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Психолого-возрастные особенности детей младшего школьного возраста

Автор:   •  Январь 12, 2021  •  Статья  •  1,567 Слов (7 Страниц)  •  424 Просмотры

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УДК – 37.04


К. О. Николаенко

Новосибирский государственный технический университет, г. Новосибирск, Россия

Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются психолого-возрастные особенности учеников начальных классов. В ходе исследования  выявляются основные проблемы и пути их решения, с которыми может столкнуться педагог в процессе обучения детей данной возрастной категории.

Ключевые слова:   возрастные особенности, психологические особенности, память, мышление, воображение


K. O. Nikolaenko

Novosibirsk state technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia,

Abstact: The article discusses the psychological and age characteristics of primary school students. The author identifies the main problems and ways to solve them that a teacher may face in the process of teaching children of this age group.

Keywords: age-related features, psychological aspects, memory, process of thinking, imagination


The purpose of this paper is to study the psychological and age characteristics of primary school age children.

The idea of learning a foreign language is more relevant than ever due to the development of international relations and all-round cooperation. At the very beginning of schooling, the formation of the student's personality takes place, the identification and development of his abilities, the formation of educational skills and the mastery of elements of culture and behavior. In this case, language is considered as a means of educating and developing the student's personality, introducing him to other cultures and his own culture and also to national etiquette.

Theoretical framework

Psychologists and physiologists argue that children have a natural disposition for languages, which can justify the introduction of early foreign languages teaching [Leont’ev, 1997].

Both in domestic (L. S. Vygotsky, S. L. Rubinstein) and foreign psychology (V. Penfield, R. Roberts, T. Eliot) there is evidence that a child learns a foreign language more easily than an adult. In this case, they usually talk about the sensitivity (sensitivity) of preschool and primary school children to mastering languages in general, and foreign in particular.

Different researchers define the period of sensitivity in different ways: Eliot - from 1.5 to 7 years, Penfield and Roberts define it from 4 to 8 years. At this age, children are distinguished by their natural curiosity and the need to learn new things. They are characterized by a more flexible and quick assimilation of language material than at subsequent stages. A person gradually loses these abilities as they grow up. He has decreased sensitivity to the perception of sounds and the ability to imitate them, weakened short-term memory, as well as the ability to visual, and most importantly, auditory perception.

A child under nine years old is an expert in mastering speech. The brain mechanisms of speech become less flexible after this period and cannot so easily adapt to new conditions [Penfield, Roberts 1964].

Most researchers agree that special classes in foreign languages ​​can be conducted with children 3-10 years old. They argue that before 3 years old it is pointless, and after 10 years it is useless to hope for a positive result, which is possible only for a small part of students who have above-average communicative and linguistic features.

  It is best to learn a foreign language at the age of 5 - 8, when the child has already mastered the system of the native language well enough, and he is conscious of the new language.

Let us consider the psychological and physiological characteristics of children of primary school age, which, in turn, determine the specificity of teaching a foreign language technologies.

Most often, foreign researchers cite the following qualities inherent in children of primary school age:

• low concentration of attention;

• predisposition to kinesthetic forms of work;

• concentration of attention at the moment;

• understanding the situation ahead of understanding the use of a foreign language;

• fast memorization and at the same time fast forgetting;

• predominance of mechanical memory over logical;

• lack of deterrents while speaking;

• lack of fear of making mistakes and willingness to work on them [Tylets, 2015].

A very important advantage of preschool and primary school age lies in the globally acting game motivation for children, which allows them to naturally and effectively organize teaching foreign languages [Galskova, Nikitenko 2004].

Methods and results

The uniqueness of the six-year-old age is that at this time it is possible to include the process of learning a foreign language in the context of play activities to create internal motivation and interest in mastering a new language. Through the game, an interest in a foreign language develops and the first contact with the language world of another country occurs. With the help of the game, it is easier to focus the attention of children, to attract them to active work.

This is due to the psychological characteristics of the child. The use of developmental games, which make it possible to think actively, to solve gradually more complicated tasks on their own, successfully develop the abilities inherent in the child by nature [Zimnyaya, 1985]. Therefore, it is this age that presents unique opportunities for the implementation of a communicative approach to teaching a foreign language.


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