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Уголовное судопроизводство

Автор:   •  Ноябрь 17, 2020  •  Контрольная работа  •  653 Слов (3 Страниц)  •  766 Просмотры

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40.04.01 Юриспруденция (магистратура)

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Магистерская программа «Юрист в сфере гражданского, уголовного и административного судопроизводства»

1 курс

Дисциплина: Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности

Тема: Уголовное судопроизводство (13.11.20)

Task 1. Complete the text with the words from the table below.

  1. violent crimes
  2. committed
  3. crime rate
  4. has increased
  5. report the police
  6. influence
  7. setting fire
  1. closed-circuit televisions
  2. combat the problem
  3. methods of preventing
  4. fighting
  5. money
  6. find out
  7. racism

Crime in modern society

Civilized societies have created various systems of defending an individual from violence. Unfortunately, ____1____ is increasing practically all over the world. So the police of any country should protect the citizens, their homes and property.

In both Britain and the USA the greatest attention is paid to ____2____ crimes. Over the past few years in Britain the level of violent crimes against people ____3____ and the level of mugging, shoplifting and vandalism has decreased. There have been also less burglaries, robberies and thefts. But nevertheless, the majority of crimes is directed against property, with car theft accounting for a quarter of all crimes.

The police in Britain discussed methods of ____4____ against such types of crimes. Methods include installing ____5____ or burglar alarm. The risk of burglary is ten times higher in big cities then in the country. So it is important for people to be careful and ____6____ about every suspicious case to prevent break-ins or thefts from private houses.

In the USA these has been a rise in ____7____ among young people, with murder, rape and assault. The import and sale of illegal drugs, in particular heroin and cocaine, is a growing area of crime, and has led to international cooperation between police forces in order to combat it.

“Drinking and driving” is a sort of offence which is often ___8___. Government “drink-drive” campaigns had some success. Police introduced such measures as breath test to ____9____, which is especially acute during the Christmas holiday period.

Scholars and lawyers have tried to ____10____ the reasons for crimes. Some of them say that sometimes a person’s greed, jealousy or frustration may lead to committing a crime.

Others believe that unemployment, poverty, poor living conditions, lack of ____11____, non-satisfaction of material needs, educational level can be causes for burglary, robbery, mugging and other crimes. The poor can steal money or goods, and they are capable of injuring or killing their victims.

Also among the most frequently studied possible causes are drug abuse and drug dealing, easy availability of weapons, ____12____ of television and mass media, single-parent families and unwed mothers, youth gangs.


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