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Влияние английского языка на русский молодежный сленг

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Strelchenko A. S.

Scientific supervisor – Whitfield A. M.

Foreign language supervisor – Whitfield A. M.


Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

Abstract: This article is devoted to the problem of the spread of loanwords in the speech of young people today. The main reasons for using Anglicisms and ways of dividing borrowed words into groups are considered, together with examples. In the course of the research, a survey was conducted, the goal of which was to assess the degree of prevalence of Anglicisms, and in addition, to identify the most frequently used borrowings and the attitude of young people to these words.  

Keywords: Anglicisms, youth slang, changes in the modern Russian language; influence of language.




Стрельченко А. С.

Научный руководитель – Уитфилд Э. М. Руководитель по иностранному языку – Уитфилд Э. М.


Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М. Ф.

Решетнева, Российская Федерация, г. Красноярск


Аннотация: Эта статья посвящена проблеме распространения заимствованных слов в речи современной молодёжи. Рассмотрены основные причины использования англицизмов и разделение заимствованных слов на группы, также приведены примеры. В ходе исследования был проведен опрос, целью которого было выяснить степень распространения англицизмов. Кроме того, определить наиболее часто используемые заимствования и отношение молодых людей к этим словам.


Ключевые слова: англицизмы, молодёжный сленг, изменение современного русского языка, влияние языка.


Nowadays, changes happen at incredible speed, affecting social life and the sphere of science and technologies. This also applies to languages. Throughout the development of humanity, languages in one way or another have interacted with each other. The language of any nation does not live a separate life. There is no language that would not be influenced by another. The significant penetration of Anglicisms into the Russian language began in the 1980-1990s and continues to this day. In connection with the advent of the global Internet and the increasing amount of information processed by young people today, the use of such words can be seen more and more often. Thus, this issue is quite topical.

The aim of the research is to find out how widely spread Anglicisms are in the speech of modern youth, the attitude of young people to loan words, and the reasons for using Anglicisms in their speech. A survey among students was conducted to this end.

Slang comprises a large part of our colloquial speech. Currently, slang is a controversial topic; different linguists define this concept differently. In this article, we rely on the definition given in the Oxford dictionary: “A type of language consisting of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal, are more common in speech than writing, and are typically restricted to a particular context or group of people”. [1] Slang is continuously replenished and updated. The borrowing of words is one of the ways to replenish it, mainly from English. Such types of borrowings are called Anglicisms.  S. I. Ozhegov, a doctor of philological sciences, professor, linguist, and lexicographer, formulated the concept of an Anglicism as a word or a turn of speech in some language borrowed from English or created using the root of an English word or expression.


Why are Anglicisms used?  S. V. Maksimova suggests a number of reasons [3]. Firstly, they are employed when there is no similar word in Russian. About 15% of all Anglicisms have become entrenched in Russian due to the lack of an analogue. Secondly, a loanword can express a whole descriptive turn of phrase in one word. Thirdly, they can fulfil a desire to look modern and, of course, to correspond to peers. Further reasons include the increased collaboration of the Russian Federation with other countries, the development of international tourism and Russia's participation in international events. In addition, the great expressiveness of sound is an important factor. Indeed, the Russian language, thanks to many of suffixes and prefixes, gives new life to any borrowing.

 There are several factors that influence the development of slang and, consequently, several so-called slang groups: [4]

  1. The development of computer technology and social networks have an impact on the state of slang because they are popular among young people. There are words from English such as user, login, online, gamer and file.
  2. Modern music and club culture, as well as the film industry, have an impact on the lives of young people.  This group includes words such as release, playlist, remake, face-control and cool.
  3. SMI and television also affect the state of slang. This group includes prime time, talk show, image-maker and club.
  4. The names of popular sports are borrowed in Russian.  This group includes the following: fitness, bodybuilding and shaping.
  5. Production professional terms include marketing, leasing, broker, manager, promoter, provider, boss and supermarket.
  6. The development of fast-food chains became the reason of emergence of some words such as fast food, cheeseburger, hot-dog and hamburger.
  7. The imitation of the lifestyle of American and English youth is the largest slang group.  It includes words that are used by young Russians in everyday communication and in their standard everyday situations. Examples are boyfriend, nice, party, loser, go, real and OK.

Some time has passed, but young people continue to borrow words from the English language.  We can distinguish a further group relating to the players of computer games.  Such words include account, art, Away From Keyboard (AFK), achievement, bug, ban, boost, guide, damage, donate, level and loot. [5]

I conducted a survey among 60 students in order to find out the attitude of young people to borrowed words, the frequency of their use and the reasons for referring to this category. In addition, it was suggested that they give several examples of Anglicisms that they use to communicate.


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