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Нравственная культура школьников как педагогическая проблема

Автор:   •  Май 30, 2024  •  Статья  •  2,412 Слов (10 Страниц)  •  75 Просмотры

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Antonina Andreevna Mazurova,

a student, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod

Svetlana Sergeevna Maslova,

a student, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod


Антонина Андреевна Мазурова,

студентка, Белгородский национальный исследовательский университет, г. Белгород


Светлана Сергеевна Маслова,

студентка, Белгородский национальный исследовательский университет. г. Белгород



In the article the issue of importance of culture and morality in modern education is considered. The attention is paid to the fact that only relying on universal, cultural values, one can become a person of high culture. The main idea is that the cultural approach in education is aimed at the revival of spiritual and moral values, which play an important role in the formation of a personality. It is emphasized that the moral development ofa  personality is a fundamental component of personality culture and one of the most important tasks of education. Various definitions of culture and morality are considered through the prism of socially progressive creative activity of mankind. Referring to the works of famous teachers and philosophers, it is emphasized that morality should be central  in education, influencing the development of a personality much more strongly than  minddevelopment. In general, the article calls for the construction of the education based on the values of culture and morality for the formation of a holistic and morally developed personality in modern society.


В статье рассматривается вопрос о важности культуры и нравственности в современном образовании. Обращается внимание на то, что только опираясь на общечеловеческие, культурные ценности, можно стать человеком высокой культуры. Главная идея заключается в том, что культурный подход в образовании направлен на возрождение духовно-нравственных ценностей, которые играют важную роль в формировании личности. Подчёркивается, что нравственное развитие личности является фундаментальным компонентом культуры личности и одной из важнейших задач образования. Различные определения культуры и нравственности рассматриваются через призму социально-прогрессивной творческой деятельности человечества. Ссылаясь на работы знаменитых педагогов и философов, подчеркивается, что нравственность должна занимать центральное место в образовании, влияя на развитие личности гораздо сильнее, чем развитие ума. В целом, статья призывает к построению образования на основе ценностей культуры и нравственности для формирования целостной и нравственно развитой личности в современном обществе.

Keywords: moral culture, formation of the culture of schoolchildren, personality formation, education, morality, pedagogy.

Ключевые слова: нравственная культура, формирование культуры школьников, формирование личности, воспитание, мораль, педагогика.

Modern science covers different spheres of human life and activity, penetrates into the secrets of the laws of nature and society. But one of the most attractive, important and complex objects of knowledge is culture, and its bearer and creator isa human being. Culture has many sources: everything that happens in the world, in the society, in politics, and everything that happens in a social group, family, all personal experience, and everything that people teach, literature, art. It is only by relying on universal, cultural values that one can become a person of high culture.

In this regard, the task of defining a new theoretical, methodological and practical approach to modern education has become acute. The recognition of the values of human life, the direction towards the revival of spiritual and moral values determines the educational strategy, culture plays the main role in its implementation. It is a cultural approach that allows culture to be meaningful, and education is the process of cultural workers. Since moral culture is a fundamental component of personality culture, the most important task of education is the moral development of a personality, which assumes that in the world of many cultures, students recognize the fact that they interact with their ideals, spiritual and moral values, develop ideas about culture, morality and spirituality, develop moral qualities and experience of moral behavior. As it is noted in the program of continuous education of children and students, one of the tasks of education is "the formation of moral, aesthetic and environmental culture" [2, p. 224].

The problem of moral culture lies on the border between ethics and cultural theory. Currently, there are 2 approaches to revealing the essence of the concept of "moral culture". The first one begins with the disclosure of the essence of the general concept – "culture", and the second one begins  with a specific point – "morality".

To find out what moral culture is, firstyou should turn to the etymology of the word "culture".

In ancient times, the Latin word "cultura" was originally used to call "cultivation of land", its "cultivation", that is, the change of nature under the influence of a human being, his activities. Later, "culture" began to be understood as everything created by man.


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