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Успешный адамды мектепте калай тарбиелеу керек?

Автор:   •  Октябрь 30, 2022  •  Эссе  •  384 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  163 Просмотры

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Успешный адамды мектепте калай тарбиелеу керек?

How to develop soft skills of schoolchildren in order to be more successful in their future life?

Who is more successful the students who finished being activist and the student who finished the school by not participating anything

In this case we should identify the importance of participating different extracillicular activities, volunteering, participating in different Olympiads, debates, different competition throughout their learning processes at school.

In order to assess their achievements I will search data with this factors:

  • How many people applied to university after finishing school

I will take the data from school. Because every school has information about their students. Every year they monitor how many of their students applied to university.

  • How many people won scholarship to study at university after finishing school

National Unified test results and list of children who won scholarship

  • How many of them finished university with high GPA

This information will be collected from universities.

  • How many people have prestigious job

This information will be collected from university

  • Value of their income

Pensionary fund

İn order to format data I will use Excell.

3. we know that there will be two problems with the data collected: problem with attributes and records.

For example I will clean or sort attributable problems with 6 different principle.

Invalid values that lie outside the desired range, for example the number 6 in the field for university GPA

Missing values that are not entered are meaningless or undefined, for example ҰБТ тесті 140 балдық болса оның орнына біреудің результаты 180 болып тұрса оны өшіру керек

Spelling errors incorrect spelling of words: for example the title of jon was writen ministr instead of minister, or techr instead of teacher which distors the primary meaning of the variable

Ambiguity using different words to describe the same meaning or using the same abbreviation for different meanings for example GPA can be an abbreviation for the another words

word permutation, usually found in free format text fields;

nested values are several values in one attribute, for example, in a free format field.

In record level, there are will be 4 problems:

violation of uniqueness, for example, of a passport number or other identifier;

duplicate records when the same object is described twice;


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