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Южнокорейская кухня

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министерства  иностранных  дел  
российской  федерации»

(ФГБПОУ «Колледж МИД России»)

Цикловая комиссия
преподавателей иностранных языков

Малахова Анастасия Дмитриевна


Индивидуальный проект
по «Иностранному языку (английский)»
обучающегося первого курса (очная форма обучения)
914 группы

Научный руководитель работы – Булавина Нина Александровна

Москва  2022



  1. The History of the Cuisine         4
  2. Rules of Eating         6
  1. The Features Of Korean Table Etiquette         6
  2. About Chopsticks         7
  3. How to Sit Down While Eating         7
  1. The Rice         8
  2. Dog Meat Consumption         9
  1. History         9
  2. Dogs Are Used for Meat         9
  3. Types of Dishes         10
  1. Desserts, Drinks, Snacks         11
  1. Drinks         11
  1. History         11
  1. The Coffee         12
  2. Snacks         12
  1. Holiday Food         14
  1. Sollal. Ttokkuk         14
  2. Sambok. Samgetang         14
  3. Chuseok. Seongpyeong         14
  4. Donji. Patjuk         15
  5. Birthdays. Myokkuk         15

CONCLUSION         16


APPENDIX         18

[pic 1]


Why did I choose this country?

There are several reasons why I chose this theme. First of all, I think that their cuisine is very interesting and unusual. I don't think everyone will like Korean food, because most of it is spicy, so I would like to talk about it. One more reason is that I really like this country. I want to learn more about the country, and as cuisine is part of the culture, I decided to look at this particular topic. Another reason why I chose exactly this cuisine is because the history of the development of this cuisine is very interesting and I want to know it.


The purpose of my project is to learn more about Korean culture by discovering the country’s traditional cuisine. The present project includes the asking different people about their knowledge of Korean cuisine.


  1. Explore existing literature and sources.
  2. Explore the history of South Korean food.
  3. Study and analyse the main products that are used in the country’s kitchen.
  4. Analyse the development of South Korean food.
  5. Systematise the information you have received.
  6. To design the result of the study as a product and a presentation

Ways of realization:

  1. Find and analyze the literature about the history of cuisine.
  2. Find the information about Rules of eating.
  3. Analyse Korean attitudes towards rice and learn about snacks.
  4. Find out more about dog meat consumption
  5. Learn more about holiday food.
  6. Make a product and a presentation.

1 The History of the Cuisine

The Korean cuisine, like other cuisines, has been handed down from generation to generation for centuries. The diet of Koreans even before Christ, consisted of fish, meat, berries and wild herbs. Koreans step by step move to higher ground. And thanks to this, farming and cattle breeding begin to develop. They start growing a variety of beans, but rice was only grown in the south of the country.

In the Bronze Age, two varieties of rice appeared, water rice and dryland rice. However, they entered South Korea through other countries.

In the early Iron Age, irrigated rice cultivation developed. Korean tribes grown the «five grains»[1] (a set of all cultivated plants). But not all peoples have rice as one of the «five grains». This was due to the fact that rice was used as a water crop. Although everyone grew rice, it was still not a main food.

Late Early Iron Age (3rd century). The link with China played an important role. South Korea has also got China's experience. This is why farming and the rice comes in first place. At this time, the Koreans, Chinese and Japanese began to use
a way of storing vegetables called pickling ('kimchi'). It was done when it was winter.

During the Silla Unification Era, dishes that needed salt were often prepared. These dishes were prepared for holidays or sacrifices.

Koreans lived in both the north and the south. Because of the different climates, dishes reacted differently to salt. This is how regional cuisine appeared
in the Tree Nation Era. That is, the dishes have developed their own special qualities.

Several ways of cooking were known during the Three Kingdoms period. Such as boiling, stewing and frying. Meat was only served on special days, however,
as animals were most often used as a mode of transport.

Seafood and fish are an important part of the diet of Koreans today. The love
of seafood is mentioned in ancient Chinese books. Of course they had their favorite fish species, but they had a particular preference for mollusks. The historical chronicles say that Koreans made different kinds of soup. For example from meat, fish, shellfish, vegetables, mushrooms and seaweed.
[2] Soup was a dish that was eaten with rice. Soy sauce and soybean paste were already part of the diet at that time.

Tea came into being during the reign of the first woman. However, the Koreans did not grow it themselves. It was brought in from India. It was growing up in 826-835 A.D.


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