Приоритетность решений в области землепользования для оптимального предоставления экосистемных услуг и защиты биоразнообразия в продук
Автор: 552121 • Октябрь 25, 2021 • Контрольная работа • 21,392 Слов (86 Страниц) • 264 Просмотры
Контрольная работа № 1
по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский язык)»
на тему:
«Приоритетность решений в области землепользования для оптимального предоставления
экосистемных услуг и защиты биоразнообразия в
продуктивные ландшафты»
Техносферная безопасность
Инженерная защита окружающей среды
Prioritising Land-Use Decisions for the Optimal Delivery
of Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity Protection in
Productive Landscapes
Emily S. Weeks, Norm Mason,
Anne-Gaelle E. Ausseil and Alexander Herzig
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Over the past 50 years, ecosystems have changed more rapidly than at any other period of human history [1]. Considerable portions of the world’s thirteen terrestrial biomes are being converted to less ecologically diverse ecosystems [2]. Such a high degree of conversion is leading to extensive changes in biodiversity composition and ecological processes, which results in the diminishing of the ecosystem services that help sustain biological diversity and human populations [3]. Estimates of current extinction rates are several magnitudes above average extinction rates through geological time [4]. Some biologists suggest that a sixth mass extinction is underway, but there is large uncertainty in estimates of global extinction rates [5]. Recently, however, there has been considerable evidence for widespread loss of species at the local and regional level. Studies have shown that the loss of biodiversity at this level has led to the simplification of ecosystem function and resilience [6], and is altering key process important to productivity
and sustainability of Earth’s ecosystems.
Biodiversity is considered to provide a range of services of varying values to humanity [7] associated with the normal functioning of both their individual components and different combinations of these components in integrated functional ecological systems (Figure 1).The type and level of service inevitably varies among ecosystems but each one can contribute significantly depending on type and their degree of intactness. As the human population increases so do the demands on most ecosystem services provided by indigenous ecosystems, but their ability to provide these services generally decreases with increasing degradation of © 2014 The Author(s). Licensee InTech. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. the system. This is generally associated with increased human population pressure. Under‐ standing this complex relationship in a particular ecosystem or related ecosystems is most
important and should be an integral component of the planning of ecosystem management.
Prioritising Land-Use Decisions
Biodiversity Protection in Productive
Emily S. Weeks1, Norm Mason2 , Anne-Gaelle
1National Land Resource Centre
New Zealand
2Landcare Research
New Zealand
1. Introduction
Over the past 50 years, ecosystems have Considerable portions of the world’s thirteen ecosystems [2]. Such a high degree of conversion
ecological processes, which results in the diminishing human populations [3]. Estimates of current extinction rates are several Some biologists suggest that a sixth mass extinction rates [5]. Recently, however, there
and regional level. Studies have shown that function and resilience [6], and is altering key Biodiversity is considered to provide a range
functioning of both their individual components functional ecological systems (Figure 1) .The can contribute significantly depending on type
the demands on most ecosystem services provided generally decreases with increasing degradation population pressure. Understanding this complex important and should be an integral component Figure
1. The links between natural ecosystems and
A global synthesis reveals that biodiversity
of biodiversity loss and differences across ecosystems
•Biophysical structure or process
•Species diversity Ecosystem and Biodiversity
•Indirect (e.g. ecosystem productivity)
•Direct (e.g. wood fuel)
Decisions for the Optimal Delivery of Ecosystem Productive Landscapes Gaelle E. Ausseil2 and Alexander Herzig2 have changed more rapidly than at any other period of thirteen terrestrial biomes are being converted to less e conversion is leading to extensive changes in biodiversity diminishing of the ecosystem services that help sustain biological several magnitudes above average extinction rates through extinction is underway, but there is large uncertainty in there has been considerable evidence for widespread loss of that the loss of biodiversity at this level has led to the simplification key process important to productivity and sustainability of range of services of varying values to humanity [7] associated components and different combinations of these components
The type and level of service inevitably varies among ecosystem type and their degree of intactness. As the human population provided by indigenous ecosystems, but their ability to provide degradation of the system. This is generally associated with complex relationship in a particular ecosystem or related component of the planning of ecosystem management. and human well-being adapted from Haines-Young et al. [7]. loss is a major driver of ecosystem change [6, 8]. There are
ecosystems, including: land-use change, climate change, Direct (e.g. wood).