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Иностранные языки

4,162 Гуманитарные науки Бесплатные рефераты: 901 - 930

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  • Trend


    Active Vocabulary: 23, Grammar Structures: 4, Linkers: 10. Total: 626 words Even the ancient Roman poet Publius Ovidius Nazon said that we admire antiquity but live in modernity. Indeed, our world is developing every day. Something new is being created, research and scientific discoveries are being made. Absolutely every field

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  • Trendy vo vzdelávaní zamestnancov v spoločnosti DEUTSCHE TELEKOM IT SOLUTIONS SLOVAKIA

    Trendy vo vzdelávaní zamestnancov v spoločnosti DEUTSCHE TELEKOM IT SOLUTIONS SLOVAKIA

    TRENČIANSKA UNIVERZITA ALEXANDRA DUBČEKA V TRENČÍNE FAKULTA SOCIÁLNO-EKONOMICKÝCH VZŤAHOV Trendy vo vzdelávaní zamestnancov v spoločnosti DEUTSCHE TELEKOM IT SOLUTIONS SLOVAKIA Seminárna práca Autor: Miriam Vidová Hodnotenie: Študijná skupina: 2 Predmet: Aktuálne trendy v personálnom manažmente Ročník: druhý Vyučujúci: doc. Ing. Adriana Grenčíková, PhD. Ing. Richard Rigó Študijný program: LZDI Akademický

    Слов: 3,820  •  Страниц: 16
  • Trust Formula

    Trust Formula

    Trust Formula Sociology is the science that concentrates on society, human social behavior, patterns of human relationships and social life. Indeed, humans play a big role in political and economic factors of life, since every process builds on people. However, not all people understand the importance of the science. What

    Слов: 343  •  Страниц: 2
  • Trusts. Доверительное управление имуществом

    Trusts. Доверительное управление имуществом

    РЕФЕРАТ Деловые переговоры на иностранном языке в профессиональной деятельности НА ТЕМУ Trusts 2019 г. The list of contents Introduction 3 The essence of trust management of property, the subject of the contract and an essential term of the contract 4 The parties and the object of the contract 7 Conclusion

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  • Tsampa (Цампа)

    Tsampa (Цампа)

    Tsampa A national dish that is considered Tibetan bread. Tsampa is the main part of the Tibetan diet. The simplest flat Tibetan bread is baked from flour, water, and a pinch of salt in large, heavy pans with or without butter. It is a flour made from lightly toasted barley

    Слов: 446  •  Страниц: 2
  • Turkestan


    I want to tell you about how I went to Turkestan with my classmates at 1 a.m. I myself am from the city of Kentau and going to Turkestan was like a risk. My classmates and I, 5 people, first hung out in a burger joint, and when we came

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  • Turkey


    Turkey The Republic of Turkey is located in the South-Eastern Europe and South-Western Asia on a total surface area of 783,562 km². It is the only country situated in both Europe and Asia, bordering Bulgaria, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia (see Exhibit 1). Turkey has a total

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  • Turkiye burslari

    Turkiye burslari

    Dear reception department! I am Miss Ayaulym Rahymbai! I am writing about myself for the universities that are part of the "Turkiye burslari" program and for my interest in winning a grant. With your permission, let me tell you a little about myself. & First of all, before submitting my

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  • Turli mezonlarga muvofiq yer osti suvlarini tasniflash

    Turli mezonlarga muvofiq yer osti suvlarini tasniflash

    1.Turli mezonlarga muvofiq yer osti suvlarini tasniflash. Yer osti suvlarining ko‘p tasniflari mavjud va ular turli mutaxassislar tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan. Yer osti suvlari qatlamlarning yoshi, tog‘ jinslarining litologik hususiyatlari, suvning tarkibi, uning xarorati, gidrodinamik ko‘rsatkichlar, qatlamlarni yotish sharoitlari, suvlarning kelib chiqishi va boshqa omil va belgilar yer osti suvlarining tasnifini

    Слов: 406  •  Страниц: 2
  • Two famous personalities

    Two famous personalities

    1 тема: Two famous personalities There are many people in history who have been real leaders and Famous personalties. Let’s talk about the leaders at the USA and Britain. George Washington was the first President of United States. He became (бикейм) President in 1789 севентин эйти найн years after the

    Слов: 2,719  •  Страниц: 11
  • Type of speech

    Type of speech

    1 My theme is Types of speech 2 In Outline I will present the types of speech, and their 4 types, as seen in the picture is 1 Informative speech. 2 Persuasive speech. 3 Demonstrative speech. 4 Entertaining speech. But before we sort out these types of speech, we need

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  • Types and functions of repetition in the genre of short story

    Types and functions of repetition in the genre of short story

    Title Page Types and functions of repetition in the genre of short story. ________________ Content Introduction 1 CHAPTER TYPES AND FUNCTIONS OF REPETITION IN THE GENRE OF SHORT STORY. 1.1. Types of Repetition in Short Story 1.1.1. Word Repetition 1.1.2. Sound Repetition 1.1.3. Structural Repetition 1.2. Functions of Repetition in

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  • Types of chemical bonds

    Types of chemical bonds

    Ikan comprehensive secondary school Short term plan The theme: Types of chemical bonds Prepared by: Kamilova Mukhabbat For the class 8 Ikan - 2019 Ұзақ мерзімді жоспар бөлімі:№ Мектеп: «Иқан» ЖОМ Күні: 14.02.2019 Мұғалімнің аты-жөні: М.Камилова Сынып:8 «В» Қатысқандар саны: Қатыспағандар саны: Сабақтың тақырыбы: Types of chemical bond. Химиялық байланыстың

    Слов: 920  •  Страниц: 4
  • Types of contracts

    Types of contracts

    Types of contracts 1. Study the vocabulary. Provide Ukrainian equivalents. Use an online dictionary if necessary. Word Definition Ukrainian equivalent a unilateral contract a contract in which only one party is obligated to perform односторонній договір a bilateral contract a contract in which both parties have promised to perform двосторонній

    Слов: 633  •  Страниц: 3
  • Types of grammatical transformations in translation

    Types of grammatical transformations in translation

    Types of grammatical transformations in translation Types Meaning Examples 1 Substitution Substitution stands for using a word for another to give identical meaning as it has mentioned above. 1) Her hair is fair and wavy. – У неї світле хвилясте волосся. 2) He is a poor swimmer. – Вiн погано

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  • Tест по "Иностранному языку"

    Tест по "Иностранному языку"

    1<question>тіл дыбыстарының жүйесін , жасалуы мен ерекшеліктерін, әртүрлі сипаты мен бір-бірімен тіркесу заңдылықтарын зерттейтін тіл саласы: <variant>фонетика <variant>грамматика <variant>лексика <variant>морфология <variant>методика 2<question>организмдегі анализаторлар саны <variant>7 <variant>6 <variant>5 <variant>8 <variant>9 3<question>тілдік жүйе неше ішкі жүйелерден тұрады? <variant> 3 <variant> 2 <variant> 4 <variant> 1 <variant>5 4<question>есту-айтылым қабілетін қалыптастырудың үшінші тәсілі? <variant>

    Слов: 479  •  Страниц: 2
  • Umweltingenieur (Что делает эколог)

    Umweltingenieur (Что делает эколог)

    МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИИ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ВОЛГОГРАДСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ (ВолгГТУ) КАФЕДРА: «ИНОСТРАННЫЕ ЯЗЫКИ» Семестровая работа №4 по дисциплине: «Иностранный язык» Тема: «Umweltingenieur» Выполнил: ст.гр. РХТ-249 Дормидонтова Д.О. Проверил: доцент Бганцева И.В. Волгоград, 2020 ________________ Содержание Was macht ein ökologe?.......................................................3 Bildung…………………………………………………………4 Ausbildung……………………………………………………..4 Umweltschützer………………………………………..............5 Beispiel

    Слов: 2,142  •  Страниц: 9
  • Umweltprobleme unserer Region

    Umweltprobleme unserer Region

    Tscheljabinsk ist eine Industriestadt, es gibt viele Fabriken, Industriebetriebe. In Bezug auf die produzierten Produkte ist die Schwarzmetallurgie der Region Tscheljabinsk in Russland unübertroffen. Es wird von Stahlwerken, Stahlrohren und Ferrolegierungen vertreten. Unternehmen dieser Branche sind die Hauptquellen für Umweltverschmutzung. Darüber hinaus hat Tscheljabinsk mehr als eine Million Einwohner, was

    Слов: 289  •  Страниц: 2
  • Unemployment insurance

    Unemployment insurance

    2 слайд. Unemployment insurance is meant to provide temporary income to those who have lost their jobs due to a layoff, furlough (фёлоу) or business closure (клоуже). In other words, it covers you if you’ve lost your job through no fault of your own. 3 слайд. Typically in order to

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  • Unified schemes of technological complexes for the development of fields in oil-producing regions

    Unified schemes of technological complexes for the development of fields in oil-producing regions

    Unified schemes of technological complexes for the development of fields in oil-producing regions should provide: Required quality of commercial products; Measurement of oil and gas flow rate for each well, measurement of products (oil, gas, water) in the oil and gas collection system for each production team and the enterprise

    Слов: 397  •  Страниц: 2
  • University


    My university, which was founded in 1918, has a rich history and offers a wide range of educational opportunities. One of the aspects that makes my university unique is its emphasis on scientific work. Throughout each semester, I am assigned several course papers that allow me to demonstrate my understanding

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  • University of Oxford

    University of Oxford

    1. The University of Oxford is the most famous and prestigious in Britain. Oxford University has no precise date of foundation, but evolved during the 11th century. Oxford is an independent and self-governing institution, consisting of the central University and the Colleges. Оксфордский университет является самым известным и престижным в

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  • University of Stirling

    University of Stirling

    University of Stirling это государственное высшее учебное заведение в Великобритании. Университет входит в 5% лучших высших учебных заведений мира, занимая 460 позицию. что касается поступления Приёмная комиссия делает выбор , принимая во внимание учебную успеваемость аппликанта. Обучение для бакалавров в University of Stirling можно считать не дорогим, так как стоимость

    Слов: 451  •  Страниц: 2
  • Urlaub


    Für den Anfang möchte ich sagen, dass jeder jemals über einen perfekten Urlaub nachdenkt und ich auch. Es scheint mir, dass jeder einen perfekten Urlaub verbringen kann und das ist real. Ich bin fest davon überzeugt, dass ich meinen perfekten Urlaub in den Bergen verbringen würde. Ich gehe sehr oft

    Слов: 326  •  Страниц: 2
  • Use the vocabulary to translate the text in a written

    Use the vocabulary to translate the text in a written

    Task 1. Use the vocabulary to translate the text in a written form Сержант из отдела полиции Аризоны: «Хелен Пресли спасла трёх людей из горящей машины. Вот как это произошло. Одним вечером она пошла со своим другом перекусить в маленький тихий ресторан. Они ушли в 9 вечера и Хелен предложила

    Слов: 659  •  Страниц: 3
  • Using immersive video technology for construction management content delivery: a pilot study

    Using immersive video technology for construction management content delivery: a pilot study

    МИНИСТЕРСТВО НАУКИ И ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РФ ФГБОУ ВО КАЗАНСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ АРХИТЕКТУРНО-СТРОИТЕЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Кафедра иностранных языков РЕФЕРАТИВНЫЙ ПЕРЕВОД по дисциплине иностранный язык на тему: «Using immersive video technology for construction management content delivery: a pilot study» Казань, 2021   A.Shojaei, S. Rokooei, A. Mahdavian, L.Carson, G. Ford. «Using immersive video technology

    Слов: 293  •  Страниц: 2
  • Using interactive technologies in FlT

    Using interactive technologies in FlT

    Term paper The theme: Using Interactive technologies in FLT Introduction ITILT stands for Interactive Technologies in Language Teaching, and is a European project which aims to explore effective use of the interactive whiteboard (IWB) for communicative language teaching. The agency of course paper: The teaching and learning strategies you need

    Слов: 10,871  •  Страниц: 44
  • Utility Katalogı

    Utility Katalogı

    Utility Katalogı Utility katalogında úlgili programmalar ushın zárúr bolǵan járdemshi funkciyalardıń derek kodları bolǵan ettita fayl bar. 1. ReprtErr Faylı. C reporterror (2. 2 programması ) hám Report - Exception (4. 1 programması ) funksiyaların óz ishine aladı. Dter hám iyis programmaları, sonıń menen birge 1-bapta keltirilgen programmalar bunnan tısqarı,

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  • Utilization of waste

    Utilization of waste

    In fact, utilization of waste has become one of the major issues for humanity for the last 20 years. The fastest growing developed countries have already faced serious difficulties in the recycling area. This essay will look at possible causes of such an issue and cover the methods of alleviating

    Слов: 275  •  Страниц: 2
  • V. Frankl “logoterapiya”si: hayotning, muhabbatning, erkning va mas’uliyatning ma’nosi muammo sifatida

    V. Frankl “logoterapiya”si: hayotning, muhabbatning, erkning va mas’uliyatning ma’nosi muammo sifatida

    O’ZBEKISTON XALQARO ISLOM AKADEMIYASI MUMTOZ SHARQ FILOLOGIYASI FAKULTETI DIN PSIXOLOGIYASI VA PEDAGOGIKA KAFEDRASI PSIXOLOGIYA (DIN SOTSIOPSIXOLOGIYASI) BAKALAVR YO’NALISHI “DIN PSIXOLOGIYASI” FANIDAN KURS ISHI MAVZU: “V. Frankl “logoterapiya”si: hayotning, muhabbatning, erkning va mas’uliyatning ma’nosi muammo sifatida” Bajardi: Psixologiya (din sotsiopsixologiyasi) yo’nalishi 3-kurs talabasi Maxmudova Munisaxon Ilmiy rahbar: “Din psixologiyasi va pedagogika”

    Слов: 1,611  •  Страниц: 7

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