Школьное образование в России и в Англии
Автор: ES16041991 • Октябрь 20, 2018 • Контрольная работа • 4,555 Слов (19 Страниц) • 537 Просмотры
Домашняя контрольная работа
по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»
студентки заочного отделения
2 курса
специальность 44. 02. 01 Дошкольное образование
Проверил: преподователь иностранного языка
Лободенко Юлия Олеговна
Оценка: ______________ ____________
Дата _________________
с. Спасское, 2018
Школьное образование в России и в Англии
Введение. 3
1. Образование в Англии. 4
1.1 Первичное образование. 5
1.2 Среднее образование. 6
1.3 Высшее образование . 9
1.4 Школьная жизнь. 10
2. Образование в США. 11
3. Образование в России. 12
4. Особенности Английского и Американского образования в системе образования в России. 12
Заключение. 14
Список использованных источников и литературы 15
In 1984, for the first time September 1 was declared national holiday Knowledge. It was created precisely because the knowledge in the Soviet Union was very important for those who receive them and for those who teach.
All the people in the Russian Federation have the right to education. Today, more than 58 million students in vocational schools, students of technical and higher educational institutions begin the academic year on the Day of Knowledge.
Our country needs qualified specialists, well-trained workers and, in General, people with huge potential. That is why the role of education is very increased. Of course, the school is responsible for the level of education of the younger generation. Currently, some changes were introduced to the school. has become much more open and democratic education; students have the opportunity to participate in school management. Most schools and technical colleges provided computer equipment. It all helps to raise the level of education to a proper level. But, in my opinion, the most important role in educational process is played by teachers. The teacher is the one who needs to interest the students in his subject and be interested in gaining knowledge in General. The teacher must be competent, intelligent, he must love and understand children.
In the days of school students attend excursions to factories, in a University laboratory to see practical use of knowledge in the industry. Students come to understand, to explore the profession and gain practical experience and knowledge in various fields of science.
My goal is to explore the similarities and differences of educational systems in Russia, USA and UK. To begin, I would like to describe the education system in the UK.
Education in the UK.
To evaluate any system of education need to study it in detail. England is a country of classical capitalism and the education system reflects this completely.
Capitalist companies have been forced to try to train students in the technical field and also industrial.
Most British children go to schools operated by the state. But a number of state schools in Britain there is a system of commercial (private) schools. Training in these schools is based on a fairly cheap payment.
In General, the educational system in England is quite complex. After the Education Act of 1944, the country is under dual control: Central and local. In England and Wales the Central authority responsible for education. It is the duty of the Ministry "to promote the education of people and making effective national policies for comprehensive education in each field". But the Ministry does not manage any schools, not hiring teachers. The responsibility for providing public education falls on the shoulders of the Local authorities, which includes 62 of the Council of the Country and 83 of the Town Council, covering the whole country.
The majority of public education in England was originally provided by volunteer organisations, mainly based churches. When the state entered the field of education, this system first has also served in volunteer organizations. Later, if there were new schools, the government continued to cooperate with the volunteer organizations. So going in to this day. Thus, there are two kinds of schools in public education: schools that are fully covered by the local authority; and volunteer school for which the volunteer organization is also responsible. The third part of schools – voluntary schools, still maintains control of the Church. Education in such schools flows mainly through religious education. Public schools are attended almost 95% of all students in British children.