Vowels in english and russian languages
Автор: dana • Декабрь 26, 2017 • Доклад • 812 Слов (4 Страниц) • 1,708 Просмотры
Vowels in english and russian languages.
Phonetic structure of each individual language is different, even if the languages have some kind of resemblance (in writing) or belong to the same language group. English and Russian languages, and all belong to different branches of Indo-European family of languages, and so differences in their phonetic system quite a lot.
First, I would like to mention that all the sounds in any language are divided into categories according to the manner of articulation and the physical properties. As well as in the Russian language to English phonetics the sounds are divided into vowels and consonants. This separation occurs based on the manner of articulation of sounds when pronouncing vowels the flow of air encounters virtually no obstacles in the articulatory apparatus, and therefore, they are pronounced long and have so-called "melody". In English , 21vowel phonemes dividing into 3 subclasses: 10 monophthongs ( traditionally divided into classes according to their length, short and long vowels), 9 diphthongs and 2 diphthongoids. This is not the case in the Russian language: where is 6 vowels phonemes.
In contrast to the Russian alphabet in which the 33 letters ,English contains only 26.
One of the fundamental differences of English and Russian phonetics is the ratio of the opposed sounds in languages. In English, 24 consonants and 21 vowels, and it shows that in this language the sounds of both categories are nearly equal amounts. This is not the case in the Russian language: the ratio of consonants and vowels rather sharp - 6:34. Russian language refers to the language with the consonant type of the phonetic system. This is a systematic difference between the two languages — in the prevalence of different types of sounds.
Vowel sounds in English are classified according to many extensive features such as:
1. The degree of elevation of parts of the tongue as the main articulator. Stand high ( high) medium-high (mid-high) mid-low (mid-low) and low sounds(low). They are formed by different degrees of raising of the tongue in the mouth when pronouncing the sound.
2. The location of the main body language (feature on several). Single out the sounds of the front row; the front row is pushed back; middle; rear advanced forward and back.
3. The degree of lip rounding, or labialization ( in the formation of certain sounds happening this additional articulation, as lip rounding sound)
4. Vowel length (this feature plays an important role in word recognition)
5. Monophthong (forming one sound) or a diphthong (two sounds forming), diptongoids (the sound that is heterogeneous with pronunciation, has some signs of another similar sound in the word)
6. The tension speech about the production of sound.
7. Place of formation — nasal or mouth.