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Практическая работа по "Английскому языку"

Автор:   •  Декабрь 16, 2022  •  Практическая работа  •  987 Слов (4 Страниц)  •  431 Просмотры

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Ex. 1. Match English terms with Russian equivalents.

1) the commodities

a) нарушение

2) private persons

b) доверенный

3) customs affairs

c) борьба с контрабандой

4) Supreme Council

d) товары

5) ensuring execution

e) частные лица

6) entrusted

f) таможенное дело

7) fighting smuggling

g) обеспечение исполнения

8) State Customs Committee

h) Государственный таможенный комитет

9) violation

i) Верховный Совет

Ex. 2. Match English synonyms.

  1. ensure
  1. agreement
  1. cooperation

b) ware

  1. commodity

c) relegate

  1. border

d) aid

  1. legislation

e) provide

  1. accord

f) boundary

  1. entrust

g) bill

Ex. 3. Match English antonyms.

  1. ensure
  1. veto

2) observance

b) hold

3) commodity

c) refusal

4) border

d) present

5) comprise

e) disregard

6) accord

f) include

7) entrust

g) interior

Ex. 4. Read the text and answer the questions.

General Management of customs matters in Russia is executed by the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, the President of Russia and the Government of the Russian Federation. The State Customs Committee of Russia is responsible for the direct management of customs matters. Customs bodies of Russia constitute the system of executive organs for managing customs matters, that consists of the State Customs Committee, regional customs directorates, customs houses and other customs institutions. The foundation, reorganization and liquidation of the regional directorates is conducted by the State Customs Committee of Russia. The Statute of the State Customs Committee is adopted by the President of Russia. Customs bodies cooperate with other state bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations and private persons. State bodies, institutions and organizations have no right to interfere with service activities of customs bodies of Russia.

Direct performance of customs affairs is entrusted to customs bodies of Russia. The State Customs Committee of Russia, regional nets of customs–houses and other institutions of Russia comprise the administration bodies system on customs affairs. When implementing customs policy, customs bodies of Russia fulfill the following main tasks:

a) protecting the economic interests of Russia,

b) supervising observance of legislation of Russia on customs affairs,

c) ensuring execution of obligations of international accords signed by

Russia on customs affairs,

d) making use of customs tariff and non-tariff regulation means, transferring

across the customs border of Russia commodities and other items,

e) improving of commodities customs control and other items transferred

across the customs border of Russia,

f) joint control with the National Bank of Russia on currency operations,

g) taking measures to protect the commodities consumers interests,

h) creating favorable conditions to stimulate commodity circulation and

passenger flow across the customs border of the country,

i) fighting smuggling and customs rules violation,

j) cooperation with customs and other foreign countries agencies as well as

with international organizations on customs affairs,

k) keeping on customs statistics.

  1. Who is executed for the General Management of customs matters in Russia?
  2. What are the Customs bodies of Russia?
  3. Who is conducted for the foundation, reorganization and liquidation of the regional directorates?
  4. What, in particular, the President of Russia is adopted?
  5. Who is entrusted for direct performance of customs affairs?
  6. Who comprises the administration bodies system on customs affairs?

Ex. 5. Revise the terminology of the text.

Верховный Совет, исполнительные органы, таможенные дела, реорганизация, сети таможен, надзор, международные соглашения, нетарифное регулирования, валютные операции, потребители, товарооборот, контрабанда, региональное управление.

Ex. 6.Translate from Russian into English.

1. Положение о Государственном таможенном комитете утверждается Президентом России.

2. Государственный таможенный комитет России осуществляет руководство над таможенными вопросами.

3. Таможенные органы взаимодействуют с другими государственными органами.

4. Российские таможенные органы принимают решение о проведении таможенной статистики.

5. Ликвидация региональных управлений осуществляется Государственным таможенным комитетом России.

6. Таможенные органы России сотрудничают с международными организациями по таможенным вопросам.


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