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Школа-це чудово!

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План-конспект уроку англійської мови

Клас: 6.

Тема: Школа-це чудово!

Мета: * практична:

-активізувати лексику із теми “School”;

-закріпити модальні дієслова у мовленні;

-удосконалювати вживання спеціальних питань.


- розвивати навички аудіювання, монологічного і діалогічного мовлення, читання, письма, фонематичний слух, пам'ять, увагу;

- удосконалювати вимову англійських слів та покращувати інтонування.


- ознайомити із британською системою освіти;

-поширити знання учнів з інших предметів англійською мовою.


- виховувати в дітей якості ідеального учня, зацікавленість до вивчення англійської мови, повагу до школи.

Обладнання: зошити, роздатковий матеріал, ноутбук, проектор, презентація, відео, фішки, плакат, малюнки, наочність, сигнальні картки, сходи.

Хід уроку:

І. Початковий етап уроку:

1. Привітання. Організаційний момент.

-Good morning! I’m glad to see you. How are you?

- Today we have got many guests here. And I’m nervous, that’s why I have forgotten a topic of our lesson. Help me, please. You can see the alphabet. Every letter has got own number. Match numbers with the letters on these sheets of paper and read the topic. (School is great!)

- Look at the blackboard, you can see stairs. If you do a task correctly, you will upstairs. On the top prizes are waited  for you. Let’s work hard!

2. Фонетична зарядка.

-At first, look at the screen. This poem will be an epigraph of our lesson. The title of this poem is “I really like my school”.  Listen to me very attentively and then we will do the same together.

I really like my school

And just want to say,

That’s where I spend

Most of my day.

I really like my school

And just want to say,

I’m always excited

For the very next day!

- Repeat this poem after me. Who can read?

(Вчитель витирає рядки вірша по черзі. Діти відтворюють з пам’яті.)

2. Мовленнєва зарядка.

-Describe an ideal pupil and write words which are associated with it.(successful, well-educated, honest, polite, patient, sociable, curious, serious, ambitious, kind, creative, smart, hard-working, organized, well-bread, self-confident, clever)

[pic 1]

II. Основна частина уроку:

1. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

- What is your homework for today? Are you ready? Let’s check. (a dialogue about school)

2. Poбота з лексикою.

-What school subjects do you know? What subjects are your favourite? What subjects are new for you this year?

-Make a timetable for today on these sheets of paper.

-What equipments do you need for these lessons? You can see many things. What are they?

-Make up own sentences using the example:

In Geography we need…

     3. Монологічне мовлення.

     - Do you like our school? Andrew likes our school very much. For our attention it is his story and presentation.

      4. Письмо.

-Write a piece of advice Andrew using modal verbs.

5. Фізкультхвилинка.

- Let’s relax!

Stand up!

Sit down!

Keep moving!

We are at school today!

Open your book!

Close your book!

Keep moving!

We are at school today!

  1. Читання. Робота в групах.
  • Oh, we have just received a letter from our pen-friend David. Let’s read it different voices. Make groups. Choose one subject  and similar are united in a group. One group reads as the happiest pupils, the second- as sad people.

Hey, my pen-friends!

I am studying in a new school for a week, so I have some news to tell you. My new class is cool. All classmates are kind and help me, when I have some problems. I've already got best friends in my class. Their names are Jack and Kylie. They have shown me school last Monday and it's really big. It has 5 floors, while my old school has only 3. My class teacher is also very kind and she teaches us Ukrainian language and literature. I like my English classroom, because it's beautiful. There is a big desk and there are American and British flags on the walls. We also have a large canteen and the food there is really tasty. I prefer sandwiches and pasta. What do you usually eat at school? How do you spend your school day? I've got seven lessons today and at the end of the day, I think, I'll go to school library to take some books that I need for Literature.

How are you? Tell something about your school life,


  • One group make an internal circle and the second – an external circle. The first’ll stay here, the second’ll choose the partner, if  I clap. Ask and answer:
  • What do you usually eat at school?
  • How do you spend your school day?

      7. Аудіювання.

* pre-watching activity:

-What do you know about English school? Let’s check your ideas. Watch the video and fill the gabs.

*while- watching activity:

Kinds of establishments



  • Primary school,
  • Secondary school,
  • Colleges,
  • Universities.

Religion, History, Math, English, Literature, Geography, Foreign languages, IT, Art, Science, Food Technology, Design Technology.

  • Sport,
  • Music,
  • Art.

* post- watching activity:

-If it is true, rise a green card, if it is false, raise a red card.

  1. At the age of 16 they have examinations.
  2. British start school at the age of five.
  3. The students have a wide choice of subjects.
  4. They have lunch only at home.
  5. After classes they go home.
  6. School finishes at 4 p.m.

ІІІ. Заключний етап уроку:


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