Перевод научных статей: проблема качества
Автор: Виктория Александрина • Декабрь 13, 2022 • Творческая работа • 1,266 Слов (6 Страниц) • 234 Просмотры
Translation of scientific articles: the problem of quality
Перевод научных статей: проблема качества
Stavtseva S.V. Student
Scientific supervisor Mikhaylova Yu.L., Candidate of Philological Sciences
FSBEE HE Orel State Agrarian University
В статье рассматривается проблема качества перевода научных статей. В статье проанализированы особенности перевода и проблемы, с которыми сталкивается переводчик при переводе работ в научном стиле. В процессе написания данной статьи были выявлены факторы, влияющие на качество перевода научных работ.
The article deals with the problem of the quality of translation of scientific articles. The article analyzes the features of translation and the problems that a translator faces when translating works in a scientific style. In the process of writing this article, factors affecting the quality of translation of scientific works were identified.
Научная работа, качественный перевод, научный стиль, техническая литература.
Scientific work, high-quality translation, scientific style, technical literature.
Modern science is characterized by close interaction between scientists from different countries who publish academic papers in foreign scientific journals. Articles are mostly published in English, so an author writing in Russian needs a translation of a scientific article.
The translation process is associated with understanding the specifics of a scientific text, the terminology adopted in a particular field of knowledge. The author of the article, starting to work, should have in his working arsenal a stock of lexical phrases adopted in this area of research.
Scientific detailed translation is a complex, multifaceted activity that should lead to a deep reflection of the meaning of the publication. Translation of scientific articles for a journal, performed independently without special knowledge, may be rejected by an international publishing house. The authors may not know its features or not know the foreign language at the proper level.
The purpose of this article is to understand the correctness, features and difficulties of translations of scientific articles.
In doing research we have to fulfill the following tasks
1. To find information about scientific articles and their translations.
2. To compare a literary text with a scientific one and find differences.
3. To make a conclusion about the work done.
English-language articles are often used by domestic researchers to familiarize themselves with the work of foreign colleagues on a particular topic. If there is a need to translate an article from English into Russian, it is better to entrust this responsible task to professionals.
High-quality translation of scientific papers is needed:
• to study a specific problem and get acquainted with fresh ideas, research in the chosen field;
• to write a scientific paper with reference to authoritative foreign sources;
• to write a literary review of a dissertation;
• to get acquainted with the materials of foreign researchers on their scientific topic.
When trying to translate text using a universal translator, you should not expect a good result. The will not cope with the task 100%, since when translating scientific texts it is important to take into account the specifics of the work, to know the terms.
Only a professional who knows the language, understands the subject of the research and is engaged in research himself, will be able to translate the article and convey its meaning accurately.
The scientific translation is characterized by brevity of presentation. It does not accept ambiguous interpretations and any means of expression inherent in the artistic or journalistic style of texts. This is the main difference between technical and literary translation.
The next characteristic feature is the academic presentation of the material, the presence of specific scientific vocabulary and adherence to certain grammatical norms. That is why any deviation from the original wording during translation distorts the meaning of the statement and betrays an amateur. A professional translator must know the necessary rules, terminology and use them correctly.
Another distinctive feature of scientific and technical texts is the organization of the text. The external structure is represented by chapters, sections and subsections, the internal structure implies a consistent solution to the problem through logical conclusions. The smoothness of presentation in this case is provided by linking words.
The peculiarities of translating the article into another language are primarily associated with an absolutely correct interpretation of the information and results. The problems of translating published research papers are associated with the translator's departure from the topic, excessive emotional expression of thoughts, incorrect conveying of the meaning of terms and subscript descriptions. As a result, the article becomes useless, as it distorts the result of the author's research, and in some cases may serve as the beginning of confusion.