Особенности технологий географической информации, используемых в землеустройстве
Автор: g.akylbekovna • Сентябрь 25, 2021 • Статья • 1,665 Слов (7 Страниц) • 290 Просмотры
Features of geographical information system technologies used in land management
Темирханов К.К., к.т.н., доцент
Айса С.Ж., магистрант
Абузар Е.Д., магистрант
Дюсенов Б.Н., магистрант
Temirkhanov K.K., Aisa S.Zh., Abuzar E.D., Dyusenov B.N
НАО «Казахский агротехнический университет им.С.Сейфуллина»
Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin, Nursultan, Kazakhstan
Аннотация. Использование ГИС-технологий в землеустройстве позволяет фиксировать различные изменения и их тенденции. ГИС-технологии в землеустройстве позволяют использовать современные системы электронной геодезии и глобального позиционирования для ввода и обновления информации в базе данных. Одна из основных областей применения географических информационных систем в землеустройстве - мониторинг земель. Использование ГИС-технологий позволяет более полно оценить земельные ресурсы. Географические информационные системы также позволяют оценить степень антропогенной нагрузки на охраняемую территорию.
Abstract. The use of GIS technology in land management allows you to record various changes and their trends. GIS technologies in land management allow the use of modern electronic geodesy and global positioning systems to enter and update information in the database. One of the main areas of application of geographic information systems in land management is land monitoring. The use of GIS technology allows a more complete assessment of land resources. Geographic information systems also allow estimating the degree of anthropogenic pressure on the protected area.
Ключевые слова: геоинформационная система, кадастр, земля, ГИС, Россия.
Keywords: geographic information system, cadastre, land, GIS, Russia.
This article discusses the possibilities of GIS technologies used in land management. Land management is inextricably linked with a new progressive field of research - geoinformatics, which emerged at the intersection of cartography, informatics, geography, mathematics, and other sciences.
Geoinformation technologies are defined as a complex of software and technological, methodological means of obtaining new types of information about the world around. They are designed to improve the efficiency of such processes as management, storage and presentation of information and its processing [1].
Geographic information technologies are new information technologies that are aimed at achieving various goals, including the informatization of production and management processes.
The relevance of this research topic is that geographic information systems represent a new system of orientation in time and space, it embraces modern methods of information processing and, at the same time, is accessible to most people.
The State Land Cadastre solves the problems of spatial consolidation of land plots of various forms of ownership and purpose. In order to work with spatially-coordinated data, duty cadastral maps are drawn up. Currently, such maps are created and used in automated systems that rely on geographic information systems.
Since the systems for maintaining various registers of real estate in Russia were based on the use of geographic information systems as instrumental systems, but it was also necessary to store and process various attributive information, to draw up reporting documentation, additional requirements began to appear that are not specific to geographic information systems. In addition, the developers had problems with the peculiarities of the cadastral registration technology [2]. To maintain a land cadastre, means of administration of attributive parameters are needed, because it is required to solve problems that are associated with maintaining the history of land plots, establishing the intensity of the land market and various tasks of economic assessment of lands. There were no such tools in geographic information systems. In this regard, when creating cadastral systems, it was necessary to use external DBMS more than once.
Subsequently, the approval of the federal target program "Creation of automated systems for maintaining the state land cadastre of the Russian Federation (AS GZK)" by the Goskomzem of Russia decided to develop specialized software that would perform the procedures for state cadastral registration of land plots and enter information on land plots as objects into automated databases law and taxation.
The use of GIS technologies in land management allows not only storing information on land management objects, but also registering various changes and the tendency of such changes. This point in the use of geographic information systems is very important, since it is land management companies that are the source of information about newly emerging objects of cadastral registration. GIS technologies solve some land management tasks faster and more efficiently [3].
GIS technologies in land management allow using modern electronic geodesy and global positioning systems to enter and update information in the database, so they have the most accurate and up-to-date information. Proceeding from the prospects of using geoinformation systems in the land cadastre, it is impossible not to touch upon those tasks that must be solved in the near future. For some reasons, a harmonious automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre at all levels of cadastral registration does not function in Russia today. The work on automation of the level of the cadastral district has been completed, experimental projects have been launched for maintaining the state land cadastre at the level of the cadastral district, as well as at the design stage at the level of the federal district and throughout Russia as a whole, automated systems for maintaining the state cadastre of real estate. In each of these developments, it is impossible to do without geographic information systems.