Быстрое питание
Автор: Алечка Прокопьева • Февраль 21, 2020 • Контрольная работа • 2,840 Слов (12 Страниц) • 326 Просмотры
Частное учреждение образовательная организация высшего образования "Омская гуманитарная академия"
на тему:
Быстрое питание
по учебной дисциплине: Иностранный язык
Выполнил(а): Прокопьев Е.Н.
Направление подготовки: Менеджмент организаций Форма обучения: заочная Оценка:[pic 1]
[pic 2]
Подпись ФамилияИ.О.
“ _” 20 г.
Омск – 2019
Introduction 3
1.1. The history of the origin of fast food 4
1.2. Fast Food in Russian 4
1.3. Russian restaurants 5
2. Nutritionists around the world are sounding the alarm 5
2.1. Studies of Swedish scientists 5
2.2. Disappointing data from American nutritionists 6
2.3. Fear of Russian doctors 6
2.4. Proposals of Kazakhstan medical specialists 8
Conclusion 9
List of references 12
The problem of fast food is one of the threats to humanity. However, the number of its fans for some reason does not decrease - the global fast food industry is growing at an impressive pace. Modern people are not accustomed not only to rational nutrition, but also to the regime of food intake. The lack of a food culture at home, the high pace of modern life leads to the fact that we increasingly eat fast food. It must be said that such nutrition is neither healthy nor proper. Therefore, talking about the harm caused by fast food to our health is important and relevant. Studying this topic, you can learn about healthy and harmful foods, that children eat instant foods in large quantities. This is facilitated by advertising on TV and the colorful packaging of not always useful products on the shelves of our stores.
Fundamental question. "Fast food. Is it tasty or healthy? ”Or“ Live to eat, or eat to live? ”, Which cannot be answered unambiguously.
Purpose of work: Justification of the harm caused by fast food to human health.
1. From the history of Fast food
1.1. The history of the origin of fast food
Fast food was known in ancient Rome. It was called the Latin word "thermopoly". Even the ancient Romans introduced such a service as inexpensive fast food. In every city there were a lot of eateries and bazaars, where they traded all kinds of dishes.
Numerous local food courts offered their visitors inexpensive food that might be enjoyed by modern fast food fans (hot bread, meat, peas, and even baked goods).
The Romans even had a kind of hamburger - a beef tortilla mixed with nut kernels, which was eaten with bread. One of the most popular dishes was yeast dough cakes, greased with olive oil (a prototype of Italian pizza), which were also used as edible plates.
Especially interesting and vivid ancient Roman fast food is available in Pompeii. The guides there show the ruins that were once fast foods and came out as shop windows or something like them on the street. Large vats are mounted in the shelves of the premises, in which food was prepared. Instead of display cases in the “ancient fast foods” there were plank sliding walls that were tightly closed at night, but they were used only at night, and during the day there were no doors at all.
But that is not all. It turns out that the Romans also introduced such a type of service as home delivery of food. This conclusion was made during numerous archaeological excavations, which proved that no kitchens were found in many Roman houses. Apparently, since most of the houses were wooden, an attempt to cook food on an open fire and even in the hearth could turn into a fire.
1.2. Fast Food in Russian
The founders of fast food in Europe were not Mc Donalds, but Russian Cossacks. In 1813 and 1814, the Russian army participated in the occupation of Paris abandoned by the Emperor Napoleon. Terrible bearded warriors in blue uniforms with peaks and sabers went into Parisian cafes and rushed the waiters: "Quickly, quickly." Of course, they tried to serve such customers as quickly as possible - otherwise, look at that, it will wave a saber! But after the Russian army left for Moscow, the traditions of small restaurants where a person could eat quickly remained.
1.3. Russian restaurants
The history of domestic "catering establishments" dates back to ancient times, when it became necessary to feed travelers and messengers on the roads, as well as merchants and buyers of numerous fairs and bazaars. Therefore, in Russia there are several types of restaurants that can be divided into ordinary and "fast".
You could quickly eat in the "gluttonous rows" that worked at the bazaars, in which they whipped up cheaply cabbage soup with golovitoy, millet porridge, potatoes with cooked or pancakes. Traders fried fritters and pancakes in sunflower oil right on the street. From the finished pancakes on the shelves, whole bowls, towers and mountains were laid out.
The main "dishes" of Russian fast food were baked goods. This is not surprising - the main product of Russian agriculture was grain, from time immemorial included in the diet of the Slavs. Charlotte, for example, was then the most popular buffet treat.
Nowadays Fast Food includes such products as: sandwich, hot dog, corn dog, hamburger, popcorn, instant noodles, chips, corn flakes, french fries, donuts, pizza, shawarma.
2. Nutritionists around the world are sounding the alarm
2.1. Studies of Swedish scientists
Swedish scientists have found that potato chips, french fries and hamburgers contain so many carcinogens that their fans are almost doomed to various oncological diseases or, at least, to nervous disorders.