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Students рефераты и научные статьи

Последнее обновление: Март 24, 2018
  • Студенттің өзіндік жұмысын ұйымдастыруға арналған» I student» бағдарламасы

    Студенттің өзіндік жұмысын ұйымдастыруға арналған» I student» бағдарламасы

    ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫНЫҢ БІЛІМ ЖӘНЕ ҒЫЛЫМ МИНИСТІРЛІГІ ҚАЗТҰТЫНУОДАҒЫ ҚАРАҒАНДЫ ЭКОНОМИКАЛЫҚ УНИВЕРСИТЕТІ Факультет: Бизнес және құқық Мамандық: Азық-түлік өнімдерінің технологиясы Ғылыми жобаның тақырыбы: «Студенттің өзіндік жұмысын ұйымдастыруға арналған» I student» бағдарламасы Орындағандар: ТПП-11к тобы Балқыбекова Жұлдыз Мәдениет Айтолқын Ғылыми жетекші: магистр Абзалбек М.С. Қарағанды-2017 ________________ Жоба тақырыбы: Студенттің өзіндік жұмысын ұйымдастыруға арналған» I student» бағдарламасы Мақсаты: студенттердің өзіндік жұмысын ұйымдастыруды оңтайландыру және оқытушылармен үзіліссіз байланысты қамтамасыз ету. Осы мақсатқа сәйкес келесідей міндеттер анықталды: * Өзіндік жұмысты ұйымдастыруда

    Размер документа: 1,329 Слов / 6 Страниц
    Отправлено: Май 2, 2018 Автор: zhuldyzdd
  • Student Air Travel Association

    Student Air Travel Association

    Student Air Travel Association The Student Air Travel Association (SATA) is an international membership association of student travel agencies who share a commitment to provide affordable and accessible travel to young people. Recognising that student travellers are a unique customer niche, SATA began more than 30 years ago to provide specialised air travel products that meet young people’s unique needs. SATA is best known for the "SATA type ticket", a uniform flight ticket providing special

    Размер документа: 1,103 Слов / 5 Страниц
    Отправлено: Декабрь 23, 2021 Автор: Kate1111111111
  • Formation of students research skills based on technologies for solving problems using software tools

    Formation of students research skills based on technologies for solving problems using software tools

    FORMATION OF STUDENTS RESEARCH SKILLS BASED ON TECHNOLOGIES FOR SOLVING PROBLEMS USING SOFTWARE TOOLS Istam Aminov1 PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan Xudaykul Bustanov2 Senior Lecturer Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan Abstract. The main purpose of using information technologies in education is determined by the fact that they are most effectively implemented such didactic principles as scientific, accessibility, visibility, consciousness and activity of

    Размер документа: 2,655 Слов / 11 Страниц
    Отправлено: Февраль 20, 2022 Автор: Yrysty12
  • The role of game in the formation of primary school students` foreign language speech skills

    The role of game in the formation of primary school students` foreign language speech skills

    Content Introduction Theoretical part 1. Why Teach English in Primary Schools? 1.1 Speech skills on the English lessons in primary school 1.2 The types of speech skills in English lessons 1.3 The methods of teaching speech skills in English lessons 2. Games 2.1 The history of games in English lessons 2.2 The types of games in English lessons 2.3 The examples of games in English lessons Practical part Introduction Good morning! My name is Amanzhanova

    Размер документа: 6,048 Слов / 25 Страниц
    Отправлено: Октябрь 29, 2022 Автор: Makhambetovna
  • Formation of the skills of expressing problematic monologue speech of students

    Formation of the skills of expressing problematic monologue speech of students

    FORMATION OF THE SKILLS OF EXPRESSING PROBLEMATIC MONOLOGUE SPEECH OF STUDENTS In modern conditions of learning, the importance of the monologue increases even more. However, the formation of monologue speech remains a problem. Until now, the main criterion for the success of teaching native and foreign languages at school remains the assimilation of spelling norms by students. But for the majority of those who have graduated from secondary school, writing as a type of speech

    Размер документа: 1,578 Слов / 7 Страниц
    Отправлено: Апрель 25, 2023 Автор: Demi457
  • Analyse the project activities of students in Kazakhstan system education

    Analyse the project activities of students in Kazakhstan system education

    Analyse the project activities of students in Kazakhstan system education. The methods of design-oriented learning technology include a combination of various methods, such as the problem method, search, communicative, research, reflexive and presentative. Today, design is the most common type of intellectual activity used in various fields. Kazakhstan has a highly centralised top-down system that leaves little political, administrative and fiscal authority to lower levels of a clearly delineated hierarchy. This is reflected in the

    Размер документа: 480 Слов / 2 Страниц
    Отправлено: Май 23, 2023 Автор: AbZhansaya.03
  • Student's Working Day

    Student's Working Day

    Student's Working Day I am Frank. Now I am a first-vear student of Pennsylvania University. I would like to describe my usual working day. My lectures and practicals begin at 8 o'clock. So, I get up at half past six. My alarm clock wakes me up and my working day begins. I do morning exercises, take a shower, brush my teeth and comb my hair. After that I get dressed and have breakfast. I leave

    Размер документа: 261 Слов / 2 Страниц
    Отправлено: Октябрь 21, 2023 Автор: silvamelikyan46
  • Sport in human life. Life hacks for students about healthy lifestyle

    Sport in human life. Life hacks for students about healthy lifestyle

    ҚОЖА АХМЕТ ЯССАУИ АТЫНДАҒЫ ҚАЗАҚ-ТҮРІК УНИВЕРСИТЕТІ Тақырып: Sport in human life. Life hacks for students about healthy lifestyle Қабылдаған: Молдир Киздарбекова Орындаған:Қалдыбай Ердаулет Топ: МДШ-312 One of the foundations for ensuring a healthy lifestyle of students is to increase the role and effectiveness of physical education classes in higher educational institutions. This is very important, because recently there have been rapidly changing conditions of our life: psychological, physical, environmental and others. Студенческий спорт - основа

    Размер документа: 1,616 Слов / 7 Страниц
    Отправлено: Ноябрь 26, 2023 Автор: Sayat Sayat