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Применение кейс метода в обучении иноязычному говорению в старших классах школы

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Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан

Академия «Bolashaq»


Применение кейс метода в обучении иноязычному говорению в старших классах школы


образовательная программа ________ - «»

Караганда 2023

Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан

Академия «Bolashaq»

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Зав. Кафедрой

К.ю.н,. доцент

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На тему: «Применение кейс метода в обучении иноязычному говорению в старших классах школы»

образовательная программа ________ - «»



Научный руководитель

к.ю.н., профессор


Караганда 2023




1 Theoretical aspects of the use of case method in teaching foreign language speaking


1.1 Case method in foreign and domestic methodology


1.2 Use of case method in the process of teaching English in high school


1.3 Teaching foreign language speaking based on case method


2 Experimental work on the use of case method in teaching foreign language speaking in high school


2.1 Features and conditions of using case method for teaching foreign language speaking in high school


2.2 Lesson plans with case method elements


2.3 Methodological recommendations for conducting foreign language classes using the case method




List of sources used





Modern education is focused on the development of the cognitive potential of the individual, increasing the ability to learn, developing the creative abilities of the individual and expanding its creative capabilities. At the same time, a huge responsibility falls on the shoulders of the teacher. In these conditions, it is designed to find effective ways to improve the training program, and at the same time to identify the best methods and techniques of training. The modern education system is constantly undergoing numerous changes. These changes affect the field of education in general and foreign language teaching in particular. There is a need to change and rethink the learning process, as well as to optimize the teaching of foreign languages in secondary school. The modern teaching methodology presents a large number of teaching methods and techniques, but they all differ in their effectiveness and effectiveness. The main task of the teacher is to increase the effectiveness of training. One of the methods to make the learning process more effective is the case study method.

One of the tasks of the modern education system is to update the requirements for the level of training of students in all disciplines of the school course. A modern teacher is looking for effective pedagogical technologies that will help improve the quality of education.

One of the new learning technologies is problem-situational learning using case studies. The introduction of educational cases into the practice of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan is currently an urgent task. The case is a description of a specific real situation, prepared in a certain format and designed to teach children to analyze various types of information, generalize it, formulate problem skills and develop possible solutions for it in accordance with established criteria.

One of the most productive types of learning is problem-based learning, which is arousing increasing interest from teachers. Such researchers as Babansky Y.K., Kudryavtsev V.T., Makhmutov M.I., Ilnitskaya I.A. dealt with the issues of problem-based learning.

Problem-based learning contributes to the development of creative cognitive activity and the development of students' intelligence. This is a type of training with great developmental potential. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that not every question and not every independent search for students can be attributed to problem-based learning. Problem-based learning can only be where one or another problem arises in the very process of studying vital issues, conceals a certain novelty in its disclosure, allows for various interpretations and solutions.

The organization of problem-based learning in practice has certain difficulties. The main difficulties are associated with the lack of development of methods for organizing problem-based learning in different types of educational institutions, the complexity of preparing educational material in the form of problematic cognitive tasks, dialog structures, as well as the teacher's lack of preparation for the organization of problem-based learning.

The case technology (method) of learning is learning by action. The idea of the case method is that the assimilation of knowledge and the formation of skills is the result of independent active work of students in resolving contradictions that lead to creative mastery of knowledge, skills and the development of abilities.


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