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Formation of students research skills based on technologies for solving problems using software tools

Автор:   •  Февраль 20, 2022  •  Курсовая работа  •  2,655 Слов (11 Страниц)  •  335 Просмотры

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Istam Aminov1

PhD, Associate Professor,

Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan

Xudaykul Bustanov2

Senior Lecturer

Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan

Abstract. The main purpose of using information technologies in education is determined by the fact that they are most effectively implemented such didactic principles as scientific, accessibility, visibility, consciousness and activity of students. Information technologies open up wide opportunities for activating the formation of students ' research skills. The use of modern software tools in the educational process helps to increase the interest in learning and its effectiveness. The article deals with the formation of students ' research skills based on technologies for solving problems using software tools for computer science classes.

Keyword: Information technologies, research skills of students, formation of research qualities, modern software tools, the purpose of practical training, stages and algorithms for solving the problem, the effectiveness of using software tools to solve the problem.

Introduction. The modernization of the educational activities of the university in the light of improving the quality of training of highly qualified specialists is associated with the introduction of information technologies in the educational and research work of students [1].

In modern conditions of the rapid development of science and technology, the rapid accumulation and updating of information, it is important to awaken in a person an interest in the accumulation of knowledge, teach him to learn, develop initiatives, creativity and independence among students. The basis in this work is the formation of students' research skills on the basis of information technology [2].

Main part

Modern information technologies serve as a means of developing such student qualities as [3]:

  • systemic scientific;
  • constructive-shaped;
  • algorithmic thinking;
  • contributing to the variability of thought processes;
  • development of imagination and intuition;
  • the formation of information and communication and research skills.

All types and forms of educational and scientific work in the university should be aimed at the formation of these qualities of activity. Therefore, the teaching methodology at the university presupposes such an organization to teach students the ability to independently

acquire and replenish knowledge, to think in an original way and make independent decisions with a consulting, guiding role of a teacher.

The new qualification model of a future specialist assumes such requirements for a graduate as:

  • possession of skills for independent acquisition of knowledge and advanced training;
  • the ability to translate the acquired knowledge into innovative technologies and specific solutions;
  • readiness for social and professional mobility, etc.

The listed requirements determine an increase in the role of students' research work in organizing the educational process of training specialists.

At the present time, the emerging new style and way of life creates conditions for active activity. Research culture is a vehicle for scientific and educational activity. The transformation of a student into a subject of the educational process capable of independently assimilating, evaluating and using the results of research activities in the process of professional training speaks of the development of his personality, his conscious interest in getting an education [4-8].

Research skills are general educational, since they have the property of broad transfer and can be effectively used in the study of all disciplines at the university and in future professional activities, the basis of their formation is research activity.

Research activity of students is one of the forms of individual work of students, an essential part of the process of training future specialists and contributes to:

  • activation of mental activity and independent assimilation of knowledge, the formation of professional skills and abilities, ensures the formation of the professional competence of the future specialist;
  • develops cognitive and creative abilities of the individual;
  • encourages research work.

Research skill can be formed in the process of university students working on a thesis project, and the terms of these skills [9]:

  • the ability to define and formulate a research goal;
  • the ability to diagnose and analyze the theoretical state of the research problem;
  • the ability to plan the experimental part of the study;
  • the ability to process the results of the experiment;
  • the ability to summarize and evaluate the results of the experiment.

In the course of performing research work, the student must learn to think, analyze tasks, take into account conditions, set tasks, solve emerging problems, i.e. the process must gradually turn into a creative one.

At the present stage of development, society needs people with good creative potential, capable of making non-standard decisions, able to think creatively [10-12]. The objectives of teaching computer science are mastering the skills to work with various types of information using a computer and other software. The use of information technologies in the educational process makes it possible to make practical lessons interesting, dynamic, and a huge flow of studied information more accessible.

The purpose of the practical lessons of the informatics course is to show the use of software tools for solving problems, improve the skills of drawing up mathematical models, test the ability of students to highlight the properties of an object that are essential for solving a problem [13-14].

Let us consider the sequence of passing the stages of solving the problem using the software for the problem. For example, the driver of a light car moving at a certain constant speed sees a red traffic light and applies the brake. After that, the speed of the light car began to


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