Методические принципы обучения профессионально ориентированному иностранному языку
Автор: zharylkasynovaaa • Октябрь 16, 2019 • Лекция • 3,027 Слов (13 Страниц) • 422 Просмотры
Методические принципы обучения профессионально ориентированному иностранному языку
Аннотация. Рассматривается проблема профессионально-ориентированного обучения иностранному языку студентов нелингвистических специальностей, которая приобретает особую актуальность в связи с возрастающей ролью иноязычного общения в профессиональной деятельности современных специалистов.
Ключевые слова: успешность; многоаспектность; профессиональная деятельность; коммуникация.
In the modern conditions foreign-language communication becomes an essential component of future professional activity of the expert, in this regard the discipline role "foreign language" considerably increases in non-language higher education institutions. The state educational standard of high education demands accounting of professional specifics at the learning of foreign language, its aiming at realization of tasks of future professional activity of graduates.
The special relevance is acquired by the professional focused approach to tutoring of a foreign language in technical colleges which provides formation at students of ability of foreign-language communication in concrete professional, business, scientific spheres and situations taking into account features of professional thinking. Professional focused is understood as the tutoring based on accounting of needs of students for a learning of foreign language, dictated by features of future profession or specialty [1. P. 5]. It assumes a combination of acquisition of the professional focused foreign language to development of personal qualities of students, knowledge of culture of the country of a target language and acquisition of the special skills based on professional and linguistic knowledge.
The professional-oriented training to foreign language is recognized as the priority direction education updating now.
There was an imperative need in a new way to look at tutoring process in general and at training in a foreign language in particular.
Foreign-language communication becomes an essential component of professional activity of experts. The analysis of pedagogical scientific and methodical sources showed that there is an infinite number of the methodical directions and technologies of training in a foreign language at not language faculties of higher education institutions. Now the task not only mastering skills of communication in a foreign language, but also acquisitions of special knowledge in the specialty is set.
Considering a foreign language as means of formation of professional orientation of future expert, N.D. Galskova notes that when studying of the professional focused language material the two-way communication between the aspiration of the student to acquire special knowledge and success of language acquisition is established [2. P. 4]. She considers a foreign language an effective remedy of vocational and social guidance in not language higher education institution. According to the author, realization of this potential requires keeping of the following conditions:
– the accurate formulation is more whole than foreign-language speech activity;
– social and professional orientation of this activity;
– satisfaction of the private tasks trained at the decision;
– formation at trainees of ability to approach creatively the solution of private tasks;
– the favorable psychological climate in educational collective. The huge contribution to development of the theory of the professional focused teaching a foreign language was made by P.I. Obraztsov with the coauthor. They proved the principle of professional orientation of a training material when training in a foreign language in not language higher education institution. Authors emphasized that the learning of foreign language has to be not end in itself, but means of achievement of the goal of increase in level of education, erudition within the specialty. Accounting of specifics of main specialties, from their point of view, has to be carried out in the following directions: working on by special texts, studying of special topics for development of oral speech, studying of the dictionary of a minimum on the corresponding specialty, creation by teachers of grants for activization of grammatical and lexical material of students [3].
The problem of formation of a system of vocational language training of future experts when tutoring in not language higher education institutions is characterized by multidimensionality now. In scientific and scientific and methodical literature the foreign language as a subject in the system of higher education reveals authors from various positions: problems of training in a foreign language at the higher school as to the means of communication (I.L. Bim, N.N. Gez, I.A. Zimnyaya), problems of formation of communicative abilities means of a foreign language (V.L. Kuzovlev, V.G. Kostomarov, A.A. Leontyev, E.I. Passov), formation of professional orientation (L.Sh. Gegechgori, N.I. Gez, M.A. Davydova, B.K. Esipovich, R.P. Milrud), communicative approach in training in a foreign language (I.L. Bim, A.N. Leontyev, E.I. Passov, G.V. Rogova).
The subject "foreign language" has a number of features. The specifics of a subject are defined by the direction of the way of acquisition of a foreign language.
L.S. Vygotsky noted that assimilation of a foreign language goes way, counter to that which there is a development of the native language. The child acquires the native language unconsciously and unintentionally, and foreign – since understanding and an intention. Therefore it is possible to tell that development of the native language goes from below up while development of a foreign language – from top to down.
The second feature of a foreign language as subject is that language acts as both means, and the tutoring purpose. The trainee acquires the most mild language tools, seizes different types of speech activity which till the particular moment act as the tutoring purpose, and then are used by it for development of more difficult language actions, i.e. are more narrow the tutorial.
The following peculiar feature of this subject matter is its "pointlessness": unlike other disciplines, it doesn't give to the person of knowledge of reality as language is means of formation, existence and expression of thoughts of the world around.