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English translation

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CHAPTER II. TYPES OF INTERPRETATION.................................................... 
2.1 Consecutive interpretation........................................................................  
2.2 Simultaneous interpretation...................................................................................  
2.3 Cinema and video translation..................................................................................  
LIST OF REFERENCES................................................................................


"Creation of the general translation theory demands perhaps full accounting of the different types of the translation existing presently... It demands deeper analysis of each of them taken not separately and which isn't built in the absolute, and considered in connection with other types and in relation to them...". [Saru E. Pour une théorie de la traduction. - Diogène. Octobre - décembre 1962, n°40, p. 119-120.]
The 21st century sets new tasks in information space of mankind. Thanks to mass information the role of the transfer to mankind lives steadily increases. Today translation communications cover almost all spheres of human activity. The movement of information streams doesn't know either borders, or time, or space. An infinite variety of the modern world is transferred through media in feelings and interpretations of numerous participants of the international information process – journalists, correspondents, commentators, cameramen. Therefore the value of translation activity constantly grows, and together with them there are also translation problems. Aggravation of language problems dictates search of new decisions. If earlier translation activity was considered only in connection with the translation of fiction, then today with continuous development of the international relations more and more important place is taken by interpretation.
This work is devoted to interpretation.
The relevance of a subject is that transfer has taken place several stages in the development, but now interpretation is more and more demanded therefore it is very important to understand to what of types of the translation to resort otherwise, whether it be the conference, a business meeting, etc.
Purpose of this work: to get acquainted with types and types of interpretation.
Tasks: 1) to get acquainted with a concept of the translation and its types, to consider types of the translation; 2) to consider similarities and distinctions of interpretation and translation; 3) to consider features of types of interpretation. The known A.D. Schweitzer of the rewater Veda defines the translation as: "The unidirectional and two-phase process of interlingual and cross-cultural communication at which on the basis of primary text subjected to the purposeful ("translation") analysis the secondary text (metatext) replacing primary in other language and cultural environment is created; the process characterized by installation on transfer of communicative effect of primary text, partially modified by differences between two languages, between two cultures and two communicative situations" 1. 


Real translation activity is carried out by translators in various conditions; the texts being translated are very various on subject, language, genre accessory; the translations are carried out in a written or oral form, unequal requirements for accuracy and completeness of the translation, etc. 2 are imposed to translators. All this causes existence of different types of the translation, each of which, remaining the translation in the all-linguistic basis, can have essential features that, in turn, causes the necessity of scientific classification of types of translation activity. Separate types of the translation demand from the translator of special knowledge and umeniy3.
All these distinctions whatever considerable they seemed don't change essence of translation process, its all-linguistic basis. Any kind of the translation remains, first of all, the translation with all his features determined by a ratio of languages.
Along with the common features caused by the uniform linguistic mechanism of translation activity, separate types of the translation can have also important specific features: to modify translation process, to attach particular importance to achievement of top-level equivalence or, on the contrary, to allow deviations from the greatest possible degree of semantic community, to include some elements of adaptive transcoding, etc. These features cause the necessity of scientific classification of types of translation activity (types of the translation) and detailed studying of specifics of each look. In translation theory there are two main classifications of types of the translation: on character of the texts being translated and on the nature of actions of the translator in translation process.

According to genre and stylistic classification of the translation allocate two functional types of the translation: literary translation and informative (special) perevod4.

Classification depending on the nature of speech actions of the translator carries the name of psycholinguistic classification of the translation. This classification considers a way of perception of the text of the original and a way of creation of the target text, and subdivides translation activity into translation and interpretation.

L.S. Barkhudarov offers more fractional division of types translation deyatelnosti5, distinguishing the following types of the translation:

1) written translation, or translation of the written text. In this case both languages are used in writing.

2) Oral interpretation, or interpretation of the oral text. Both languages are used in an oral form. Within this type of the translation there are versions: consecutive interpretation and simultaneous interpretation. Consecutive interpretation is made or after pronouncing all text of the original ("actually consecutive interpretation of the monological speech"), or in pauses of the oratorical speech after pronouncing by the speaker several offers or one offer ("the abzatsno-phrase translation"). Simultaneous interpretation is made along with pronouncing the original by the speaker, that is in simultaneous interpretation there is at the same time, synchronously a perception of the text of the original and generation of the target text. Naturally, simultaneous interpretation lags behind a little the oratorical speech (such lag is called phase synchronism of the transfer, or phase shift), or runs in comparison with the oratorical speech a little forward that becomes possible thanks to the so-called mechanism of probabilistic forecasting.

3) Written interpretation, or interpretation of the written text: IYa is used in writing, PYa — in oral. Two versions are here too possible: a transfer can be made along with reading the original about itself or is consecutive, after reading of all text of the original or poabzatsno. It is possible to call these subspecies of written interpretation conditionally "actually sight translation" and "sight translation with preparation".


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