ХХ ғасырдың 20-30 жылдарындағы Қазақстан мәдениеті
Автор: batyrzxq • Декабрь 3, 2023 • Эссе • 2,987 Слов (12 Страниц) • 133 Просмотры
Alikhan Bokeikhan university[pic 1]
ХХ ғасырдың 20-30 жылдарындағы Қазақстан мәдениеті.
Орындаған: Өтеп Бауыржан
Choosing a university is imperative to your further studies. Every course and every university is different and each student wants different things. The chance of finding a perfect match can be a challenge and you will certainly need to decide what is most important to you. It is all a matter of priorities which you feel are important to you,after all you will be the one who has to study on the course and you maybe living there for over 3 years or more.
When choosing a university, there are a few general things you may want to consider before researching more specific factors. First of all, I propose a good way to start researching universities is to look at university league tables, which is the university rankings. This will allow you to see how well a particular university is doing in comparison to others. A higher placing in the table generally means facilities, grades and teaching standards are better. Remember that going to a university higher up in the league tables does not automatically mean you will achieve better grades, it is down to how well you perform during the course. According to the rankings, the choice of your subject and the type of course will narrow down the number of potential universities to just a few. Moving on to my next point, Where is the universities located? This means that whether you want to go to a universities in a big city or somewhere quieter. Studying in big town will have a lot of disturbance and distractions awaiting, thus lose your concentration in your studies. Remember that the cost of living will be higher in large cities, which may affect your budget significantly. On the other way round, studying in urban area will convenient your living there as you are closer to the shopping centre to buy living necessities and able to enjoy delicacies sometimes.
Another point that I would like to emphasize is the social activites of university is a very important part of a student life, therefore it is vital to ensure the range of social, sports, and cultural activities and clubs offered by the university match your requirements. This is because taking a degree is not all studying, it is important to balance your life with some fun. This in turn can help you to find the right balance between working and socialising in the future.
Another point that I would like to emphasize is the social activites of university is a very important part of a student life, therefore it is vital to ensure the range of social, sports, and cultural activities and clubs offered by the university match your requirements. This is because taking a degree is not all studying, it is important to balance your life with some fun. This in turn can help you to find the right balance between working and socialising in the future.
Another point that I would like to emphasize is the social activites of university is a very important part of a student life, therefore it is vital to ensure the range of social, sports, and cultural activities and clubs offered by the university match your requirements. This is because taking a degree is not all studying, it is important to balance your life with some fun. This in turn can help you to find the right balance between working and socialising in the future.
The choice of an institution of higher learning such as a university is significant in the lives of a student because it shapes the future of the student. It is therefore important that the choice is made carefully and after considering all factors. This study established the factors that are considered by most students in the choice of the university. Using a sample of 30 students, the researcher collected data on the factors that were considered in the choice of university using a questionnaire that contained likert scale questions as well as open ended questions.
The study established that while most students considered financial costs, some considered availability of financial aid and loans for higher education. In addition, parental guide, help from friends, reputation of the institution and the quality of education in terms of availability of favorite majors were some of the factors considered.
Study Objective
Although universities offer significant value to the life of students, it is important to determine the best university for the student in order to maximize future success. For this reason, this study aims at establishing the factors that students consider while choosing the University for higher learning.
Literature Review
Educational institutions are important in the lives of children and especially young adults that seek to be successful in their lives. It is for this reason that the institutions that a person chooses for his/her children are significant. Many people and students consider many factors in the choice of college or university to join.
According to Collis and Hussey (2009, p. 94), there are many factors that students consider before choosing a college or university of choice. To begin with, most students consider the size of the institution they want to study.
Although small universities or college is considered to be academic oriented, they are usually established in residential places and may have few courses to offer. Similarly, such universities may have few options of extracurricular activities than larger academic institutions.
In a survey conducted by Sevier (1992, p. 34) to establish the factors that affect the choice of college among students, questionnaires were developed and sent out to a sample of 3325 juniors form various colleges. The questionnaires asked the students to rate the factors on their significance in determining the choice of college chosen.
The findings of the study indicated that most students consider the reputation of the college, the cost of attending the particular university, and the availability of aid in form of scholarship among other in choosing the university.
In another study that was conducted by Wenglinsky (1996) to establish reasons for attending a given college, it was established that African American students chose colleges and universities based on availability of substantial financial funding of their majors.
In addition, the location was a vital factor in the selection of the college. Local colleges and universities were preferred since their locations provided for cheap living conditions as compare to the urban universities and colleges.