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How to manage burnout when russian's economy is under sanctions

Автор:   •  Декабрь 12, 2023  •  Статья  •  1,456 Слов (6 Страниц)  •  147 Просмотры

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Siraeva Kamilla Damirovna,

undergraduate student,

1 course, 15.29Б-ПУ03/22б,

Higher School of Social Sciences and Humanities,

Department of Political Analysis and Social-Psychological Processes,

Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov

Scientific advisor:

Candidate of Philological Sciences,

Associate Professor

of the Department of Foreign Languages No. 1

of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Eva Tigranovna Minasyan

Последние 3 года были нестабильными для всех во всем мире, и особенно в России. Люди страдают от эмоционального выгорания из-за политико-экономической ситуации и санкций. Закономерно возникает вопрос: как справляться с данным расстройством? В этой научной статье мы рассмотрим способы борьбы с выгоранием и стрессом, а также выясним, как вести здоровую и продуктивную жизнь независимо от обстоятельств в стране и в мире.

Ключевые слова: Эмоциональное выгорание, стресс, экономика, политическая ситуация, Россия.

The last 3 years were chaotic for everybody in the whole world and in Russia especially. People are experiencing the emotional burnout due to the political-economic situation and sanctions, but how to deal with it? In this scientific article, we will look at ways to combat burnout and stress, and also understand how to lead a healthy and productive life, regardless of the circumstances in the country and in the world.

Keywords: emotional burnout, stress, economy, political situation, Russia.

The last 3 years were chaotic for everybody in the whole world and in Russia especially. And indeed: the COVID-19 pandemic, a special military operation, sanctions, an unstable political situation, and on top of that, the conflict between Israel and Palestine have had a massive impact on our lives.

These extraordinary incidents affected people in both highly developed countries and in third world countries. According to the article of Dzhangabylova A.D. [1], the COVID -19 pandemic is disrupting global supply chains and international trade. In February-March 2020, almost 100 countries closed their national borders, the movement of people and tourist flows came to a sudden stop [2]. Also, COVID-19 is having a major impact on industrial production in developing countries [1].

Because of this, various types of medium-sized and small businesses in Russia are undergoing significant changes. Based on predictions by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic could result in over 3 million entrepreneurs losing their businesses and 8.6 million individuals losing their jobs. The hardest hit is expected to be micro, small, and some medium-sized businesses. Among the most affected are service sector enterprises lacking financial reserves, which led them to scale back operations. Furthermore, existing economic challenges, such as declining personal incomes, volatile global energy prices, and economic sanctions against Russia, worsened the situation.

Despite historically demonstrating resilience during crises, small and medium-sized businesses struggled to withstand the biological factors brought about by the Covid crisis. Consequently, the Russian government implemented various support measures; however, these efforts proved insufficient, leading to the closure or substantial reduction in the operations of many SMEs [3].

At the same time, ordinary people, office workers, middle and senior managers and even company leaders in Russia are going through serious difficulties and challenges thrown at them by Covid, and then by international armed conflicts: the public mood is currently in a position of precarious balance [4].

To top it all off, the Russian economy is now subject to sanctions on all sides, which entails a natural rise in prices. This, in turn, causes concern among the population about rapidly growing inflation, which is the source of mass emotional burnout at work and at home among a very large number of people.

In complex scenarios, companies often fail to consider crucial factors that are essential for the subsequent recovery phase. Specifically, they tend to overlook the impact of a crisis on employees' emotional well-being and, consequently, their performance. This is where burnout comes into play, which can be as severe as the stress itself, leading to a pathological state among workers who face excessive stress loads. Moreover, many work environments, especially during times of crisis like the present one, demand substantial dedication and significant commitment both economically and psychologically [5].

People suffer from burnout syndrome is a phenomenon of modernity, as a consequence of the professional activity current intensification, the growth of emotional, information, communication loads with a deficit of motor activity and violation of the harmonious life way of a modern man. This phenomenon is widely spread among specialists of “subject-subject” professions [6].

Manifestations of emotional burnout can be noticed by external signs, by the state of the employee and his attitude towards professional activities. Speaking about such manifestations, they are able to be noted, first of all, by signs of exhaustion, personal detachment and loss of one’s own capabilities [7].


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