Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"
Автор: Anna Gapienko • Декабрь 20, 2017 • Контрольная работа • 765 Слов (4 Страниц) • 2,219 Просмотры
Variant 1
1. Write and translate the dialogue on business. Напишите и переведите диалог — деловой английский язык.
Using the Telephone
- Hello. Phill Watson.
- Hello. This is Don Bradley.
- Hello. Don. Sorry to keep you waiting.
- How are you?
- I am fine, thanks.
- Can we meet? We have a new product and I want you to see it.
- Hello. Mr. Smith’s office.
- Hello. My name is Edward Green from Bibury System. I rang earlier. I would like to speak to Mr. Smith, please.
- I am afraid Mr. Smith isn’t in the office at the moment.
- Can I ask what it is about?
- It is very important. I represent Bibury System. We have a new product and I want Mr. Smith to see it.
- Please, send the product specifications by mail, Mr. Green.
- I would like Mr. Smith to see the product and would like to talk to Mr. Smith direct. When is a good time to call?
- You could try ringing this afternoon.
- Thank you. Goodbye.
2. Write and translate the text on commerce. Напишите и переведите текст по коммерции.
Understanding Equity
The accounting equation details the relationship that transactions have to a company’s financial position. General ledger accounts can be didided into three groups. Assets are the items the company holds that add value. For example, business equipment, cash, investments and accounts raceivable are all assets. Liabilities are the expenses the company owes that reduce the cash on hand. For example, the general ledger’s payable accounts and unearned revenue are liabilities. Equity is the third factor in the accounting equation. Business equity is the difference between the company’s assets and liabilities. It is typically expressed as “equity – assets – liabilities”. Both sides of the accounting equation should balance at all times.
Owner’s Draw
When the owner withdraws cash from a sole proprictorship’s equity account, it is listed as on owner’s draw transactions. Withdrawing the funds directly from the equity account will reduce the business equity. The transactions would post to the general ledger as a debit to the owners draw account and a credit to the cash balance, keeping the accounting equation balanced in the process.
Используя телефон.
- Привет. Филл Вотсон.
- Привет, Филл. Это Дон Бредлей.
- Привет, Дон. Извините, что заставил Вас ждать.
- Как поживаешь?
- Я в порядке, спасибо.
- Мы можем встретиться? У нас есть новый продукт и я хочу что бы ты его увидел.
- Привет. Офис мистера Смита.
- Привет. Я Эдвард Грин из Байбери Систем. Я звонил ранее. Я хотел бы поговорить с Мистером Смитом, пожалуйста.
- Боюсь Мистер Смит не в офисе в данный момент.
- Могу я спросить о чем?
- Это очень важно. Я представляю Байбери Систем. У нас есть новый продукт и я хочу что бы Мистер Смит его увидел.
- Пожалуйста, отправьте технические характеристики продукта по почте Мистер Грин.