Путешествия и экскурсии как один из факторов развития личности
Автор: makidonskay96 • Апрель 4, 2020 • Реферат • 4,681 Слов (19 Страниц) • 524 Просмотры
Theme: “Travel and excursions as one of the factors of personality development”
Автор проекта:
Бисалиева Виктория Рустамовна
студентка группы 1 м/с 96
Руководитель проекта:
Печёнкина Марина Степановна
Астрахань 2020
Project Passport…………………………………………………3
Chapter 1…………………………………………………………..4
Chapter 2…………………………………………………………4-5
Chapter 3………………………………………………………….6
Chapter 4………………………………………………………….7-8
Chapter 5………………………………………………………….9
List of references.............................................................................11
Travel and excursions as one of the factors of personality development
Project goal: to analyze trips and their impact on a person’s personality.
Project Type: Research
Educational area: humanities
Subject matter: English
Methods used in the work on the project: thought activity
Project presentation form: abstract, presentation
Educational, cultural and educational institutions, on the basis of which the project was implemented: base of ABMK
Have you ever wondered why you need travel? Someone travels for new acquaintances, someone just wants to lie down by the sea and do nothing, and the other, on the contrary, actively walks around new cities and streets from morning to night with a list of attractions, someone studies culture, someone does shopping . But if we combine all these goals, we will understand that the main reason for traveling is to receive new emotions and inspiration.
Objective of the project: to analyze the journeys and their impact on a person’s personality.
The relevance of this work is due to the special interest today in traveling to different places.
Chapter 1. Traveling as the main factor in personality development
During the trip, you can get not only the effect of restoration of strength, but also something more, a complete reboot of your worldview, a change in thinking, habits and even character. Over the past 5 years, I have visited more than 15 countries and 70 cities, made friends in different parts of the world, lived in different places, slept on the floor in a common room in Kalmykia and in luxurious apartments in Kazakhstan, changed my thousands of thoughts, watching different people and cultures . And today I want to share my thoughts on why it is so useful to travel, how to make the holidays an incentive for self-development and what questions you should answer after the holidays.
Chapter 2. Why is travel so important?
Traveling helps to discover in yourself what was hidden behind the dullness of everyday life, expand your consciousness, realize your dreams. Travel should be an integral part of every person’s life. In each trip you can make new acquaintances, new friends, business partners. Thanks to travel, you grow, go to a new level of your personal development.
The main benefit of travel is that a person, leaving his usual habitat, loses those factors and their strength that affect him daily. During the holidays, he begins his life from scratch:
- wakes up and lies down at another time
- eats differently
- regularly filled with new information from brochures, excursions, talking with strangers, studying a map, geography, another language
- begins to enjoy the aesthetic beauty of architecture, nature, listens to new music.
Observe yourself when you find yourself in a new place for you. You will certainly notice that your thoughts flow differently. You are relaxed and you are not thinking at all about those things that you are used to thinking about in the hectic weekdays. In the process of rest, a person receives invaluable experience, which develops into the possibility of development in each of the spheres of his life. We think differently and let in a new image of ourselves.
They say that only 3 things are needed for happiness:
- love
- interesting work
-the ability to travel
And most often due to lack of time, problems with the business, financial issues, we postpone travel for later. And life in the “work-home” mode creates a vicious circle. On the one hand, we do not have time for rest, on the other hand, the lack of rest makes it impossible to work efficiently, get inspiration and make plans for achieving new victories. Therefore, you urgently need to get out of this circle. And it’s not necessary to go abroad. Leave for the weekend somewhere out of town, change the picture before your eyes, disconnect from everyday thoughts and do a full reboot of your head.