Текст по "Английскому языку"
Автор: Katerina929 • Май 23, 2018 • Тест • 480 Слов (2 Страниц) • 454 Просмотры
Б1.В.ОД.2 Профессионально ориентированный иностранный язык |
Направление подготовки 36.06.01Ветеринария и зоотехния Направленность Частная зоотехния, технология производства продуктов животноводства |
Задание 1. Прочтите следующий текст
- Moreki1, G. Nothoing
International Journal of Innovative
Research in Science,
(ISO 3297: 2007) Vol. 2, Issue 8,
August 2013, Madrid, Spain
Diseases of domestic animals compromise animal welfare, reduce productivity, and, in rare cases, can infect humans. Animal diseases may be tolerated, reduced through animal husbandry, or reduced through antibiotics and vaccines. In developing countries, animal diseases are tolerated in animal husbandry, resulting in considerably reduced productivity, especially given the low health-status of many developing country herds. Disease management for gains in productivity is often the first step taken in implementing an agriculture policy.
Disease management can be achieved through changes in animal husbandry. These measures may aim to control spread using biosecurity measures, such as controlling animal mixing, controlling entry to farm lots and the use of protective clothing, and quarantining sick animals. Domestic animals diseases also may be controlled by the use of vaccines and antibiotics and other drugs.
Задание 2. Choose the right set of keywords
а. diseases, sick animal, vaccines, antibiotics, husbandry
б. child, vaccines, antibiotics, husbandry, sick animal
в. sick animal, vaccines, book, antibiotics, husbandry
г. autumn, sick animal, diseases, cows, vaccines
Задание 3. Determine what problem this article is devoted.
а. method of laboratory diagnostics
б. livestock diseases
в. new development of physical science
г. the treatment of vegetable
Задание 4. The relevance of the article is conditioned by
а. importance of knowledge of veterinary medicine
б. the need to improve environmental conditions
в. global climate warming
г. interest of people to seed science