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Modern family

Автор:   •  Апрель 5, 2022  •  Эссе  •  940 Слов (4 Страниц)  •  9,162 Просмотры

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University

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          Topic: Modern  family

                                                                                     Performed by: Ualikhan D.

                                                              Checked by:  


Modern  family

Family is the most important thing in a person's life. You can find love and support in the family, as well as share your love and support someone. Of course, the concept of family has changed. With each generation, this social institution undergoes various metamorphoses. What kind of family do we see today?

In modern families, it is customary for both spouses to work. If earlier it was considered normal that the husband is the breadwinner of the family, and the woman is the keeper of the hearth, now many women will not agree to such a scenario.

Modern girls want to be independent, bold, determined and do not want to depend financially on their spouse. Many modern wives refuse to lead a life on their own and ask for an au pair. Some men do not like it, but some themselves believe that cleaning services are modern and necessary for everyone.

Sometimes it also happens that a woman is the breadwinner of the family, and a man is the keeper of the hearth. Now husbands-housewives do not surprise anyone. Sometimes in such a situation, a woman can forget that she is a woman. She lacks the physical and moral strength for tenderness, affection, creating comfort, cooking.

Modern families live separately from the husband's parents and the wife's parents. Multi-generational families have become a rarity. Young spouses strive to get separate housing in every possible way, so families take mortgages, save money, work a lot. This causes stress and fatigue, so there is no time for household chores, communication, caring for each other.

There are many large families among modern families, but there are families with an only child or two children. Many women do not want to rush into childbirth. They want to build a career first and achieve heights. Also, many women think that in the modern world a child is very expensive, so they push their husbands to save. The issue of separate housing is also of great importance. Not every family will decide to have a child in a rented apartment.

In conclusion, we can say that it is impossible to give a clear definition of the modern family. Families are different regardless of the time where a person lives. Happiness and unhappiness do not depend on material goods and the era. This is an internal state that is influenced by the person himself and the people around him. The family plays a great role in the self-perception of the individual. It is this social institution that influences whether a person will be happy or not.

Семья — самое главное в жизни человека. В семье можно найти любовь и поддержку, а также поделиться своей любовью и кого-то поддержать. Конечно же, понятие семьи изменилось. С каждым поколением этот социальный институт претерпевает различные метаморфозы. Какую же семью мы видим сегодня?

В современных семьях принято, чтобы работали оба супруга. Если раньше считалось нормальным, что муж — кормилец семьи, а женщина — хранительница очага, то сейчас многие женщины не согласятся на такой сценарий.

Современные девушки хотят быть самостоятельными, смелыми, решительными и не хотят зависеть материально от супруга. Многие современные жены отказываются вести быт самостоятельно и просят помощницу по хозяйству. Некоторым мужчинам это не нравится, но некоторые сами считают, что услуги клининга — это современно и необходимо каждому.


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