Стратегии и формы преодоления стресса студентами разных национальностей
Автор: asmakovec_alena • Май 13, 2018 • Статья • 2,509 Слов (11 Страниц) • 568 Просмотры
Elena Asmakovets, assistant professor, Ph.D.,
Omsk State University named after Dostoevsky
Omsk, Russia
Елена Асмаковец, доцент, кандидат психологических наук,
Омский государственный университет им.Ф.М. Достоевского
Омск, Россия
Summary: The results of the research of prevailing coping strategies of different nationalities students of Omsk universities are presented in the article. According the research students of different nationalities (Russians, Kazakhs, Ukrainians, Germans, Tatars) prefer using different coping strategies in stressful situations.
The results could be used for corrective work organization weigh increase students’ stress resistance; for self regulation methods development depending on ethnic nature; for regulating interethnic relations in groups of students.
Keywords: stress, coping-behaviour, coping-behaviour strategies.
Резюме: В статье представлены результаты исследования преобладающих копинг-стратегий студентов разных национальностей омских университетов. Исследование показало, что студенты разных национальностей (русские, казахи, украинцы, немцы, татары) в стрессовой ситуации предпочитают использовать различные копинг-стратегии.
Результаты исследования могут быть использованы для организации коррекционной работы по повышению стрессоустойчивости студентов различных национальностей; для разработки методов саморегуляции студентов в зависимости от этнической принадлежности; могут быть учтены при регулировании межэтнических отношений в студенческих группах.
Ключевые слова: стресс, копинг-поведение, копинг-стратегии.
Modern society is impossible without stressful influence and necessity of the adequate reaction to changing situation. So special attention must be paid at increasing the stress resistance methods which is stability of motor sensorial and mental activity components during emotional sufferings and forming adaptive coping behaviours of employees at their work area.
"Coping" behaviour (from English "to cope" - cope, overcome, "coping" - overcoming) is behaviour directed to adjust stressful circumstances, to readiness of an individual to solve life problems. A. Maslow defines coping-behaviour as the form of the behaviour which expects the formed skill to use certain facility to overcome emotional stress (Lazarus, Kanner, Fоlkman, 1980). Coping’s psychological destination consists in adapting a person to requirements of situations as better as possible allowing him to possess it, weaken or soften these requirements, try to avoid or get accustomed to them and thereby to reduce the stressful action (Naratova-Bochaver, 1997).
It is stated that psychic and physical general state depends on the choice of coping-strategy when colliding traumatic situation. Using active coping behavioural strategy and comparatively low receptivity to stressful situation promotes improvement of general state. Problems’ avoiding and using passive strategies directed not to solve the problem but to reduction of the emotional voltage lead to its aggravation and growth of negative symptoms (Muzzybaev, 1998), (Naratova-Bochaver, 1997). That is choosing passive and non-adaptive coping strategies promotes the aggravation of general state and as effect leads to different diseases’ development.
Main approaches to understand coping-behaviour (coping) have been mainly developed by foreign researchers (R. Lazarus and S. Folkman, C. Carver, D. Ormel and R.Sanderman, H. Hekhauzen and others.).
At the same time phenomenon connected with so named "coping" were studied and yave been studied by Russian psychologists (L. Ancyferova, V. Bodrov, V. Merlin, S. Nartova-Bochaver, V. Nebylicyn, B. Teplov and others.).
In spite of big amount of publications of coping behaviour in different "life difficulties" and stressful situations problem, in our opinion factors influencing this behaviour particularly national attribute are not studied enough. At the same time studying ethno psychological particularities of an individual and his behaviour in stress is specifically actual as first of all, it allows to reveal the less studied questions of ethnic psychology, interethnic relations, national nature, and enables to study, analysis and predict the behaviour of person in stressful situation, to solve them with least losses and to reach the most favorable result.
Purpose of our study was to discover Omsk high schools’ students of different nationalities coping-strategies.
Students are particularly under influence of stress, it is conditioned with unemployment, professional and social determination, big educational load, remoteness from home and as a result they solve independently financial and many other problems.
Students’ environment is one of the more intensive zones of interethnic contacts. Young people of all Russian regions and different countries come to study in big cities. When studying representatives of the most varied ethnic groups could be met at high schools, different systems of worldview and outlook contact. As a result of it many students gain stereotypes of interethnic perception and behaviour which are going to be kept all their life.
The research lasted from April 2009 to April 2010 on the base of Omsk State University after F. Dostoevsky, Omsk Teachers Training University and Omsk Technical University.
Sample was formed with 145 people at the age of 17 to 22 years old: 96 students of Omsk State University, 27 students of Omsk Teachers Training University and 22 students of Omsk Technical University.
Sample of respondents corresponds to the ethnic to structure of the population Omsk region. According to census data of 2002, representatives of more than 120 nationalities live in Omsk and Omsk region. 83,5% of population of Omsk area are Russians, 3,9% - Kazakhs, 3,7% - Ukrainians, 3,7% - Germans, 2,3% - Tatars. There is the sixth group which has more than 100 small nationalities, as a whole it is 3% from the population.