Фрагменты уроков английского языка в младших классах
Автор: Аріна Костянтинівна Зеленова • Март 22, 2019 • Практическая работа • 1,094 Слов (5 Страниц) • 611 Просмотры
Практична робота
з методики викладання іноземної мови
студентки 32ПО групи
Зеленової Аріни
На тему:
Фрагмент уроку
1) Today we’re going to learn types of weather. On the blackboard you can see pictures. There is sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, warm and cold weather.
(Вчитель пропонує учням розглянути зображення різних типів погоди, показує та називає кожен з видів)
2) I’ll read their names and you’ll repeat. Okay?
(Учні розглядають малюнки, вчитель читає назви, учні їх повторюють хором)
3) There are some opposite types of weather. Try to find them. (Вчитель пропонує дітям знайти протилежні типи погоди sunny-rainy, warm - cold)
4) Writing. Open your vocabularies. And write these words from the one you like to the one you don’t like at all.
5) And now let’s play a game. I’ll choose six of you, and they’ll need to describe and show the type of weather I’ll tell them.
(Вчитель викликає учнів, кожному тихенько каже тип погоди. Діти описують та показують цю погоду, інші вгадують.)
6) Now you need to create some sentences with these words. Use construction “I like/I dislike some weather because…”
7) And now we will play last game. Stand up and go to the and of the class, create a circle please. I’ll turn some music. You should dance and I will tell someone type of weather and they will show you dance movement they associate with this weather. You need to repeat the movement and also repeat the word all together.
Практична робота
з методики викладання іноземної мови
студентки 32ПО групи
Зеленової Аріни
На тему:
Фрагмент уроку
1) Look at the blackboard. Who can read the sentences?
2) So today we are going to learn constructions “there is” and “there are”. We use it when we want to say that something is somewhere. If we talk about one thing or person we use “there is”, and if we talk about two or more things or persons we use “there are”.
Often we also tell where the object/person is. FE: There is a girl at the picture.
3) Let’s try. I will tell you names of objects and you should tell? If we use “there is” or “there are” with it. Okay?
4) Now I need six of you who would like to make some task. You have 3 pictures. Make pairs please. Now, one person in pair will tell us things on the picture we can use “there is” with. And the other person will tell us things we use “there are” with.
5) Writing. Create two sentences about objects on your table. One wit “there is” and one with “there are”.
Let’s check.
6) You can see words on the blackboard. You need to match them in pairs and then create sentences with them.
Практична робота
з методики викладання іноземної мови
студентки 32ПО групи
Зеленової Аріни
На тему:
Фрагмент уроку
1) Look at the blackboard. Who can read the sentences?
2) So today we are going to learn constructions “there is” and “there are”. We use it when we want to say that something is somewhere. If we talk about one thing or person we use “there is”, and if we talk about two or more things or persons we use “there are”.
Often we also tell where the object/person is. FE: There is a girl at the picture.
3) Let’s try. I will tell you names of objects and you should tell? If we use “there is” or “there are” with it. Okay?
4) Now I need six of you who would like to make some task. You have 3 pictures. Make pairs please. Now, one person in pair will tell us things on the picture we can use “there is” with. And the other person will tell us things we use “there are” with.
5) Writing. Create two sentences about objects on your table. One wit “there is” and one with “there are”.
Let’s check.
6) You can see words on the blackboard. You need to match them in pairs and then create sentences with them.