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Екзаменаційна робота з «Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням»

Автор:   •  Июнь 21, 2021  •  Контрольная работа  •  424 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  343 Просмотры

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Екзаменаційна робота

з навчальної дисципліни «Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням»

студента групи ПБК-19-9

Дворового Арсенія Костянтиновича

18.05 2021

I. Read the text and answer the questions:


1. Is it necessary to draw a distinction between crimes and those breaches of law

which are not criminal? Yes

2. Who tried to give a really satisfactory definition of a "crime"? Austin, Russel, Kenny

3. What attempts have been made for definition of crime? Several  researches have been wmade

4. What does “ an act violating” mean? It is the punitive deed that offends certain right

5. Do analysing criminal and civil procedure Austin discuss power of imposing and

remitting punishments? Yes, it has been analysed

6. Is a sanction attached by way of punishment or pecuniary penalty in the public

interest according to Russell? Yes

7. What types of crimes do you know?  Hijacking, Abduction, Fraud, Robbery

8. May crimes be punished by any private person injured by the offender? No

9. Are crimes punishable by the State only? Yes

10. Does the offender have responsibility to justify himself ? No

Write an essay on the topic (approximately 350 words, document size no more

than 5 MB) “3)

           Do you think all laws are good?

To satisfy our basic needs and to exploit the full potential of human existence, people have always sought to live in company or society with others, the basis of this existence, by its very nature, must involve social interaction. To ensure the society functions effectively and survives it is necessary to establish norms of acceptable behavior. The state may impose sanctions or punishments on those who fail to comply with these rules. Although these norms are generally accepted by members of the society and are included in the legal order, social interaction will inevitably lead to disputes because of conflicting interests of individuals and groups. It is difficult for groups of individuals to live in perfect harmony. The objective of any legal system will be providing answers to everyday problems that arise. The solutions to such problems must accord with the objectives that are judged by the community to be socially desirable. The law tells people what they must do or refrain from doing. Without laws, there would be no code of what is acceptable behavior, without laws, anarchy and chaos would occur society. The main focus of the law is to protect the rights of individuals in society. In order to feel safe and secure whether at home or in wider community laws are needed to protect our rights.


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