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Практическая работа по "Английскому языку"

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Автономная некоммерческая образовательная организация

высшего образования

«Сибирский институт бизнеса и информационных технологий»


Дисциплина: Английский язык (MIDDLE)


Клименко В.Н.

Студент группы ГМУ-21


Стаурская Н. В


Task 1. (УК-4.1, З1, З2, З3)

Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense form Active or Passive Voice, translate the sentences into Russian and define the tense form and the voice.

1. The business cycle characterized by four phases. (Деловой цикл характеризуется четырьмя фазами.)

2. The diagram in order to show fluctuations in the level of economic activity. (Диаграмма для того, чтобы показать колебания уровня экономической активности.)

3. Last year depression accompanied by low output and unemployment. (Прошлогодняя депрессия сопровождалась низким объемом производства и безработицей.)

4. The data stated that aggregate demand achieved the

highest point. (Данные показали, что совокупный спрос достиг самого

высокого уровня.)

5. Next year in boom conditions aggregate demand exceeded  substantial output level. (В следующем году в условиях бума совокупный спрос значительно превысил уровень производства.)

6. The forecasts inform that in summer falls in output and employment brought by demand falls. (Прогнозы сообщают, что летом объем производства и занятость, вызванные падением спроса, сократятся.)

7. The cost of the work estimation by the firm. (Оценка стоимости работ фирмой.)

8. We will discuss this problem when the production problem settled. (Мы обсудим эту проблему, когда производственная проблема будет решена.)

9. We launched the product on this market when proper advertising prepared. (Мы запустили продукт на этот рынок, когда была подготовлена надлежащая реклама.)

10. The experts found out the ins and outs of the stock market. (Эксперты выяснили все тонкости фондового рынка.)

Task 2. (УК-4.1, З1, З2, З3)

A. Put the sentences in Past Simple and Future Simple Tenses. Use the model:

1. You can’t do it now. You couldn't do it yesterday. You won't be able to do it tomorrow.

2. You can’t play tennis now.  You couldn't play tennis yesterday. You won't be able to play tennis tomorrow.

3. They can’t help you now. They couldn't help you yesterday. They won't be able to help you tomorrow.

4. Mary can’t translate the text now. Mary couldn't translate the test yesterday. Mary won't be able to translate the text tomorrow.

5. Tom may ring me up now. Tom could have called me yesterday. Tom could have called me tomorrow.

6. Children may play the computer now. Yesterday, children could play on the computer. Children could play on the computer tomorrow.

7. Students must translate the text now. Yesterday the students had to translate the text. Students have to translate the text tomorrow.

8. The first - year students must pass their English test now. Yesterday, first-year students had to take an English language test. First-year students can take the English language test tomorrow.

9. He must pay more attention to his studies now. Yesterday he had to pay a lot of attention to his studies. He should pay a lot of attention to his studies tomorrow.

B. Fill in the blanks must or have to in correct form.

1. Nancy didn't feel well last night. She needs to leave the party early.

2. You really have to work harder if you want to go to college.

3. A lot of children in Britain have to wear school uniforms.

4. Ann doesn't have very good eyes. She has to wear reading glasses.

5. I have to write to my parents. I haven't written to them in ages.

6. I can't come on Saturday. I have to meet my relatives at the airport.

7.He forgot the keys, that's why he has to wait.

8. She has forgotten her bag, that's why she to come back.

9.We had nothing to eat, that's why we had to buy some groceries.

C. Fill in should or must/ have to. Remember, in some cases should so as must/

have to can be used.

1. A person must eat in order to live.

2. A person should eat a balanced diet.

3. If you want to become a doctor, you have to go to medical school for many years.

4. We should go to Colorado for our vacation.

5. According to my academic advisor, I must take another English course.

6. I should write to my folks tonight, but I think I’ll wait and do it tomorrow.

7. You must have a passport if you want to travel abroad.

8. Everyone should have certain goals in life.

9. Rice must have water in order to grow.

10. I have to go to class, but I don’t feel good. I think I’d better stay at home.

11. If the door is locked, you must use the key to open it.

12. I don't have enough money to take the bus, so I have to walk home.


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