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Последнее обновление: Сентябрь 14, 2021
  • Description of the profession (Описание профессии)

    Description of the profession (Описание профессии)

    Profession Lawyer Group: U-120 Developed: Ekaterina Khoroshkina 2023 year Description of the profession A lawyer is a specialist in the field of law. He knows the laws and legal norms, knows how to use them and is able to teach them the basics of others. This is an expert in the field of jurisprudence who can hold any legal position, from a lawyer to a judge. To do this, you need to get a higher

    Размер документа: 1,490 Слов / 6 Страниц
    Отправлено: Март 29, 2023 Автор: Katya Khoroshkina
  • Аfылшын тiлi сабактарында рефлексия турлерiн колдану

    Аfылшын тiлi сабактарында рефлексия турлерiн колдану

    «М.О.Єуезов атындаѓы педагогикалыќ колледжі» КМЌК Шыѓыс Ќазаќстан облыстыќ білім басќармасы КГКП «Педагогический колледж имени М.О.Ауэзова» Управление образования Восточно-Казахстанской области Положение СМК ПП-5.3-91 Курстыќ ж±мысты (жобаны) жазу жєне ќорѓау туралыЕреже / Положение о защите курсовой работы ( проекта) Издание /басылым 1/2017 Стр/бет. из 25 АҒЫЛШЫН ТІЛІ САБАҚТАРЫНДА РЕФЛЕКСИЯ ТҮРЛЕРІН ҚОЛДАНУ Орындаған: Даулетова Диляра Даулетовна Тобы: 402 Мамандығы: 0111000 "Негізгі орта білім" Біліктілігі: 0111083 "Шетел тілі мұғалімі" Ғылыми жетекшісі: Торыбаева Гайни Нурахметовна Шетел тілі пәндерінің оқытушысы Семей,

    Размер документа: 3,085 Слов / 13 Страниц
    Отправлено: Март 30, 2023 Автор:
  • Intercultural communication and mass media

    Intercultural communication and mass media

    INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION AND MASS MEDIA Балтабай Н. Н. 1-курс студенті, М. Сапарбаев институтының «Парасат» колледжі Шымкент қ. Аңдатпа. БАҚ–ның мәдениетаралық коммуникация процесіне қатысуын қарастыру және талдау мақаланың мақсаты болып саналады. Мәдениетаралық коммуникацияның қажетті компоненттері ретінде білім мен дағдылар тиімді болып табылады, олар өз ойлауы мен интерпретациясының ашықтығы мен икемділігімен, сондай-ақ тиімді коммуникацияны жүзеге асыруға және қарым-қатынасты сәтті құруға ынталандырумен үйлесуі керек. Бұқаралық ақпарат құралдары мәдениетаралық коммуникация проблемаларын шешуде және мәдениетаралық диалогта жетекші рөл атқарады. БАҚ

    Размер документа: 1,780 Слов / 8 Страниц
    Отправлено: Апрель 24, 2023 Автор: Akzhan00
  • How does people's level of happiness depends on country they live

    How does people's level of happiness depends on country they live

    Polina PredybailoHow does people`s level of happiness depend on the country they live? How Does People`s Level of Happiness Depend on the Country They Live? What in general makes people's lives happy and prosperous? How can these factors create differences in living standards in different countries that affect people's happiness and well-being? ________________ INTRODUCTION In 2019, the World Happiness Report named Finland the happiest country in the world for the second year in a row.

    Размер документа: 4,478 Слов / 18 Страниц
    Отправлено: Апрель 24, 2023 Автор: p_polyashka
  • Этикетные формулы в деловом общении

    Этикетные формулы в деловом общении

    Курсовая работа на тему: «Этикетные формулы в деловом общении» Содержание Введение 3 Глава 1. Этика и культура общения и деловых отношений 5 1.1 Структура процесса общения и его виды 5 1.2 Деловое общения и его особенности 10 Выводы по главе 1 13 Глава 2. Этикетные формулы в деловом общении 15 2.1 Система обращений 15 2.2 Этикет и социальный статус адресата 18 2.3 Знакомство. Рекомендации 20 2.4 Этикет делового телефонного разговора 23 2.5 Этикет делового письма

    Размер документа: 6,081 Слов / 25 Страниц
    Отправлено: Май 5, 2023 Автор: Kit 6
  • Answer Sheet Homework

    Answer Sheet Homework

    Vanessa Onwuemezi's debut collection is a thrilling and captivating one. The works are not easy to read, having read most of the stories in her Dark Neioghborhood collection, you can see that. Taking readers on a surreal journey to the edge of time, Dark Neighborhood explores themes of love, freedom and alienation through its characters who encounter varying degrees of loss and shame. For my argumentative essay I chose one of the saddest stories in

    Размер документа: 445 Слов / 2 Страниц
    Отправлено: Май 6, 2023 Автор: Елизавета Соколова
  • ChatGPT


    ChatGPT, a conversational AI model created by OpenAI, has been making waves in the academic world, with many universities taking notice of its potential impact on education. While some experts in the field view it as a revolutionary force that has the potential to transform the educational landscape, others argue that it could end up taking the university system back to the dark ages. On the one hand, it is clear that ChatGPT has the

    Размер документа: 361 Слов / 2 Страниц
    Отправлено: Май 10, 2023 Автор: Камиль Шарипов
  • Анализ способов заимствования в китайском языке

    Анализ способов заимствования в китайском языке

    ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ ВВЕДЕНИЕ 3 1. ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ЗАИМСТВОВАНИЯ В ЯЗЫКЕ 5 1.1 Понятие и значение «заимствование» 5 1.2 Виды заимствований 8 2. АНАЛИЗ ЗАИМСТВОВАНИЙ НА ПРИМЕРЕ КИТАЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА 10 2.1 История становления и развития китайского языка 10 2.2 Изучение заимствований в китайском языке 16 ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ 24 СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ 27 ВВЕДЕНИЕ В отличие от европейских языков, включая русский, китайский язык не содержит множества заимствованных слов. Однако в последнее время количество заимствованных слов в китайском языке резко возросло

    Размер документа: 6,368 Слов / 26 Страниц
    Отправлено: Май 15, 2023 Автор: Serg.Kapusta
  • Motivation of managers. Agency conflict

    Motivation of managers. Agency conflict

    Motivation of managers. Agency conflict. Imagine yourself as the CEO of a corporation with outsider ownership. You are considering 2 investment projects. One should bring a profit of 1 million in case of successful implementation (60% probability), but in case of failure it will lead to a loss of 400 thousand to the company. The second project with a probability of 85% will bring a profit of 500 thousand, and in case of failure, the

    Размер документа: 272 Слов / 2 Страниц
    Отправлено: Май 26, 2023 Автор: Sergii1976
  • Management


    Management is more and more confidently entering the industrial and social life of the countries of the world. On the one hand, it is a science based on objective laws and regularities, clear rules and technologies that help people understand the realities of the production process. On the other hand, management determines the rules of behavior of human organizations. Ukrainian management should become the wheel that will set the national economy in motion. For this,

    Размер документа: 334 Слов / 2 Страниц
    Отправлено: Июнь 28, 2023 Автор: Олег Волошин
  • Business communication style of a Russia

    Business communication style of a Russia

    Business communication style of a Russia Introduction Hello, My name is Victoria Denisenko. I am here to give a short presentation on business communication style in Russia The subject of my talk is Business culture in Russia. Structure My presentation is in four parts. The first part is devoted to the cultural dimensions of Russia. In the second part, the style of communication in the country is considered in more detail. The third section presents

    Размер документа: 659 Слов / 3 Страниц
    Отправлено: Июнь 28, 2023 Автор: 79521031247
  • Command line

    Command line

    Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Almatu University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications Gumarbek Daukeev» non – profit joint-stock company Institute of Information Technologies Departament of Information Systems and Cybersecurity INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES Laboratory work №1 on the topic: «Command line» 6B06104- «Information security systems» Performed student os the group ISS-22-2: Sarbassov Dastan Accepted teacher: Suleimenova Madina _______ _____________ «____» ______2022 1.Opened the console Open search and type cmd 2.

    Размер документа: 436 Слов / 2 Страниц
    Отправлено: Июнь 29, 2023 Автор: 8778236
  • Is the Foreign Service for me? Pros and cons of the profession

    Is the Foreign Service for me? Pros and cons of the profession

    Essay «Is the Foreign Service for me? Pros and cons of the profession» It goes without saying that the profession of a diplomat is as respectful as it is complicated. The growing number of international organizations and complexity of the modern world demand from a diplomat a strong command of the language, history, politics and so on. So is kind of job really for me? From one hand, this job has a lot of advantages.

    Размер документа: 277 Слов / 2 Страниц
    Отправлено: Август 2, 2023 Автор: nastyakalenkova
  • Credit


    Klasa Tabela liczności: Purpose of Credit (Arkusz60.sta) Liczba Skumulow. Liczba Procent Skumulow. Procent retraining 16 16 8,00000 8,0000 used car 42 58 21,00000 29,0000 new car 21 79 10,50000 39,5000 furniture 53 132 26,50000 66,0000 repair 10 142 5,00000 71,0000 other 35 177 17,50000 88,5000 business 5 182 2,50000 91,0000 television 8 190 4,00000 95,0000 household appliances 6 196 3,00000 98,0000 vacation 4 200 2,00000 100,0000 Braki 0 200 0,00000 100,0000 Zmienna Purpose of Credit

    Размер документа: 460 Слов / 2 Страниц
    Отправлено: Август 5, 2023 Автор: Vasyl231
  • Контрольная работа по "Иностранному языку"

    Контрольная работа по "Иностранному языку"

    Вашингтон Вашингтон, округ Колумбия, расположен недалеко от восточного побережья Северной Америки, окружен штатом Мэриленд и отделен от Вирджинии рекой Потомак . Он занимает площадь в 108 кв. км (67 кв. миль) и имеет население в 570,000. Будучи столицей Соединенных Штатов и резиденцией федерального правительства, город является главным центром американской жизни. Это очень популярное туристическое место, привлекающее миллионы посетителей каждый год. Прекрасная сельская местность Мэриленда и до Вирджинии также легко добраться из столицы. Вашингтон - это

    Размер документа: 926 Слов / 4 Страниц
    Отправлено: Сентябрь 19, 2023 Автор: sergespb
  • Teaching foreign language in primary school

    Teaching foreign language in primary school

    АҚТӨБЕ ГУМАНИТАРЛЫҚ КОЛЛЕДЖІ Курстық жұмыс «Teaching foreign language in primary school» (Шетел тілін оқыту әдістемесі) 0105000 «Бастауыш білім беру» Орындаған: Ж.Б.Қали «Шт-405»-тобы Жетекшісі: Р.Б.Узыкова - шетел тілін оқыту әдістемесі пәнінің оқытушысы Қорғауға жіберілді (жіберілмеді) «Шетел тілі» оқу-әдістемелік бірлестік жетекшісі К.А.Еспанова «_____» _________________ 2023 ж Ақтөбе–2023 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………….3 1 «Teaching foreign language in primary school» 1. Objectives of teaching foreign languages in primary school…….....................5 2. Methods of teaching foreign languages…………………................................8 3. Features of teaching foreign language

    Размер документа: 9,050 Слов / 37 Страниц
    Отправлено: Октябрь 2, 2023 Автор: Akerkemai
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the chosen profession

    Advantages and disadvantages of the chosen profession

    Performed by Advantages and disadvantages of the chosen profession There are many professions in life. each profession has its own characteristics. a doctor treats people, a teacher teaches them, a singer sings, a builder builds a house, a tailor makes clothes. we can talk about other professions. people should choose a profession according to their heart's desire. because the future of each person directly depends on the chosen profession. A person feels happy only when

    Размер документа: 1,343 Слов / 6 Страниц
    Отправлено: Октябрь 30, 2023 Автор: Roxa2000
  • Русские и американцы глазами друг друга

    Русские и американцы глазами друг друга

    (1 слайд) Задумывались ли вы над тем, что думают о нас иностранцы, и какими представляем их мы? Мне захотелось разобраться в том, какие стереотипы можно считать правдой, а каким верить нельзя. Итак, тема моего проекта – «Русские и американцы глазами друг друга». (2 слайд) Актуальность заключается в том, что полученные знания могут пригодиться мне и остальным учащимся, никогда не бывавшим в Америке, на практике. В случае поездки в эту страну мы будем осторожнее в общении

    Размер документа: 1,080 Слов / 5 Страниц
    Отправлено: Ноябрь 2, 2023 Автор: Sonya17s
  • This article describes about drug allergy

    This article describes about drug allergy

    This article describes about drug allergy. Drug allergy encompasses a spectrum of immunologically-mediated hypersensitivity reactions with varying mechanisms and clinical presentations. The most effective strategy for the management of drug allergy is avoidance or discontinuation of the offending drug. If there are alternative options, it is worth noting the drugs for others. The article presents the background of drug allergy and strategies for the diagnosis and treatment of some of the most common drug-induced allergic

    Размер документа: 339 Слов / 2 Страниц
    Отправлено: Ноябрь 6, 2023 Автор: Hzi65
  • Efficitncy of using information technologies in teaching the zero form in the Kazakh language

    Efficitncy of using information technologies in teaching the zero form in the Kazakh language

    EFFICIENCY OF USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING THE ZERO FORM IN THE KAZAKH LANGUAGE Abstract. In modern Kazakh language teaching, it is important to take into account the grammatical features of the language. One of the specific grammatical features of the Kazakh language is the presence of a zero form. The zero form means that the words in the sentence express a specific meaning without any structural grammatical form. Consideration of specific task models and

    Размер документа: 1,825 Слов / 8 Страниц
    Отправлено: Ноябрь 7, 2023 Автор: ZhanerkeIztayeva
  • Global warming

    Global warming

    Essay Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today. What are the causes of global warming and what measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issue? The problem of global warming is becoming more and more relevant in our time and makes people worried about the future of our planet. Global warming, caused by rise in temperature, is the topic that we should think about as

    Размер документа: 337 Слов / 2 Страниц
    Отправлено: Ноябрь 30, 2023 Автор: Dosha
  • My university

    My university

    International Kazakh-Turkish university named after Khoja Ahmed Yesewi Faculty of Natural Sciences SIW Topic: My university Prepared: Patshakhanova Dilnoza Accepted: Akeshova Nasiba Group: JBL-313 ________________ My university I will tell you which university I study and about it. The university I study in is located in the holy city, that is, the city of Turkistan. This is a university Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University (hereafter Akhmet Yassawi University) was established in 1991 due to

    Размер документа: 774 Слов / 4 Страниц
    Отправлено: Декабрь 1, 2023 Автор: shanoza
  • Development of a project for reengineering the company’s business processes (on the example of Nokia company)

    Development of a project for reengineering the company’s business processes (on the example of Nokia company)

    Given how challenging it is for many businesses to survive and remain competitive in the current economic climate, this work's topic is especially relevant. There are numerous strategies and tactics for resolving the crisis situations that face businesses. Some of them, like reengineering, are successfully used in practice. When Japanese companies, which were more economically superior to those of the United States, started to enter the domestic market in the early 1990s, American enterprises were

    Размер документа: 520 Слов / 3 Страниц
    Отправлено: Декабрь 6, 2023 Автор: ab tg
  • Data Quality in Data Streams by Modular Change Point Detection

    Data Quality in Data Streams by Modular Change Point Detection

    Data Quality in Data Streams by Modular Change Point Detection Yaron Kanza1, Rajat Malik1, Divesh Srivastava1, Caroline Stone1 and Gordon Woodhull1 1 AT&T Chief Data Office, New Jersey, USA Abstract Sensors that collect data from complex systems generate a stream of measurements, for example, measuring CPU utilization of machines in a data center, gathering meteorological data like atmospheric pressure and humidity levels across the USA, or tracking the occupancy of taxis in a large city.

    Размер документа: 5,834 Слов / 24 Страниц
    Отправлено: Декабрь 22, 2023 Автор: Mugi Chu
  • The human mind

    The human mind

    Essay. The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds. In my point of view, human minds will always stay much smarter than artificial intelligence. Nowadays technologies with AI (artificial intelligence) can amaze people by its abilities. Netflix and Youtube can recommend videos and films that can perfectly match your interests. Siri can recognize your voice or turn on the music that you want to listen to.

    Размер документа: 251 Слов / 2 Страниц
    Отправлено: Январь 7, 2024 Автор: zhansayar

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