Контрольная работа по "Теоретической грамматике"
Автор: daniela7797 • Март 17, 2020 • Контрольная работа • 10,264 Слов (42 Страниц) • 418 Просмотры
Контрольная работа
по Теоретической грамматике
- The morpheme. Classification of morphemes. The morphemic structure of the word.
The morpheme is the smallest meaningful units into which a word form may be divided.
The traditional classification of morphemes:
1) free morpheme –handful; bound morpheme – handful;
2) additive morpheme - looked; smaller; replacive morpheme dr-i-ve — dr-o-ve — dr-i-ven; m-a-n — m-e-n;
3) continuous morpheme – worked, lived, discontinuous morpheme – be ... ing — for the continuous verb forms (e.g. is going); have ... en — for the perfect verb forms (e.g. has gone); be ... en — for the passive verb forms (e.g. is taken)
- Grammatical categories. Grammatical oppositions. The notion of a paradigm.
The grammatical category is a system of expressing a generalized grammatical meaning by means of paradigmatic correlation of grammatical forms. It’s a unity of form and meaning.
A paradigm is the ordered set of grammatical forms expressing a categorial function.
The Categorial Paradigm of the Infinitive
to do – to be doing – to have done – to have been doing – to be done – to have been done
Oppositions are pairs of grammatical forms opposed to each other in some way. E.g.: kid – kids (the opposition between the singular and the plural number in nouns); to paint – to be painted (the opposition between active and passive forms in verbs)
- The history of parts of speech. Different classifications of the words of the language, the criteria they are based on.
The term “part of speech” is purely traditional and conventional. In the original Ancient Greek grammatical teaching the division of words into grammatical classes was based on one determining criterion only – on the formal- morphological featuring. Nouns, adjectives, numerals were treated under one common class-term “names”.
Alexandrian scholars: Aristotle’s doctrine of ‘names’ and their ‘cases’ was reformed. The words of the language were grouped into eight parts of speech: Inflected – Name, Verb, Participle, Article, Pronoun; Uninflected – Preposition, Adverb, Conjunction.
The traditional classification:
1) Notional parts of speech; 2) Functional parts of speech
The notional parts of speech are the words of complete nominative meaning and self-dependent functions in the sentence: the noun – ball, dog; the verb – to meet, to choose; the adjective – famous, clean; the adverb – slowly, fast; the pronoun – we, she; the numeral – ten, four
The functional parts of speech are the words of incomplete nominative meaning and non-self-dependent, mediatory functions in the sentence: the article – a, an, the; the preposition – behind, under; the conjunction – and, but; the particle – only; the modal word – maybe, probably; the interjection – oh, wow.
The traditional classification of words is based on the three criteria:
semantic – meaning
formal – form
functional – function
- The Noun, its general characteristics. The category of Number.
Meaning: The noun is the main nominative part of speech, effecting nomination of the fullest value within the framework of the notional division of the lexicon. The noun as a part of speech has the categorial meaning of “substance” or “thingness”.
Types of Nouns: Countable Noun – pen, rubber; Uncountable Noun – furniture, advice; Proper Noun –London, Africa; Common Noun – man, card; Abstract Noun – mind; Concrete Noun – book.
Form: Nouns have the category of number (singular and plural). Some individual nouns may lack either a singular or a plural form. Nouns have the category of case (common and genitive)
Function: (a) combining with words to form phrases with a preceding adjective (big apple), with a following adjective (times immemorial), with a preceding noun in either the common case (dinner table) or the genitive case (Tom’s children,), with a verb following it (students read) or preceding it (brush teeth), with a following or a preceding adverb (the man there), with prepositions (in a house), It is preceded by the definite or indefinite article (the room, a room). (b) function in the sentence: the subject, the predicative, an object, an attribute, an adverbial modifier.
The singular number shows that one object is meant, and the plural shows that more than one object is meant.
We must also consider here two types of nouns differing from all others in the way of number: they have not got the usual two number forms, but only one form. The nouns which have only a plural and no singular are usually termed "pluralia tantum" (trousers), and those which have only a singular and no plural are termed "singularia tantum" (the United Nation).
- The Noun. The category of Case.
It’s a form of a noun showing the relations of that noun to other words in the sent. It helps to define the syntactic function of the N. in the sent. It’s a morphological category in English, because it’s represented by dif. w-forms of one and the same noun. Most linguists regard it as such & agree that the Eng. noun has 2 distinct cases, because it has 2 distinct form cases.