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Шпаргалка по "Иностранному языку"

Автор:   •  Декабрь 10, 2021  •  Шпаргалка  •  6,868 Слов (28 Страниц)  •  324 Просмотры

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                                                                                   Директордың оқу ісі жөніндегі


                                                          Ешпанова Г.А.

                                                                                      «_____» ______________ 2020ж.

Арнайы пәндер бойынша

Мемлекеттік қорытынды аттестаттауға арналған

кешенді емтихан материалдары (билеттер)

(Қашықтықтан оқыту формасында)

2019-2020 оқу жылы

Пәндер: 1) Шетел тілінің практикумы

               2) Практикалық грамматика және шетел тілі лексикологиясы

3) Үйден оқу

Мамандық:  0105000 - Бастауыш білім беру

Біліктілігі:   010503  3 - Шетел тілінен бастауыш білім беру мұғалімі

Оқу тобы:      ША-16-3

Оқытушы:     Испекеева Д.Е.

                                                                 Пәндік-циклдік комиссия отырысында    


Хаттама № _8__ «_04__» __05_ 2020ж.

Төрайымы:______Шадимуратова М.М.



                                                                                             Директордың оқу ісі жөніндегі

                                                                                             орынбасары _______Ешпанова Г.А.

                                                                                             «__»  _________________2020 ж.

Арнайы пәндер бойынша Мемлекеттік қорытынды аттестаттауға

арналған кешенді емтихан  материалдары (билеттер)

 (Қашықтықтан оқыту формасында)

Card 1

  1. Speak on the topic: “Olympic games”
  2. The Noun. Plural forms of nouns
  3. Translate the extract from the story: “The dinner Party” by N. Monsarrat.

Card 2

  1. Speak on the topic: My daily routine
  2. The Articles. Definite and Indefinite Articles.
  3. Translate the extract from the story: “The Filipino and Drunkard” by W. Saroyan.

Card 3

  1. Speak on the topic: At the Cinema
  2. The Pronoun. Types of pronouns
  3. Translate the extract from the story: “Caged” by L.E.Reeve.

Card 4

  1. Speak on the topic: National holidays in Kazakhstan
  2. The Verb. Types of verbs
  3. Translate the extract from the story: “The Green Door” by O.Henry

Card 5

  1. Speak on the topic: Shops and shopping
  2. The Adjective. The Degrees of Comparison of the Adjectives
  3. Translate the extract from the story: “The TV Blackout” by Art Buchwald

Card 6

  1. Speak on the topic: English meals
  2. The Present Simple Tense
  3. Translate the extract from the story: “Then in Triumph” by F.L.Parke

Card 7

  1. Speak on the topic: The health care system in the UK
  2. The numerals. Cardinal and Ordinal numerals
  3. Translate the extract from the story: “The Verger” by W.S. Maugham

Card 8

  1. Speak on the topic: Geography of the United Kingdom  
  2. The Pronouns. Reflexive and Demonstrative pronouns.  
  3. Translate the extract from the story: “A lion’s skin” by W.S. Maugham

Card 9

1. Speak on the topic: London is the capital of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2. The Imperative Mood

3. Translate the extract from the story: “Footprints in the Jungle” by W.S. Maugham

Card 10

  1. Speak on the topic: The health care system in the Kazakhstan
  2. Questions in Indirect Speech
  3. Translate the extract from the story: “The Ant and the Grasshopper” by W.S. Maugham

Card 11

  1. Speak on the topic: Theatre
  2. The Adverb. Kinds of adverbs
  3. Translate the extract from the story: “The Happy Man” by W.S. Maugham

Card 12

  1. Speak on the topic: Education in Great Britain
  2. The Past Simple Tense
  3. Translate the extract from the story: “The Escape” by W.S. Maugham

Card 13

1. Speak on the topic: Student life

2. Indirect orders and request

3. Translate the extract from the story: “Mr. Know-All” by W.S. Maugham

Card 14

  1. Speak on the topic: WorldSkills is an international non-profit movement
  2. The Future Simple Tense
  3. Translate the extract from the story: “Art for heart’s Sake” by R.Goldberg

Card 15

1.   Speak on the topic: Travelling

2.   The Present Perfect Tense

3.   Translate the extract from the story: “Wager with Destiny” by E.E.Gatti

Card 16

  1. Speak on the topic: Holidays in Great Britain
  2. The Preposition. Types of prepositions
  3. Translate the extract from the story: “A Good Start” by H. A. Smith

Card 17

  1. Speak on the topic: Abai Kunanbayev, is a great poet
  2. The Past Perfect Tense
  3. Translate the extract from the story: “The Lautisse Paints again” by H.A. Smith

Card 18

  1. Speak on the topic: My college
  2. The Present Continuous Tense
  3. Translate the extract from the story: “The Beard” by G.Clark

Card 19

  1. Speak on the topic: Course towards the future modernization of Kazakhstan’s identify
  2. The Conditional sentences
  3. Translate the extract from the story: “The Brumble Bush” Ch. Mergendahl

Card 20

  1. Speak on the topic: British writers. My favorite English writer
  2. The Future Continuous Tense
  3. Translate the extract from the story: “Letters in the Mail” by E. Caldwell

ПЦК жетекшісі:    _______________     Шадимуратова М.М.

Пән оқытушылары:  _______________     Кереева О.Ж.

                               ________________   Испекеева Д.Е.


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