you think about the future of Russia

Автор:   •  Апрель 4, 2019  •  Эссе  •  884 Слов (4 Страниц)  •  558 Просмотры

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Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования


Институт математики, механики и компьютерных наук им.И.И.Воровича


“What do you think about the future of Russia?”

Выполнила: Герасимова В.С.

Преподаватель: Крестьянинова О.М.

по дисциплине иностранный язык(английский)

What is the future? What it will become in some decades? That waits for us there, for hardly perceptible and at the same time precisely and forever a certain line where the present will already become the past, and the past will turn into far history. These questions — eternal as also life is eternal. People always looked for answers to them, tried to glance in the future, to foresee it. And always it seems that the person in the future is waited by something unusual: light, full of pleasure, deprived of grief.

If to speak about the future of Russia, it is possible to tell a lot of things. In Russia technical science will develop first of all, people will start creating the robots capable to distinguish human emotions; these cars will be able to understand us and to help when we need it. I sincerely hope that by this time will find diseases medicine which now are considered incurable, or even will learn to be protected from diseases. There is a wish to believe that our state will provide inhabitants with free medicine and education. Products and clothes won't rise in price and will be quality. Still there is a wish that in the future salaries of employees of all branches grew and in our country there was only a middle class. I hope that inhabitants won't need anything, and everyone will have a pride of Russia. In the future in our country the cars which aren't inferior on indicators to foreign cars will be issued. Our cars will be in demand not only in Russia, but also in other countries. It would be still good if at us modern mobile devices, computers and tablets began to be made. Then to our country wouldn't begin to deliver foreign goods, we would buy domestic goods for reasonable price. I want that at us began to produce modern equipment, nothing technicians of the popular foreign companies are worse. Russia in the future is the great power advancing other countries. All residents of the country clever, educated and well-mannered. Crime rate practically on zero and nobody attempts upon integrity of our country. All countries respect Russia and listen to it, all want to cooperate with us. In our country everything is also full of minerals, are developed all to a type of productions and, of course, agriculture. Our production is appreciated abroad and is famous for excellent quality. Here such view at me on what will be Russia in the future.

Depends only on us what will be our future: we can make the world better, and we can worse... If everyone seeks to improve the world, our edge and all country will become a place where there is a wish to live and dream.

Что такое будущееКаким оно станет через несколько десятилетий? Что ждет нас там, за трудноуловимой и в то же время точно и навсегда определенной чертой, где настоящее уже станет прошлым, а прошлое превратится в далекую историю. Эти вопросы — вечные, как вечна и сама жизнь. Люди всегда искали ответы на них, пытались заглянуть в свое будущее, предугадать его. И всегда кажется, что человека в будущем ждет что-то необыкновенное: светлое, полное радости, лишенное печали.

Если говорить о будущем России, то можно сказать очень многое.  В России в первую очередь будут развиваться технические науки, люди начнут создавать роботов, способных распознавать человеческие эмоции; эти машины смогут понимать нас и помогать, когда мы в этом нуждаемся.

             Я искренне надеюсь, что к этому времени найдут лекарства от болезней, которые сейчас считаются неизлечимыми, или даже научатся защищаться от болезней

Хочется верить, что наше государство будет обеспечивать жителей бесплатной медициной и образованием. Продукты и одежда не будут дорожать и будут высокого качества. Еще хочется, чтобы в будущем выросли зарплаты работников всех отраслей и в нашей стране был только средний класс. Надеюсь, что жители не будут ни в чем нуждаться, а гордость за Россию будет у каждого.


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