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Практическая работа по "Английской и американской литературе"

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Автономная некоммерческая организация высшего образования


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Форма обучения: заочная




Английская и американская литература



Группа                                                                                      Го20Л171


Лазаренко Е.О


Практическое занятие №1

One of the old English words you will meet in English literature is “folk” which

means “peopple”. The beautiful Anglo-Saxon poem “Beowulf” may be called the foundation stone of all British poetry. It tells of times long before the Angles and Saxons came to Britain. The whole poem was written down —  in the 10th century by an unknown author. Many parts were added later. It is impossible for non specialist to read it in the original .

The scene is set among the Jutes, who lived on the southern coast of the

Scandinavian peninsula at the time, and the Danes, their neighbor’s across the strait.

The people were divided into two classes : free peasants and warriors. The safety of people depended on the warriors. The poem shows us these warriors in battle and at peace, it shows their feast and amusements, their love for sea and for adventure. Beowulf is the young knight of the Jutes. He fights not for his own glory but for the benefit of the whole nation. He is ready to sacrifice his life for his people.

His unselfish way in protecting people makes him worthy to be folk-king.

Практическое занятие №2

1.The story of Robin Hood is especially popular in...

c)every corner of the Earth.

2.The story of Robin Hood is about...

a)600 years old;

3.William Tell, El Cid and Janosik are...

a)international heroes;

4.Robin Hood...

a)really existed;

5.It is probable that Robin Hood was King Edward II’s...

а) servant;

6. It is probable that Robin Hood lived in the...

b) fourteenth century;

7.Robin was a popular...

b) Christian name;


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