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Исследование физико-химические свойства цеолита чанканаи

Автор:   •  Май 20, 2019  •  Реферат  •  2,267 Слов (10 Страниц)  •  625 Просмотры

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Grnti 31.17.29

Sakibaeva S.1, Iztleuov G.M.1,Sugenbaeva A. 1

M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University by  M.Auezov, Shymkent, Kazakistan


Abstract: One solution of the resources  problem is the use of local natural minerals of the zeolite which can be used as a modifier and the structuring agent and as an agent intensifier processes (activators and vulcanization accelerators, vulcanization retarders, premature; fillers, curatives new). The introduction of the curative systems on zeolites allow to solve the technological problems associated with high-speed and high-speed mixing, and protection from scorch of rubber compounds. The received data and literature review lead to the conclusion that natural Chankanais  zeolites may be modified by the introduction of various modifiers and used as a filler rubber mixtures, because they are cheap and available mineral raw materials.

Key words: Physical, chemical properties, zeolite, Chankanai deposit, IR spectroscopy

Introduction.  To date, there are a number of studies on the use of zeolites in rubber compound recipes. Zeolite excipient may fill a role as a modifier and the structuring agent and as an agent intensifier processes (activator and a vulcanization accelerator, vulcanization retarder premature; filler). Perhaps the introduction of the curative systems on zeolites can solve the technological problems associated with high-speed and high-speed mixing,  protection of rubber compounds on scorch and a number of urgent tasks in the field of recipe building, ecology and economy rubber industry [1,2].

To obtain a product with improved or novel properties in the production process of rubber introduce new components - modifiers, allowing to change the properties of vulcanized rubbers over a wide range. The use of surfactants is one of the most promising directions for modifying the properties of rubber and rubber mixtures, because they, having a specific set of properties, have a significant effect at all stages of processing of elastomers. For example, the use of surface-active substances (surfactants) allows to change the topography of the rubber compounds to improve the distribution and increased solubility of difficultly soluble ingredients of rubber compositions significantly affect the relaxation, mechanical physics and dynamic properties of rubber. It is known that to improve the compatibility of non-polar rubbers with polar fillers effectively treat the surface thereof with surfactants.

Sometimes surfactants can act not only efficient activators sulfur-vulcanization process but also as a separate curing agent. The quality of rubber products is inextricably linked with the conditions of formation during vulcanization optimal spatial grid structure, maximizing the required properties of rubbers [3,4].

In connection with the above, it is of interest to obtain and study of elastomeric compositions based on general-purpose rubbers in partial or complete replacement of zeolite in white soot deposits Chankanaimodified gossipolovoy resin.

In recent years recipe building elastomeric compositions occupy an important place mineral fillers. A large range of studies on the influence of mineral fillers on properties of rubbers indicates the prospects of this direction to improve economic efficiency and environmental safety, as well as to improve the output characteristics of the products on elastomers based on [1].

Filling rubbers usually have one or more of the four main objectives: reduction in price of the material; polymer amplification (increase in the level of its elastic-strength characteristics); give the material some special properties defined filler; improving the technological properties of the composition. Therefore, the replacement of expensive filler cheaper materials while maintaining the necessary set of properties of rubber compounds is an urgent task.

Formulation of the problem.

One solution to this problem is the use of local natural minerals of the zeolite which can be used as a modifier and the structuring agent and as an agent intensifier processes (activators and vulcanization accelerators, vulcanization retarders, premature; fillers, curatives new). The introduction of the curative systems on zeolites allow to solve the technological problems associated with high-speed and high-speed mixing, ie protection from scorch of rubber compounds.

The steps consist of experimental part:

Studying of physicochemical properties zeolite of Chankanai deposit;

-carrying ray diffraction structural determination groups by IR spectrography;

surface-modification zeolite gossipolovoy resin;

-Development of compounding rubber composition for rubberizing valve bodies using a modified zeolite at full and partial replacement of carbon white;

-Studies technological properties of the rubber composition for rubberizing valve bodies;

-Studies mechanical physics properties of vulcanizates.

Experimental part

In this study were investigated the zeolite of Chankanai deposit, its physicochemical properties and the effect of its use in the rubber industry and as a filler.

Methods for studying the properties of rubber and rubber mixtures

To evaluate the behavior of zeolite modified gossipol resin in rubber compositions and their influence on the properties of rubbers used the following set of research methods:

-Method for determining the plasticity GOST 415-75

-Method for determining the kinetics of vulcanization arheometer Monsanto GOST 12535-78

-Method for determining the resistance to tearing GOST 262-75

A study of the zeolite structure

  Determination of the composition of the zeolite was carried out by methods:

- X-ray structural analysis of a recording of the ionization radiation on the device URS- 50IM.

- infrared spectroscopy with a spectrophotometer IKS-29

- electron - microscopic analysis


From the images of electron - microscopic examination of zeolite particles have barlike  (Figure 4a)  and the plate (Figure 4, b) the shape characteristic for clinoptilolite.

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