Менеджмент и маркетинг зарубежных СМИ
Автор: Алия Бакирова • Октябрь 7, 2022 • Реферат • 1,996 Слов (8 Страниц) • 226 Просмотры
Менеджмент и маркетинг зарубежных СМИ
Three types of media
- Print – Казахстанская правда
- Broadcast - азаттык
- Internet – kazinform
1. Print – The new York times
2. Broadcast - CNN
3. Internet – al jazeera
1. I picked казахстанская правда because it’s the national newspaper of Kazakhstan, the main source of official and business information in the republic. The pages of "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda" publish decrees and orders of the President of Kazakhstan, Parliament, government resolutions, new laws of the republic, reports on reshuffles in the highest authorities. After publication in Kazpravda, state documents come into force.
The newspaper covers the most important events taking place in the country and abroad. Extensive information about the situation in the regions of Kazakhstan, including analytical materials on problems arising in society, is provided by our own correspondents.
The updated electronic version of the portal www.kazpravda.kz in three languages - Kazakh, Russian and English, has regular readers in almost a hundred countries around the world. The newspaper was founded in 1920.
The progenitor of "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda" is the Russian-language newspaper "Izvestia of the Kirghiz Territory", the first issue of which was published on January 1, 1920[4]. It was a weekly published on Thursdays. The subscription price for half a year was 50 rubles, for a single issue - 2 rubles.
The appeal from the editors said that "the first task of the publication is the introduction of law in the region, government acts designed to manage the life and activities of the population." The goal was also proclaimed - "the gradual creation of a printed organ, which would be not only official, but also a spokesman for the needs and demands of the vast Kazakh region - the people's newspaper."
With the formation of the Kazakh ASSR, the status of the newspaper also rose, since July 1921 it became the organ of the RCP and the Central Executive Committee of the republic. Since 1923 it began to appear six times a week.
It has changed its name three times. Since 1921, Izvestia of the Kirghiz Territory became Stepnoy Pravda, from 1923 to 1932 the newspaper was published under the name Sovetskaya Steppe [4].
By the Resolution of the III Plenum of the Kazkraykom, the newspaper was renamed into "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda". Under this title, on January 21, 1932, its first issue was published [4].
Talented journalists left a deep mark on the newspaper: Olga Berggolts; Pavel Kuznetsov - a well-known translator of Zhambyl, during the war years - the editor of the Panfilov divisional newspaper "For the Motherland" and a special correspondent for "Pravda"; Pavel Rogozinsky and Sergei Krushinsky were later prominent Soviet publicists. Mikhail Zoshchenko, Kukryniksy, Sergeev-Tsensky, Olga Forsh, Konstantin Simonov, Konstantin Paustovsky worked closely with the newspaper.
In March 2021, in pursuance of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 743 dated November 07, 2020, Republican Newspaper Kazakhstanskaya Pravda JSC was merged with Republican Newspaper Yegemen Kazakhstan JSC.
Anatoly Gursky
Baglan Maylybaev
Oleg Chervinsky
Oleg Kvyatkovsky
2. I picked because Radio Liberty is an international non-profit broadcasting organization funded by the US government. It declares its mission "in promoting democratic values and institutions by appealing to the audience of those countries in which freedom of the press is limited by the authorities or has not yet become the norm of public life".
As of October 2018, broadcasting is carried out in 26 languages in 23 countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Near and Middle East[3]. In addition to broadcasting, Radio Liberty also broadcasts over the Internet and creates television programs. The headquarters of the organization is located in Washington, the program center is in Prague (until the end of August 1995 it was in Munich), there are also 17 regional offices [3]. According to the official website of the RS, RFE/RL employs about 400 full-time journalists and about 750 freelancers[3][4]. According to Newsru.com, in 2006 RS had 60 full-time and almost 200 freelance journalists in Russia[5]. Now [when?] - almost 100 full-time and about 200 freelancers.
3. I picked kazinform because On August 13, 1920, the first Kazakh news agency was formed as the Orenburg-Turgai branch of ROSTA.
1925 - renamed KazROST.
1937 - transferred to the Council of People's Commissars of the Kazakh SSR under the name KazTAG.
1992 - KazTAG was transformed from the Information Agency under the Council of Ministers into the Kazakh State News Agency with the same name.
1997 On September 10, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 3629 “On the Kazakh State News Agency (KazTAG)”, KazTAG was abolished. On October 30, by a government decree, the Republican State Enterprise “Kazakh Information Agency” (KIA) was established, later renamed into “Kazakh Akparat Agenttigi” (KazAAG).
2002 On November 8, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 1186, on the basis of KazAAG, the “National Company “Kazakh News Agency”” – JSC “NC “Kazinform”” was established.
2004 - the parallel name of the agency in the Kazakh language "KazAkparat" (KazAkparat) began to be used.
2008 - according to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 3, 2008 No. 668, National Company Kazakh Information Agency JSC became part of Arna Media National Information Holding JSC.
2010 - by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 5, 2010 No. 378, National Information Holding Arna Media JSC was liquidated, and the companies included in the holding, including Kazinform, were transferred to the Ministry of Communications and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2012 - The Ministry of Communications and Information of Kazakhstan was disbanded and by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 1, 2011 No. 887, the National Company Kazakh Information Agency joint stock company was reorganized by joining it with the Republican Television and Radio Corporation Kazakhstan joint stock company.