Автор: Gulnurnurdaulet • Февраль 8, 2024 • Тест • 3,270 Слов (14 Страниц) • 98 Просмотры
1 Stratification as a process in which the power, privileges and prestige of a certain social stratum is achieved and maintained through the systematic exploitation of other strata by it, is considered by representatives of the direction:
2 The fact that the sociology of international relations is a sociological theory of the middle level, within the framework of which its own special conceptual apparatus is developed, and a number of private methods are also created, believed
V.D. Ermolenko
M.A. Khrustalev
F.M. Burlatsky
A.A. Galkin
K. Marx
3 The fact that the decisive forces in the game of nations on the world stage are at the level of the global system, and not at the level of individual actors or even their groups, suggested
R. Keohane
C. Walts
J. Nye
F. Fukuyama
M.A. Khrustalev
4 More rational cultures tend to spread to others by borrowing their values and norms, in accordance with the theory of the approach:
5 The global international system is a system:
6 The author of the article “Chaos and self-organization: new theoretical provisions in the social sciences” is
W. Weidlich
F. Müller-Benedict
I. Prigogine
G. Haken
7 In the sociology of international relations, the conflict, as the incompatibility of goals, is considered by representatives of the school:
"peace studies"
"conflict studies"
"strategic research"
“game theory”
8 Western researchers most often call the founder of systems theory
S. Hoffmann
R. Aron
G. Morgenthau
L. von Bertalanffy
I. Prigogine
9 By analogy with the “internal regimes” of states built on the basis of the statist model, international integration is considered by the school:
10 The term international non-governmental organizations is believed to include three types of organizations or institutions - "opinion forces", "private transnational authorities" and "associations of producer states":
Sh. Zorgbib
F. Briar and M.-R. Jalili
I. Wallerstein
P. Baran
R. Aron
11 The foreign policy activity of the state is expressed in the actions of its leaders, who have certain degrees of freedom in choosing goals, noted:
C. Deutsch
G. Morgenthau
R. Aron
D. Singer
I. Wallerstein
12 An individual or a group of individuals entering into interactions within the framework of international relations, the origin of which is associated with the existence of a person and social relations - this is the environment of international relations:
13 The provision on the prohibition of the subjection of a people to a foreign state and exploitation in international law is consistent with the principle:
respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms
non-intervention in the internal affairs of states
sovereign equality of states
equality and self-determination of peoples
respect and adherence to international laws
14 The national interest is proclaimed as the highest value, which is considered as the basis of a responsible foreign policy, which has unconditional priority over the values of democracy, according to the concept:
national conservative
radical liberal
radical democratic
15 Three types of homogeneous and three types of transitional international relations were distinguished by
Y. Kukulka
J. Nye
F. Fukuyama
S. Dreyfus
M. Merle
16 “Transnational organizations” include international non-governmental organizations:
M.-K. Smoots
M. Merle
D. Rosenau
Sh. Zorgbib
J. Nye
17 The developmentalist (evolutionary) hypothesis on the issue of the peculiarities of the interaction of civilizations and cultures and the nature of their influence on international relations was shared by:
G. Sprout
B. Russet
P. Sorokin
E. Durkheim
D. Rosenau
18 States are free to choose peaceful means of resolving their disputes - this is the essence of the principle in international law:
territorial integrity of states
inviolability of state borders
peaceful resolution of international disputes
non-use of force or threat of force
non-intervention in the internal affairs of states
19 Two actors are in a state of cooperation when each of them can only be satisfied if the other is also satisfied, according to the point of view:
R. Prebicha
A. Organsky
C. Walts
J.-P. Derrennika
M. Kaplan
20 “Russia has long been an imperial and authoritarian power, playing the role of an imperial center in relation to the former Soviet republics,” states:
F. Fukuyama
S. Amin
M. Kaplan
J. Modelski
R. Prebicha
21 Simulation games have become widespread in the social sciences as a form of
observation method
game theory
experimental method
comparison method
22 An organization whose decisions are binding on all member states, even if they do not agree with them, is: