English for Economists and Businessmen
Автор: Yulia Lutsak • Май 16, 2023 • Сочинение • 571 Слов (3 Страниц) • 191 Просмотры
Student Yuliia Lutsak
Date of report 04.05.2022
Number of pages you’ve read 40
General information
Title of the text ‘English for Economists and Businessmen’
Author (if known) Shpak.V
Where did you find it? my English teacher recommended it to me
Information from text
Main ideas (brief summary)
Due to the rapid spread of new technologies and the rapid pace of human development, as well as global digitalization and electrification, the issue of learning English in today's world has become increasingly acute. According to the study, a specialist with an English level of Advanced earns 125% more than candidates for vacancies without English language requirements.
Therefore, learning English is important for anyone, no matter what field they are going to work in. Students of the Faculty of Economics are no exception. Graduates find application of their knowledge in various activities: from business, finance, cryptocurrency market, and ending with political and scientific activities, so there are no doubts that knowledge of business English will be useful to them. This book is an excellent basis for the economists, it introduces them to the course of economics and gradually covers all topics of macroeconomic and microeconomic analysis. You can learn all about supply, demand and their interaction, economic stability and its basic principles, money and their value, learn terms like devaluation, inflation, stocks and bonds, begin to better understand the essence of global economic processes, learn ways to do business to maximize your profits and to grow your market share. The lessons presented in this book contain all the main topics for everyday communication. Each lesson contains new words, phrases, expressions and grammar exercises that will help the future economist feel more confident in the English-speaking business environment, during the interview or even in communicating with colleagues. The book increases vocabulary and brings oral skills closer to live communication.
The purpose of the manual "English for Economists and Businessmen "- development of oral skills and work with a professional literature. The textbook consists of 32 lessons and a glossary of terms and
phrases from economic specialties. The system of exercises provides fast and effective mastering by students of necessary knowledge and development stable skills of professional, oral and written communication, work with English economic literature.
Your opinion of the text
Did you find the subject interesting? Why /why not?
I find this book quite interesting, fascinating and difficult to break away from. After one lesson you want to start another faster and learn more and more.
New words and phrases
allocated | виділений |
approach | Підхід |
attending | відвідування |
desire | бажання |
effort | зусилля |
eminent domain | видатний домен |
fitter | більш підходящий |
income | Дохід |
labor | Праця |
paycheck | зарплата |
refer | Посил |
rubbing | розтирання |
scarcity | нестача, дефіцит |
a pillar | опора, стовп |
accordance | відповідність |
assembled | зібраний |
bidder | покупець на аукціоні |
calculations | розрахунки |
capital goods | капітальні блага |
command economy | командна економіка |
compound interest | складні відсотки |
cones | конуси |
constant | постійний |
consumer credit | споживчий кредит |
consumers | покупці |
curve | крива |
demand | попит |
distributed | розподілений |
division of labor | розподіл праці |
earning | доходи |
economic incentives | економічні стимули |
elasticity | еластичність; гнучкість |
endowment insurance | страхування-вклад |
entrepreneur | підприємець |
entrepreneurship | підприємництво |
equalty | рівність |
equilibrium | рівновага |
expenditure | витрати |
expenditures | витрати |
externalities | зовнішні ефекти |
finance charge | фінансові витрати |
gross national product | валовий національний продукт |
household | домашнє господарство; сім'я |
imposed | нав'язаний |
inputs | вхідні вактори виробництва |
irrelevant | неактуальний |
lantern | ліхтар |
legel entity | юридична особа |
loss | втрати |
passbook loan | книжка займу |
private ownership | приватна власність |
production | виробництво |
profit | прибуток |
profit motive | мотив прибутку |
quantity of goods and services | кількість товарів І послуг |
rate of return | норма прибутку |
rationing effect | ефект нормування |
real capital | фізичний капітал |
repayment | погашення |
revenue | прибуток |
reward | нагорода |
safeguarding | охорона |
Savers | Заощадники |
savings | заощадження |
Shifts | Зміни |
splits | розколи |
substitutes | замінники |
sundaes | солодощі |
supply | пропозиція |
surplus | лишок |
tables and graphs | таблиці і графіки |
the level of output | рівень виробництва |
to attend an auction | відвідувати аукціон |
to compel | змушувати |
to deposit money in a savings account | класти гроші на ощадний рахунок |
to distinguish | розрізняти |
to drive out of the market | витіснити з ринку |
to earn interest | одержувати відсотки |
to exceed | перевищувати |
to grip with | захоплюватися |
to held | провести |
to keep track | дотримуватися курсу |
to loan | позичати, давати позику |
to make one's decision | приймати рішення |
to negotiate | вести переговори |
to occur | відбуватися |
to prevail | переважати |
to receive higher interest rates | одержувати вищі відсотки |
to remain | залишатися |
to set the price | встановити ціну |
to share risk | розподіляти страхову суму |
to switch one's deposits from one bank to another | перевести свої вклади з одного банку в інший |
to use one's assets | використовувати (чиє-небудь) майно |
transaction | транзакції |
value of money | вартість грошей |
versa | навпаки |
vice | віце |
wages | зарплата |
willingness | готовність |
yield | прибуток |