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Programming languages

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Programming languages

Programming is a way of sending instructions to the computer. To write these

instructions, programmers use programming languages to create source code, and the

source code is then converted into machine (or object) code, the only language that a

computer understands. People, however, have difficulty in understanding machine code.

Categories of languages. Based on evolutionary history, programming languages

fall into one of the following three broad categories:

Machine languages. Machine languages consist of the 0s and 1s of the binary

number system and are defined by hardware design. A computer understands only its

machine language.

Assembly languages. These languages were developed by using English-like

mnemonics. Programmers worked in text editors to create their source files. To convert

the source file into object code, researchers created translator programs called


High-level languages. These languages use syntax that is close to human

language, they use familiar words instead of communicating in digits. As a result, reading, writing and understanding computer programs is easier.

        Interpreter translates just one statement of the program at a time into machine code. Compiler scans the entire program and translates the whole of it into machine code at once.

The are several steps to write a program:

1 Understand the problem you are trying to solve.

2 Design a solution.

3 Draw a flow chart.

4 Write pseudo-code.

5 Write code.

6 Test and debug.

7 Write documentation

8 Release program.

Most popular programming languages.

Java is used in developing cross-platform applications and mobile applications. Python has very easy syntax and used in writing scripts (My fav). The other popular language is C++ because of its fast speed.

Языки программирования

Программирование — это способ передачи инструкций компьютеру. Чтобы написать эти инструкции, программисты используют языки программирования для создания исходного кода, а исходный код затем преобразуется в машинный (или объектный) код, единственный язык, который комп понимает. Однако людям трудно понять машинный код.

Категории языков. Основываясь на истории эволюции, языки программирования

относятся к одной из следующих трех широких категорий:

Машинные языки. Машинные языки состоят из нулей и единиц двоичного кода.


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