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Анализ использования идиоматических выражений в устной коммуникации на британском английском в сравнении с аналогами на русском, китайск

Автор:   •  Апрель 27, 2021  •  Курсовая работа  •  12,426 Слов (50 Страниц)  •  601 Просмотры

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                            РОССИЙСКИЙ  УНИВЕРСИТЕТ  ДРУЖБЫ  НАРОДОВ

Институт иностранных языков

Кафедра теории и практики иностранных языков


Зав. кафедрой теории и практики иностранных языков

______________к.ф.н., профессор Н.Л.Соколова

«______»_______________2021 г.


на тему

«Анализ использования идиоматических выражений в устной коммуникации на британском английском в сравнении с аналогами на русском, китайском и ингушском языках »

45.03.02 – Лингвистика


Студент группы ЯЛНбд-03-18

Студенческий билет № 1032181610


«______»_______________2020 г.


к.ф.н., профессор, академик МАНПО


Научный консультант

                                                                              К.и.н., доцент   кафедры ТиПИЯ                


                                                             Москва   2021

                                PEOPLES’ FRIENDSHIP UNIVERSITY OF RUSSIA

Institute of Foreign Languages

Department of Foreign Languages in Theory and Practice


The Head of the Department of Foreign Languages in Theory and Practice

__________________Ph.D. Prof. N.L.Sokolova



“Analysis of Idiomatic expressions in British English usage in oral communication compared to the analogues in Russian, Chinese and Ingush languages”

45.03.02 – Linguistics

Submitted by


Student’s ID № 1032181610

Full-time course, group


Course Paper Advisor

PhD, Professor


Scientific Advisor

_____________________ I.I.Vasilieva

PhD,Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages in Theory and Practice

                                                               Moscow 2021



Chapter 1. Phraseology and idiomatics as  means of communication in spoken English…………………………………………………………………………………………….3

  1.  An idiom as a phraseological unit…………………………………………………………....3
  2.  Modern classification of idiomatic expressions in English…………………………………..5
  3.  Peculiarities of the use in oral speech ………………………………………………………..9

Conclusions of the first chapter………………………………………………………………….11

Chapter 2. Comparative analysis of idioms in British English, Chinese, Russian and Ingush languages ………………………………………………………………………………………..12

2.1.  Characteristics of modern British English idioms in oral speech………………………….12

2.2. Characteristics of modern Russian idioms in comparison with British English ones……………………………………………………………………………………………..13

2.3. Characteristics of Chinese modern idioms in comparison with British English ones…………………………………………………………………………………………….18

2.4. Characteristics of modern Ingush idioms in comparison with British English ones………………………………………………………………………………………………20

Conclusions of the second chapter……………………………………………………………….23

General conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………24




      It's not a secret that idiomatic expressions are one of the most important aspects of learning a particular language. In fact, this is the difficulty faced by any person who wants to fully master the knowledge of the language. Phraseological and idiomatic expressions complement the language, make it more colorful and varied, but at the same time complicate its development, since the meaning of these units cannot be guessed from individual components in its composition. You either know this expression and use it in your speech without difficulties, or you do not and thereby hammer yourself into a dead end, because such expressions are actively used in oral speech, especially in modern English, and it will be very difficult to understand what a native speaker is talking about without knowledge of at least elementary idiomatic expressions.


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